10 useful tips for entertaining your child at home


Alas, the summer months, which the kids look forward to so much, are not only bright sunny days. The weather is unpredictable and likes to bring surprises that violate our plans. And instead of a fun walk, sometimes you have to sit all day in four walls. How to captivate a little fidget? We bring to your attention 10 interesting tips on how to keep your child at home.

1. Goldfish

In the fourth part of a glass of cool water, add dry gelatin (10 grams) and wait until it swells well. Then heat the water to about 50 degrees and watch the gelatin - it should completely dissolve. Pour the solution with a thin layer on polyethylene and let it dry completely. You should get a thin leaf from which you can cut a wonderful fish. Invite the child to breathe on it and he will surely be delighted when he sees that the fish began to wriggle.

2. Paraffin islands

We pour water in the saucer, paint it with paints in blue or green - what happened? That's right, the sea. Then we take a candle, wait until the paraffin melts, turn the candle over the “sea” so that the paraffin gets into the water. If you change the height of the candle, you can get fancy "islands" that are perfectly connected to each other. Show a little imagination and you will get a real sea with "coral" islands.

3. Magic water

Pour water into a glass cup or jar and throw a phenolphthalein tablet into it. It can be purchased at a regular pharmacy. You will get a clear liquid, but if you add a solution of ordinary drinking soda to it, the liquid will turn pink-raspberry. After admiring the magic, add citric acid or vinegar there - the solution will again discolor.

4. Salt Miracles

Prepare a saturated saline solution. Remember - when adding a new portion of salt to the prepared solution, it should not dissolve. Then lower the wire into it with a loop at the end. After some time, crystals will appear on the loop. Experiment with your child: try dipping, say, a woolen thread into the solution, then the crystals will be distributed differently.

5. The real volcano

Put baking soda in a saucer and slowly pour vinegar over it. The reaction will certainly hit your child, and maybe you. The contents of the saucer will begin to boil and foam in large bubbles. You can enhance the effect - make a “volcano” from plasticine and place it on soda, and pour vinegar directly into the hole of the “volcano”. Believe me, a fantastic sight awaits you!

6. Secret letter

You can do it in two ways. First: dip a brush in milk, take a white paper and calmly write your secret message. Let the letter dry. Can’t see anything, right? Now iron the letter with a hot iron and read on health. Second way: write a message with lemon juice. To read it, just moisten the text a little with water, in which you need to dissolve a few drops of iodine.

7. Flowers on the water

From colored paper, cut flowers with long petals. Using a pencil, twist them to the center and dip this colorful beauty in water. In just a few minutes, you can already enjoy the blooming flower petals. You can get a similar effect if you observe ordinary pine cones. Invite the child to put one lump on a hot battery - and it will open its scales, and leave the other lump in the bathroom - and its scales will close.

8. Color stains

If you like to take a bath with colored salt, then you can come up with a very exciting game. Draw water into the bathtub and pour salt into it. The child will really enjoy watching the salt disappear before his eyes, leaving behind colored zigzags. The sight turns out really beautiful and unusual.

9. Home-made clouds

Fill a jar with a volume of 3 liters of hot water (about 2.5 centimeters). Then put ice cubes on a baking sheet and place it on a jar. The air inside the can will cool as it rises. And the water vapor contained in the air will begin to condense, forming a cloud.

10. Coca-Cola Fountain

You will be surprised, but Coca-Cola reacts very peculiarly to Mentos lozenges. If the pastilles are slightly crushed and placed in a liter Coca-Cola bottle, a real fountain will clog from it! Only please, show prudence and enjoy the effect on the street. He will surely exceed all your, even the most daring, expectations.


Watch the video: Use this Method to Get Your Child to Listen and Behave (June 2024).