June 17: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays June 17th.


Holidays June 17

Iceland celebrates "Republic Proclamation Day"

Icelanders suffered their independence. Indeed, from the end of the 14th century until the nineteenth, the country was a colony of Norway, then the Danish kingdom. Only when the ideas of the French Revolution on freedom and equality came to Denmark did the Icelanders begin the struggle for independence, which was led by Joun Sigurdsson. Defending their rights, Sigurdsson and his associates managed to step by step bring closer the day when Iceland became an independent state. In 1918 Iceland received the long-awaited sovereignty, though in a union with Denmark, and in 1944 became fully independent. Iceland decided to consider the day of the declaration of sovereignty on June 17 - the birthday of the leader of the liberation movement, Joun Sigurdsson, who led the country to victory. This is one of the favorite holidays of Icelanders. They conduct it noisily and merrily: in many cities parades, theater performances are held, music is everywhere, people have fun and dance right in the squares and streets.

June 17 on the folk calendar

Mitrofan Navoznik

The peasants treated manure with great respect. After all, because how well the land will be fertilized by them, so a rich harvest could be expected. Therefore, on Mitrofan, "mother earth" was generously fed with "dung-priest." None of the farmers swayed from this work, so that in the fall they would not be left with empty bins. With Mitrofan, one could begin to sow buckwheat. Determining the time for planting, they focused on strawberry berries. As soon as they began to blush, it was possible to start sowing. Even better if the landing day was on the full moon.

Historical events of June 17

June 17, 1899 the icebreaker Baikal was first launched

It was not just an icebreaker, it served as a ferry crossing on Lake Baikal. The Trans-Siberian Railway has not yet been completed, so trains from St. Petersburg went to Irkutsk, and from Vladivostok only to Mysova. The ferry served as a saving straw, which connected Mysovaya and the Baikal port, daily making two voyages. Its travel time was 4.5 hours, the ferry was able to crack ice of a meter and a half thickness. "Baikal" was the pride of English shipbuilders, because It was distinguished by its large size and carrying capacity. According to these parameters, he occupied the second place among the icebreakers in the world. To deliver the Baikal to the place of operation, it was transported disassembled, and then already in place, reassembled. After completing the missing section of the Trans-Siberian Railway, when the ferry was no longer needed, it was used as a reserve ferry. In the civil war passed to the Red Guards. In August 1918, when the ferry was moored at the Mysovaya station, he was shot by white whales and sank.

June 17, 1939 in France, the last time was a public execution. The guillotine served as the vehicle for the execution of the death sentence.

"Lucky" was the serial killer Eugen Weidman. After all executions were carried out in a prison courtyard without a crowd of onlookers. They decided to refuse the presence of the audience, because They sometimes behaved simply out of control, often scandalized with the press, trying to take better places. The Constituent Assembly in 1789 suggested using the guillotine for cutting off the head. Dr. Guillotin. He believed that the execution was faster, and the victim did not suffer for a long time. And most importantly, now all the "suicide bombers", regardless of social origin, had equal rights before the law. As you know, earlier guillotining was considered a privilege of the nobility. They chopped off their heads with an ax or sword. And ordinary people were more often executed by hanging or simply burned. The offer of a "good" doctor was not immediately accepted. It caused a lot of controversy and required long discussions. However, at the end of April 1792. the first execution using the guillotine took place.

June 17, 1961 Rudolf Nuriev, while on tour in Paris, asked for political asylum

The ballet troupe of the Mariinsky Theater, whose soloist was Rudolf Nuriev, was on tour in France. The dancer refused to return to his homeland and sought refuge. In the Soviet Union, this act was perceived as a slap in the face, and the name of Nuriev in the USSR was banned for more than thirty years. He was acquitted only in 1995, when the Law was adopted that rehabilitates victims of political repression. The career of a great dancer in the West was very successful: he was a star of the Royal London Theater, he toured extensively around the world, his name was booming throughout the world. Having completed the career of a dancer, he staged classical and modern ballets, starred in films, on television. He died in 1993, at the age of 55.

June 17, 1984, at the age of 78, the singer Claudia Shulzhenko passed away

Claudia Shulzhenko was truly a folk artist who won the love and recognition of millions of listeners. Her songs became especially popular during the Second World War, when the singer gave concerts in front of the soldiers right on the front line. The warmth of her songs warmed the hearts of the soldiers, reminded them of their home, mothers, loved ones. A particularly popular song, repeatedly performed by an encore, was Blue Handkerchief, which became the hallmark of Claudia Shulzhenko. At the end of the war, the singer continued her creative activities - she recorded songs, performed with concerts, participated in festivals. Shulzhenko recorded her last record in 1980, and in 1981. her memoirs were published. Claudia Shulzhenko was buried in the Novodevichy cemetery.

Born on June 17

Alexandra Zakharova (born 1962), Russian actress

It is usually said that nature rests on the children of talented people. Bearing in mind that they are unlikely to be able to achieve high results, like their parents. But sometimes there are exceptions. One of them is Alexander Zakharov, the daughter of the famous screenwriter and director Mark Zakharov. Due to her natural, and maybe hereditary talent, the girl managed to enter the Shchukin Theater School. Alexandra plays in the theater and is actively acting in films. One of her first “cinema” paintings was “Formula of Love”, where she played the eccentric Fimka. The viewer saw her completely different in the film "Criminal Talent", where she appeared in the image of Sanka Rukoyatkina, a limiter who came to conquer Moscow. To many viewers, Alexandra opened up as an actress precisely with this role, where she simply perfectly played in a duet with Alexei Zharkov, who played the role of investigator Ryabinin. Other, equally popular films in which the actress starred - "Thin thing", "The Master and Margarita", "Another Life", "The Sentence", "Footprints in the Sand", etc.

Alan Dzagoev (born 1990), Russian football player

Athletes from the Caucasus are not only unsurpassed wrestlers, but also excellent footballers. One of them is a young but talented Ossetian Alan Dzagoev. Many remember his vivid performance at the 2012 European Championship, where he was recognized as the top scorer of the tournament. Although the Russian national team was pathologically unlucky at this Championship, Alan Dzagoev’s beautiful and dedicated game helped ease the bitterness of defeat and failure. Alan is currently a CSKA player. This football player is still quite young and very promising, so it is possible that he will still leave a mark in the history of world football.

Name day June 17

Alexander, Valery, Athanasius, Mark, Cyril, Nikolai, Methodius, Mitrofan, Maria, Martha


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (June 2024).