July 1: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on July 1.


Holidays July 1

Day of voluntary entry of Buryatia into Russia

For the first time on July 1, 2011 - since the adoption of the relevant law - Ulan-Ude (the capital of Buryatia) celebrated the 350th anniversary of the voluntary entry of Buryatia into Russia. And although the debate about the date of "350 years" has not subsided so far, most researchers consider it reliable, since the celebration of the 300th anniversary of entry took place in 1959. Therefore, it is logical to assume that it was in 2009 that the next "tidy" date for Buryatia passed. However, such a grandiose event was noted only two years after "additional consultation with the scientific community."

Beginning of Petrov Lent (date for 2013)

Initially, Petrov (Apostolic) fast was called the Fast of Pentecost. Apostolic decrees testify to its real existence: "After Pentecost, celebrate one week, and then fast; justice requires rejoicing in accepting gifts from God and fasting after the relief of the flesh." This post begins on Monday, seven days after the Feast of the Holy Spirit, or in other words, on the fifty-seventh day after Christian Easter.

Despite the name, the Petrov Lent is held not only in honor of the Apostle Peter, but also another supreme Apostle Paul. According to legend, they fasted these days to cleanse the flesh and spiritual essence for the benefit of further gospel preaching, the carrying of the Word of God. The duration of this post varies from a few days to six weeks, depending on what day Easter falls. The end of Petrov's fast always falls on the Day of the Supreme Apostles on July 12. The kitchen during the period of observing the Petrov Lent is not extremely strict - it is allowed to introduce vegetable (including vegetable oil) and fish products into the diet. Products of animal origin must be excluded.

July 1 on the folk calendar

Day of Yarila. The crown of summer.

From ancient times this day in Russia was dedicated to the god of the sun, warmth, love and fertility - Yarile. The people did not part with this tradition even after the spread of Christianity. True, some amendments appeared in it. For example, it is believed that Christian saints today measure their strength with pagan gods, and the latter, in turn, most often prevail.

On Yarilu, all life on Earth "came into the rage," that is, it began to multiply and bear fruit. Yarila's holiday was considered special in Russia, it was expected for a whole year. Many believed that on this day supernatural phenomena “rebelled”: various spatio-temporal “portals” and “holes” formed in space, the sun slowed down the normal course. You look somewhere and fall into the wormhole leading to the other end of the World. Therefore, people tried to be especially vigilant today.

In the evenings, young people gathered in the fields around bonfires, dances, chants, dances, made fragrant infusions on herbs, and also organized fairs, the so-called “yarilins of games”, trips to relatives and friends, sports events for young healthy daredevils. And those who wanted to see loved ones who had gone to another world held a special ceremony. To do this, they plucked several thin birch branches, wove a wreath from them and looked through it into the evening river. It was believed that if you look through the “ring” for a long time at the water, then the deceased will certainly come into contact.

Historical events of July 1

July 1, 1535 - An outstanding English thinker, humanist, statesman, as well as the author of the famous Utopia Thomas More, who has been in the Tower prison for more than a year, has appeared before the court

The Tower of More was imprisoned for refusing to recognize King Henry’s divorce and the act of his supremacy as the head of the Church of England. An English court immediately recognized Mora guilty of all mortal sins, including high treason, and threatened him with the death penalty if he did not change his mind and repent. However, Mor was unshakable in his convictions. A minute before the execution of the sentence, he looked up to the executioner and said: "My neck is too short for you, so it’s better to aim better so as not to be disgraced." The executioner did not miss, and now there was one less thinker in the world. We only had his numerous works. In 1886, the Catholic Church ranked Mora to be blessed, and in the middle of the twentieth century - to the rank of saints.

July 1, 1751 - The release of the world's first volume of "Encyclopedia"

The project of the first "explanatory dictionary of sciences, arts and crafts" was developed in 1747. The initiator of its creation was the French publisher Louis Breton. Having chosen Denny Didro as the assistant philosopher and writer, Breton began to carry out his plan. Exactly a quarter of a century of his life, Didro devoted the creation of the Encyclopedia. The first twenty-eight volumes were developed under the editorship of the philosopher, but then Breton included another co-editor in the team - like-minded scientist Jean d'Alembert.

Later, such outstanding personalities as Francois Marie Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Paul Holbach, Charles Montesquieu, Paul Helvetius and some other thinkers of the Enlightenment were also included in the project. The first "Encyclopedia" turned out to be extremely interesting and fascinating reference book. Its content was actually directed against feudalism, so it served as an ideological foundation for the birth of the Great French Revolution. Initially, the encyclopedia came out by subscription, and soon became widespread around the world.

July 1, 1783 - Opening of the Bolshoi Theater in St. Petersburg, which later became known as the Mariinsky Theater

The Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg has become a real asset of Russian culture. On July 1, 1783, the existence of his troupe began. Construction work on the formation of the theater began in 1859 on the site of the former Horse Circus, destroyed by fire. October 2, 1860 the theater was renamed Mariinsky - in honor of the wife of Alexander II, Empress Maria Alexandrovna. Many outstanding artists and singers performed on its stage, such as: Leonid Sobinov, Fedor Chaliapin, Boris Shtokolov, etc.

Born July 1

Louis Bleriot (1872 - 1936) - the famous French inventor, the founder of aeronautics. At first he tried to engage in the automotive industry, but could not advance far in this area, then Bleriot was carried away by aviation. He was very fond of experimenting extravagantly, creating, for example, airplanes with tail or other unusual "accessories". However, he soon began to design aircraft according to classical schemes, and in 1909 his aircraft was the first to cross the English Channel.

Vera Mukhina (1889 - 1953) - a famous sculptor, author of "Worker and Collective Farm Girl" - one of the symbols of Soviet power.

Michael Schulz (1919 - 2006) - a scientific chemist, physicist, academician, Hero of Socialist Labor, founder of a scientific school. He took a direct part in the development of materials for the thermal protection of reusable spacecraft.

Diana Francis Spencer (1961 - 1997 gg.) - Princess, who became a universal favorite. Her whole life passed under the scrutiny of the world. The press tracked literally every step of Princess Diana. And her tragic death was an excellent opportunity for the sharks of the pen to walk along the "lines of her life", almost without touching the true personality of the princess.

July 1st

Celebrate: Ipatius, Vasily, Leonty, Alexander, Nikanor, Fedul, Sergey, Eve, Galina, Marianne, Aaron.


Watch the video: Days, Weeks And Months Of The Year 4k (July 2024).