What to do when the suture after childbirth has been opened: common causes and consequences. What to do if a seam has been opened after childbirth


Sometimes after childbirth there is a need to stitch the crotch of the woman in labor. The reason for this may be narrow birth canals, a large fetus, the presence of a scar after past birth and poor tissue elasticity. After such a manipulation, a woman should be very careful, because with the slightest non-compliance with medical recommendations her wound may open again. Let us consider in more detail what needs to be done if the seam has been split after childbirth and how to prevent this.

What to do when the seam diverges after childbirth: the main causes of rupture of threads

Most often, the seams after childbirth can separate for the following reasons:

1. Infection in the wound.

2. Sitting too early.

3. Excessive physical activity (weight lifting).

4. Performing sudden movements.

5. Early resumption of sexual activity.

6. Non-observance of hygiene rules.

7. Constipation, which led to overstrain of the muscles of the maz and rupture of the suture.

8. Non-compliance with medical recommendations.

9. Improper seam care.

10. Wearing tight or too tight underwear.

A suture after childbirth - what to do and how to recognize

The sudden discrepancy of the postpartum suture can be recognized by the following symptoms:

1. Burning sensation in the wound area.

2. Pain and tingling in the seam area.

3. The appearance of swelling of the perineum.

4. A feeling of bursting and heaviness in the wound area may indicate the development of a hematoma and an accumulation of blood.

5. Bloody or purulent discharge.

6. An increase in body temperature (may occur if an infection gets into the wound). In this condition, it is very important to consult a doctor quickly, otherwise, because of this, a woman may lose the possibility of breastfeeding.

7. Weakness.

8. Redness in the area of ​​the seam.

A seam after childbirth was distributed: what to do and how to be

At the first suspicion of a seam rupture, you should contact your observing gynecologist as soon as possible. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe the necessary drugs and procedures.

Traditional treatment for suture discrepancy involves:

1. The use of anti-inflammatory and healing ointments (Levomekol, Syntomycin, Vishnevsky ointment). These funds will help get rid of swelling, pain and redness. They also disinfect the wound and contribute to its rapid healing.

2. If the sutures were still very “fresh” and parted literally on the second day after childbirth, then most likely the doctor will prescribe a re-suturing. In this case, the wound must be washed with antiseptics, so that the infection could not get into it.

It is important to know that when postoperative sutures are applied, a woman in labor is recommended to be in the hospital for five days under medical supervision, and not to rush to leave home, since it is in the conditions of the hospital and its sterility that you can protect yourself more.

3. If the sutures are separated after the wound has healed, then there are two options for the development of treatment:

• if the wound does not pose a threat to the woman’s health, the doctor can leave everything as it is and not re-stitch it;

• if the seam has completely spread, then the edges of the wound are cut again and the threads are re-applied, otherwise an infection can easily get into the seam, and this condition will always cause discomfort for the young mother.

4. In the event that the seam itself was not opened, but only a few of its stitches, this situation does not require repeated surgical intervention. Instead, the wound should be treated with disinfecting ointments and solutions.

5. A much greater danger is the divergence of the suture after a cesarean section, since in this case the wound runs through the entire front part of the peritoneum. In addition, it is quite large and more prone to rupture (due to the fact that the suture is applied to the abdominal muscle, which contracts with almost any physical movement).

It is much easier to see such a discrepancy of the suture, because it is clearly visible, unlike the suture on the perineum, the gap of which can only be accurately determined by the gynecologist. In this case, the woman will feel severe pain and burning sensation while standing and sitting. In addition, she will ooze from the wound.

In this case, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. Doctors usually re-suture.

6. With severe suppuration of the wound and a high temperature in a woman, she is prescribed strong antibiotics, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs. After their administration, breastfeeding will, unfortunately, be impossible.

Usually, the healing time of a wound depends on the type of thread used to suture. Today, natural threads, synthetic and self-absorbable, are practiced. Very rarely used metal staples.

The healing period of absorbable materials takes two to three weeks. As for non-absorbable synthetic threads, they heal longer - from two to three months.

What to prevent the suture from suturing after childbirth: wound care

Proper care of the suture after childbirth is the key to rapid wound healing and the prevention of infection. To do this, follow these recommendations:

1. Regularly lubricate the wound with antibacterial agents. In the first days after birth, the gynecologist himself usually processes the suture, but even after arriving home, these procedures are important to continue on your own.

2. Wash the seams with soap.

3. Wash off after each urination and defecation to prevent infection.

4. Every two hours, replace the gasket.

5. Dry with a clean towel after showering.

6. On the first day after childbirth, defecation must be delayed so as not to “strain” the suture. To do this, a woman should eat only liquid dishes in small portions.

7. Daily treat the wound with brilliant green. It is also possible to apply absorbable and healing ointments, but only if prescribed by a doctor.

In addition, with prolonged healing, you can apply radiation using special lamps. This procedure is done by a gynecologist.

As an additional prophylaxis, a woman is recommended to visit a gynecologist once a week and conduct a checkup of the wound.

What to do to prevent discrepancies in sutures after childbirth: prevention tips

To minimize the risk of divergence of sutures after childbirth, you should follow these tips:

1. In the first days after birth, a woman should not sit. All manipulations (including nutrition, feeding the baby, etc.) must be performed while lying or standing. Moreover, even after discharge, when driving home you need to leave while lying down, after having unfolded the seat in the car. Only four weeks later (if everything is normal and there are no complications) can you fully sit down.

2. Sexual life should be abandoned until the seams are removed, since usually this particular factor provokes the earlier discrepancy of the threads. In addition, sexual activity can contribute to the infection getting into a fresh wound, which will only prolong the rehabilitation process.

3. Follow personal hygiene rules.

4. Wash it with baby soap without dyes and fragrances that can cause irritation.

5. You should wear seamless, spacious underwear made from natural fabrics or special disposable panties. Do not wear narrow models or tightening underwear until the wound has completely healed.

6. Twice a day, treat the seam with antiseptics.

7. Maintain hygiene in the perineal area and with bloody or mucous secretions that may occur after childbirth, change pads as often as possible.

8. Particular attention should be paid to nutrition so as not to cause constipation. Thus, it is better to temporarily abandon the use of flour and sweet. Instead, it is better to give preference to fermented milk products (kefir, cottage cheese), as they not only normalize stool, but also improve the general intestinal microflora.

It is important to know that you can’t take pain medications on your own, especially when a young mother feeds her baby with breast milk. This is explained by the fact that most medications can be excreted from the body along with biological fluids, including breast milk, which the baby will then drink. This, in turn, can cause serious problems in the newborn.

Before taking any medication, be sure to consult your supervisor.


Watch the video: Episiotomy and stitches - why did no-one tell me? (July 2024).