Itching under the armpits - how to get rid of trouble. What to do if there are red spots under the armpits and they itch?


Red spots under the armpits that occur in a person always cause discomfort, especially if they itch.

This is not only an unpleasant sensation, but also a reason incomprehensible at first glance.

The skin always speaks about the state of our body, so even minor inflammations make us think that something is wrong.

Itching under the armpits: causes

Red spots arising under the armpits always indicate that the work of some internal organ is impaired. Existing diseases can also affect such skin rashes. After you notice that spots have appeared under your armpits, you need to visit a dermatologist as soon as possible, who will examine you and identify the exact cause of the condition.

Spots in the armpits can indicate a serious illness, which means that treatment should be started as soon as possible. But even if the spots under the armpits are not the result of a complication, they still need to be eliminated in order to avoid negative consequences.

Our armpits are a weak spot on the whole body, on which sensitive skin, any irritation can cause skin rashes. The main causes of spots under the armpits are as follows:

1. An allergic reaction of the body. Allergies can occur due to eating certain foods. Most often, these include spicy dishes, sweets or citruses. The body is oversaturated with certain components, and the skin in a sensitive place reacts with the appearance of red spots.

2. Cosmetics used for body care are of poor quality. Before using a lotion or deodorant, pay attention to its expiration date, as well as conduct a sensitivity test. If you neglect this rule, red spots may appear, which will be very and constantly itchy, thereby causing you discomfort.

3. Sweating profuse. Sweat is an ideal environment in which harmful microorganisms and bacteria can multiply. That is why red spots, purulent formations or ordinary acne so often appear in the armpit.

4. Hydradenitis. This is a skin disease in which sweat gland inflammation occurs. It can occur for various reasons, for example, due to the staphylococcus virus. Another cause of the disease is poor hygiene.

5. Depilation. Many modern women and men get rid of armpit hair. But if you carry out the procedure incorrectly, then spots can form and itching appears. After you perform depilation, be sure to use a cream. Make depilation on time, as the hair grows fast enough.

6. The fungus. After the onset of the disease, itching and rash occur under the armpits. A fungus can occur with improper hygiene. In addition, the fungus can be "picked up" by visiting public baths or saunas. If you do not deal with timely treatment, then it can go to other organs.

If you have red spots and itch under your arms, be sure to visit a dermatologist so that he will conduct an examination and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Red spots itch under the armpits: how to get rid of them

Red spots itch under the armpits, how to cure irritation and relieve itching? The question worries many, but, unfortunately, not everyone knows the answer to it. In order to get rid of red spots and relieve itching, you first need to identify the exact cause of this condition. If the appearance of red spots is associated with the use of low-quality cosmetic products, then you need to exclude them, or give preference to other products that affect the skin in a gentle way.

The first step towards recovery is daily hygiene. Wash your armpits with products that are right for your skin type. In case of excessive sweating in the summer, it is recommended to use saline solution (for one liter of water, take two tablespoons of salt).

In order to cure severe irritation, in which the red spots are large, and the itching is difficult to tolerate, you can use the following means:

1. Vaseline.

2. Ointment, which includes cortisone, for example, Fluvet, Dermatop.

3. Preparations with zinc oxide (Tsindol, Diaderm).

As a result of using too fatty products in an area where there is strong hair, clogging of the follicles can occur, this will further affect the already unpleasant situation.

With fungal infection, it is sufficient to use the usual local remedies:

1. Lamicon.

2. Lamisil.

3. Clotrimazole.

If the form of fungal infection is more severe, then taking antibiotics is indispensable:

1. Levorin.

2. Nystatin

With a complex form of dermatitis, hormonal ointments must be used:

1. Akriderm.

2. Pimafukort.

3. Lorinden.

In addition to corticosteroids, antibacterial or antifungal drugs may be included. If red spots arose due to irritation that arose due to fungi and bacteria, then treatment should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor.


1. Citrine.

2. The zodak.

3. Claretin.

In order to get rid of profuse sweating, you need to use Botox injections, as well as laser lipoxation.

Irritation can occur even due to the fact that blood sugar is elevated. That is why local remedies are not always effective. After the occurrence of red spots under the armpits, you need to follow a certain diet, take vitamins and follow the right lifestyle.

Allergy Therapy

In order to get rid of red spots that have arisen as a result of an allergic reaction, you need to take antihistamines. After this, you need to identify the reason for which the body gave such a reaction. For some, everything lies in the use of hygiene products, and someone suffers from eating poor-quality foods.

To get rid of the problem, you can use folk remedies. In this case, various lotions from a birch decoction help well. As a result, you can remove redness, get rid of severe itching. But the main plus in this method is accessibility. You can buy a collection of herbs at any pharmacy.

Many doctors recommend rubbing the armpit area with lemon juice, but first you need to dilute it with water. The soda solution has exactly the same effect.

In order to avoid clogging of pores in the future, it is necessary to use deodorants correctly:

1. Spray personal hygiene products at a distance of at least 5 cm.

2. Before you go to bed, take a shower in order to wash off all the sweat.

3. Antiperspirant is allowed to use no more than once a day.

Itchy under the arms: folk remedies

If the red spots formed under the armpits have arisen due to excessive sweating, you can try to get rid of them with a tincture of chamomile. Take one spoon of grass and pour it with a glass of boiling water. Set aside for 20 minutes, then strain. In the resulting product, add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and wipe the affected area several times a day.

With irritation from low-quality deodorants, it is effective to use tincture from St. John's wort. To prepare the product you will need two tablespoons of the plant. Pour them with hot water, wait 20 minutes until everything is infused, and then wipe the armpit area three times a day.

In the hot season, it is useful to wipe the armpits with a decoction of oak bark. Under the influence of the drug, sweat glands will begin to work as before.

All folk remedies have a sparing effect on the armpits, you can use them even without the permission of a doctor. But it’s still worth a visit to a medical institution, since you need to know the cause of the spots.

Red spots itch under the armpits: prevention

In order not to encounter such a problem as red spots under the armpits, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures in a timely manner, and also follow the basic rules:

• Try to wear only loose clothing that will not adhere to your skin. If you sweat excessively, purchase items only from quality materials, such as silk or linen;

• sweat is a good breeding ground for bacteria. That is why the armpit area needs to be handled well. In no case should you neglect hygiene procedures;

• Before performing depilation, be sure to moisturize the skin, as severe irritation may occur;

• after the hair under the armpits is shaved, be sure to moisturize the skin with a special emollient cream, if the skin is suddenly damaged - carefully treat everything with alcohol or any other antiseptic;

• Do not use antiperspirants immediately after the depilation;

• In order to minimize the risk of damage, use chemical depilation (but only if you are not allergic to it).

Red spots under the armpits can form for various reasons. In most cases, the problem is easily eliminated by conventional folk remedies, which every patient can use at home. But of course, this is only allowed if the cause of this condition is precisely known. In more serious cases, of course, it is necessary to undergo a more thorough medical examination.

Important! Self-medication is allowed only after consultation with a dermatologist. If the funds for the treatment were chosen incorrectly, and the course of treatment was not completed until the end, then resistance to the drugs may occur, and therefore side effects.

You need to carefully care for your body so that there are no unpleasant diseases.


Watch the video: Dry Skin and Eczema Treatment - OnlineDermClinic (June 2024).