Plot how to forget a loved one


Who does not know this very nasty state, when the light is not sweet, and the people around are disgusting? When you yourself hate to disgust, and all thoughts are about one person. And it seems like the points have long been set, like a step forward has been made. But I want to turn back, throw myself at my feet and beg for favor.

How to get rid of this condition? How to live further, deleting from the heart that which is not going to leave it? How to continue to live on and open a fist, so that something new lies in the palm of your hand?

Conspiracies and prayers will come to the rescue. Special, white magic rituals that purify hearts and souls from painful attachments. They have been practiced since ancient times, and to this day they serve the suprema spes for those whose defense is so weakened by their experiences that they need support from the side. In situations where there are no relatives and friends who are able to protect and reassure, there are those who will always hear you - the higher mystical forces. For believers, prayer is of particular importance. So conspiracies can help those who believe in their own forces and the forces of nature.

Conspiracies how to forget a person forever

Parting is always a blow to the biofield. The strength of this energy strike does not differ from the one whose decision was to end the relationship. Sometimes those who themselves put an end, suffer from it no less than the other side.

Regardless of what led to the separation, it is very difficult to forget forever the person to whom you have feelings. With the help of conspiracies and prayers, it is possible to thin the connecting thread and greatly facilitate the process of liberation.

Conspiracies "how to forget the person you love" are carried out, as a rule, on a waning moon. In a decreasing phase, the flow of energy is reduced and the influence of negative emotions is weakened. Of course, if desired, and confidence in their abilities, prayers will work in any phase. The main thing is to avoid any magical rituals at the weekend. On Saturday and Sunday, the mystical powers, like us, rest, so it will be problematic to enter for them.

Conspiracies to forget come in different types. They do not always belong to white magic. Conspiracies, in which the evil partner wants evil - dark and their use can harm you. Choose conspiracies that work from a position of good.

The most effective prayer to forget a beloved man forever, is this:

“The forces are bright, the forces are good, get rid of grief and anger. My bitter love, vain hope, my selfless affection - take yourself. Freedom and happiness, peace, impartial, I pray you, give in return. "

For women to forget a man

For belonging to the fair sex there are more plots. Since ancient times, it is believed that higher forces are more supportive of women in heart matters. Men, who are strong in nature, rarely ask for help, especially from higher powers. Perhaps, therefore, conspiracies to forget have a thin structure, more pleading than demanding. Based on this, you first need to properly tune in to the plot. Prayer must be uttered sincerely and with sad warmth, avoiding aggression or bitter grief. Read the plot, as a sincere prayer, as a request for condescension and the highest gift.

One of the strongest conspiracies from longing for a loved one is a conspiracy on the flame of a candle.

On a moonlit night, when the month is clearly visible in the sky, stand in front of the window in one white shirt. Take a burning candle and scissors. Hold the scissors with the hand you write. If you are right handed - right, if you are left handed - left. Bring the scissors to the flame and cut it without touching the wick. Repeat the action while reading the plot:

“Not to return, not to forgive, not to understand, we no longer hug each other. For the last time, let the flame heats, but as a backside, back with us. As a cat scatters away from my thoughts, as I cut the flames, I will not hurt you anymore. ”

Sometimes it is not just a man, but a husband with whom you were married, but for some reason he broke up. Then the case must be approached with much greater responsibility.

In order to forget the person with whom you were married, you will need to perform a whole ritual. In the process of ritual you will have to resort to the help of all the higher forces that are available to you. It could be moonlight, a candle flame, a whiff of wind.

You will need:

  • nine candles;
  • your personal thing you wore;
  • the personal thing of your spouse;
  • engagement ring (at least yours);
  • land;
  • rock salt;
  • Holy water;
  • flower pot;
  • seeds;
  • scapula.

Choose a bright moonlit night from the last quarter of the waning phase. Shortly before midnight, arrange the collected material from the list on the windowsill.

Light the candles. Arrange them along the length of the sill. Watch out for them not to tip over. For the ceremony described, low and thick candles will do.

Take a pot, which is not a pity, of any size.

From personal items fit: handkerchiefs, fabric / thread decorations or dried flowers, presented to you by your spouse, letters. The items listed should be laid inside the pot.

Mix the earth and rock salt in the ratio of 2/1. Salt is the best magic conductor, its crystals take over your mental message and facilitate the implementation of magic in life.

Position your wedding ring in the center of the pot filled with the mixture. If there are two rings, place one on the other. Carefully pour into the ring a dozen seeds. There is no particular seed category, the choice is yours. You can take medicinal chamomile, sunflower, oats, cross-salad - a fast-growing plant.

Pour the holy water into the ring, trying to keep the seeds from coming out of it.

Now speak a conspiracy on them:

“All that has been - I let go, I take off the pain with my hand. As sprouts grow in the ground, - so my longing will melt. As the land I give my love, - so I will become free from you. The moon is my witness, the fire mate me, the wind blown away my love, take it away, break it, set it free. ”

Wax each of the nine candles on the edge of the pot, saying:

"All that was - seal the candle, the more you need me have no power."

After that, extinguish each candle with a strong exhalation towards the window. Sentence:

“Hear my words of the wind, scatter around the world with rumors. Take away my right to be weak, make me alive. Give me back my mind. ”

A few days later, when the sprouts are growing, take the pot to the garden, garden or park. Carefully move the entire contents of the pot to the ground and speak the last words of the plot:

“As my love was strong, so strong is my will to refuse it. I leave you to grow in the ground, but do not worry me anymore, I am free and happy. ”

Now go home with a light heart. You performed a powerful magical ritual and freed your soul from oppressive affection.

For men

No matter how strong men seem outwardly, their inner world is much thinner than that of women. Due to the fact that, by nature, they are predators, subordinating and dominating, it is very difficult for them to part with their prey. Therefore, conspiracies for them require greater concentration and complete detachment from the outside world.

For a conspiracy to forget a girl, a man should be given a whole day.

All you need is a bunch of mint and an empty bottle. In one free day, go to a living source of water: key, spring. It is important that the water in it was clean. It is better if there is a place of pilgrimage nearby, which is considered a source of sacred water.

To perform the ritual should be in solitude, complete silence and silence.

Sit back on the bank of the spring and close your eyes.

Imagine your heart in a casket with a door. Here you open it and take out all the accumulated pain. Tearing from the sprouts of mint on a leaflet, throw it into the water. In the imagination - every petal of mint - is part of the pain. Throw all negative thoughts, feelings and sufferings into the spring. Opening your eyes, watch them float away from you.

Do not leave the source before the onset of relaxation, until the feeling of deliverance. When the chest-heart is empty, the cup of your suffering will become empty. Do not lift mint leaves thrown into the water. Leave a few sheets of the beam, take them back home, scoop in a bottle of clean water from the source.

At home, add the remaining mint petals to the water. Put the bottle near the bed, tightly closing the lid. During the week before bedtime wash your face with mint water, imagining how it washes away the remnants of the experience. Do not utter a word with this, do not convince yourself - just imagine.

The power of the water, the petals and your desire to free yourself, together will give a huge magical effect. In a week you will catch yourself thinking that you are not thinking about suffering. You will breathe easier and you will completely forget about the one that broke your heart.

A conspiracy to help forget love with candles

A conspiracy to help forget a loved one can be carried out on a candle.

You will need a wide candle and a knife, an awl, or another pointed hard object. Cut out the name of your love on the candle. Light it before bedtime and place it near the bed. Speak the plot:

“I will light a candle,” I will call you. Last time be in a dream, the next morning - forget me. As the candle burns out, so the heart will set free. ”

Go to bed. In the dream you will see your love. Hug her goodbye, thank you for all the good that you had and release. The next morning you will wake up with relief. Burned out candle candle wrapped in cloth and bury in the ground.

If the person you were trying to forget did not come on the first night in your dream, repeat the procedure with a new candle. Repeat until you succeed.

Conspiracy to forget the one who does not love

There are situations when a woman or a man cannot forget a person who does not love him or her. Higher forces are favorable to this kind of people and help more willingly. Only white magic can purify your soul from the attachment that has enveloped it. For this ritual, you will need a ball of black wool and a short piece of red. Also scissors and a candle.

It is better to light a candle in advance and place it at arm's length. Fill the end of the black thread behind the collar and unwind the ball, wrapping it around you. When the deep end - hold the scissors over the flame. With the consecrated scissors proceed to cutting the thread, saying:

“The thread is black, barren love, leave, leave, leave. As I cut with scissors - so I take off my longing. How to cut everything - rebellious love no longer touch me, the thread around does not curl, I do not grab. Black-black thread - leave me. "

Then tie a red thread on the wrist. Tie seven knots, pronouncing the words of the final conspiracy:

“There was a black thread, it became a red thread. The thread is protective, the thread is kind, take out the dreary love, make me a good girl. How to bind you - so free myself. Red-red thread - protect me. ”

Put some wax on the ends of the strings.

This double ritual will both cleanse your soul of affection and protect it from its return.

During the rituals, conspiracies and prayers do not regret their deeds. Everything that happens around us, good or bad, gives a new experience. Makes us wiser and stronger, prepares for life.

White conspiracies help us walk this path.


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