Verbena - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Verbena general description

Verbena (Verbena) - a herbaceous or semi-bushy plant of the verbena family, belongs to the type of perennial plants. On a tetrahedral erect stem up to 80 cm tall, oblong opposed lobed or split leaves on short cups are located. Numerous flowers of pale violet color, divided into 5 petals, are collected in the form of a panicle, which is a long spike-shaped inflorescence. The flowering period is from May to October. The fruit is formed in the form of a seed box, divided into 4 seed nuts. The seeds are very small. The ripening of the fruit is determined by their color in gray-green color. This is a thermophilic plant that can easily tolerate drought.

Verbena species and places of growth

In total, there are more than two species of this plant, the most famous is verbena pharmacy, there are also hybrid, garden, lemon, etc. Pharmaceutical verbena is cultivated as a medicinal plant, garden for decorative purposes. The birthplace of the plant is considered to be America and Chile, on a large scale it is grown in the south of France. In its natural form, 4 plant species are found in the CIS in the southern parts of Russia, Ukraine, the Caucasus, the Crimea, and Central Asia.

Verbena - healing properties

The composition of the plant includes verbenamine glycoside, which has many therapeutic effects, as well as tannins, bitterness, carotene, verbelin glycoside. This medicinal plant is used to treat a number of diseases of the respiratory system - bronchitis, laryngitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, as well as liver diseases - hepatitis, cholecystitis. In addition, it is indicated for toothache, hypotension. External use in the form of lotions and compresses is used for skin diseases (rash, furunculosis, purulent wounds, eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, abscesses, mumps). Rinses remove bad breath and heal scurvy, improve the condition of the hair.

Verbena - dosage forms

For medicinal purposes, root, oil, plant juice, flowers, dried stems and grass are used. In home medicine, it is used infrequently, usually in the form of decoctions and lotions. The aerial part of verbena is harvested mainly during flowering, when it contains the maximum percentage of essential oil (citral). It is used in the form of alcohol (1%) tincture and tea.

Verbena - recipes

For colds, they use grass juice with honey and warm water.

Verbena infusion: pour 0.5 liters of boiling water in a thermos with 3 tbsp. l herbs, insist 3 hours, strain. This infusion can be used both externally (rinse) and internally. Take a third of a glass half an hour before eating. Use in the form of rinsing the mouth and throat with stomatitis and tonsillitis (carried out in a warm form), as well as lotions for acne and various wounds.

Verbena broth: 0.5 l of water is brewed per 1 tbsp. l crushed raw materials for 5 minutes over low heat, squeezed and filtered. It is brought to the initial level. Use before meals with honey or raspberry jam.

Lotions - crush fresh leaves and attach to the wound. With bites of rabid animals - boil grass stems in wine and drink.

Verbena contraindications

Abuse of verbena can lead to sad consequences. Tinctures and decoctions with prolonged use can become an irritant to the intestinal mucosa.

Verbena and mysticism

In European countries, this plant has long been considered mystical. She is credited with the ability to drive out evil spirits and cleanse the home, give strength to the owners. The special properties of the sacred branch are used in love potions and in the treatment of men for impotence. At the same time, this plant protected our ancestors from witchcraft. A bouquet of Verbena is presented to the person whom they wish well.


Zulfira 06/18/2016
I’ve been looking for Verbena for forty years. In my herbalist this grass was attributed so much good, even one of the herbs of God seems to be. Finally, in Italy I got acquainted with this grass. The Italians treat the verbena knee - when the bruise, when the knee hurts. I’m all happy, I’ll start applying verbena in all directions now. But if it’s written inside, don’t overdo it!

Kira 04/18/2016
I never heard about this plant, even the name is not familiar to me. Probably not so often used. But, here the fact that a decoction of verbena can help in the fight against eels and similar phenomena is very interesting. Worth trying.

Masha 04/18/2016
And from the rash, and from psoriasis, and from eczema ... Well, just a beautiful plant with pretty flowers. It could help a lot of people. I know that psoriasis is not completely treated, but is only drowned out. Maybe from this weed, a cure will come at all.

Naina 04/18/2016
Oh yeah! I also liked the last paragraph of the article. I want myself a bunch of such weed. To protect my family from all kinds of unkind people and from all evil. And, of course, I would love to give such a bouquet to a good person !!!

Dina 04/18/2016
I was very interested in this article and this plant. And especially - the last paragraph of the article))) Mystical properties are just wonderful, and any person wants to clean his house from all kinds of evil. If I find such a plant - be sure to buy it.


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