Blueberries - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Blueberries - general description

Pigeon (Vaccínium uliginósum) deciduous shrub, belongs to the heather family, in appearance it is very similar to blueberries. The root is fibrous, there are no root hairs, nutrients from the soil enter the plant and are absorbed using mycorrhiza. The stalk is creeping or woody with erect branches.

Obovate thin leaves (up to 3 cm) have an oblong shape and slightly bent down edges. Small five-toothed flowers, have drooping white or pink pitcher corollas. Edible fruits - blue berries with a bluish bloom, with a greenish inside, very juicy.

Blueberries - types and places of growth

Blueberries are found in the Northern Hemisphere in almost all regions of temperate or cold climates. This nutritious berry can be found even in the tundra, in the upper zones of the mountains, often it grows in swamps and forests. On the Eurasian continent, it grows from Iceland to the UK, in the Russian and Japanese Far East, in North America (Alaska, Newfoundland).

The natural conditions for blueberries are forests, swampy and rocky tundra, mountains to the mountain-tundra belt and the Arctic regions. The plant can rise to a height of 3 km above sea level, prefers well-lit areas. There are several subspecies that grow in various areas best suited to them. Some species are protected in nature reserves.

Blueberries - healing properties

Edible juicy blue berry is fraught with many useful properties. In addition to its nutritional value, it has a huge range of therapeutic effects in various diseases. It can be used in the treatment of the walls of blood vessels, pancreas, intestines. Blueberries prevent aging of nerve cells. Basically, berries are consumed fresh and are an indispensable tool for use by patients with diabetes, as they reduce blood sugar.

In addition, the unique properties of blueberries include the ability to protect against the effects of radio emission (strontium and cobalt are excreted from the body), maintain intestinal health and optimal iron level in the blood. The unique composition of blueberries includes benzoic, citric, malic, oxalic, acetic acid, sugar, proteins, tannins and pectin. Vitamins of the K, P and PP groups provide skin elasticity.

Blueberries - dosage forms

For the most part, blueberry fruits are used, which in themselves are a real storehouse of nutrient and healthy elements. But blueberries can be used not only berries and juice - leaves, although to a lesser extent, also have a large number of beneficial properties. They are used for the preparation of decoctions and marinades. Dried berries are used in the preparation of compotes and drinks.

Blueberries - recipes

Blueberry juice is used for diarrhea, inflammation of the kidneys, hypoavitaminosis, for rehabilitation after heavy operations and long-term illnesses. Blueberry infusion is used to treat colitis and pancreas. An infusion of leaves is drunk with anemia. Residents of the northern regions traditionally insist on blueberry leaves and use it as a vitamin remedy. There are no restrictions on the use of blueberries for medicinal purposes.

Anti-dysenteric infusion: 1 spoon of dried berries is brewed in a glass of boiling water for 15 minutes.

Blueberries - contraindications

Contraindications when eating berries were not observed. A unique property of blueberries is the complete absence of allergic reactions when used in any form by children and adults.


Larisa 04/19/2016
Even in the picture, the blueberry looks so that you immediately want to eat it!)) Such a beautiful color, in my opinion, is no longer found anywhere in nature. And about the useful qualities of this berry, and nothing to say. She will help from all diseases.

Ioannina 04/19/2016
I didn’t even know that this berry is so useful for diabetics. I need to advise her to my friend. She is sitting on insulin. Blueberries can make her life a lot easier. I just don’t know. Is it sold in pharmacies? And will this go for treatment?

Zhanna 04/19/2016
How many useful things are created by blueberries. What is only the property to remove radioactive substances! This can be very useful. And the rest of the properties are very effective and necessary for humans.

Nata 04/19/2016
Oh! I just love this delicious berry. She’s just like that ... Pretty))) I once went to visit friends and there they grow this berry not far from home. At that moment, it seemed to me that I didn’t eat anything tastier at all!))


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