Irga - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Irga - general description

Irga (scientific name - amelanchier) is a deciduous shrub plant up to 4-5 m in height, belongs to the genus apple and the pink family. The leaves are small, whole, rounded at the base and smoothly pointed at the end. The leaf blade is smooth from above, rough and pale from below.

Diverse flowers of cream, white or reddish color are collected in a corymbose inflorescence, consisting of 5-10 floral specimens. Blooming irgi only 10-14 days, in the May-June period. The fruit is a juicy apple drupe, first green, and then poured with a deep blue or red tint. The diameter of the drupe varies from 5 to 15 mm, depending on the type of shrimp. Ripens, as a rule, at the end of July, August.

Irga - types and places of growth

In total, in nature, there are 12 varieties of irgi that inhabit mainly temperate countries of the Northern Hemisphere. It is found in all regions of Russia, Europe, Crimea, the Caucasus, in the northern regions of Africa, Asia Minor, North America and Japan.

Of great importance in culture is the round-necked irga. The fast-growing, unpretentious and frost-resistant tree has been known since the 19th century. For the first time, the British and Dutch began to cultivate it, and then the whole of Europe. Irrigus rotundifolia grows in bright places. It prefers dry slopes, screes, forest edges, rare forests; widely cultivated as a garden fruitful plant.

Irga - healing properties

The fruits of irgi abound in the most important vitamin P (or rutin), which favorably affects the blood vessels, cleans the walls, eliminates brittleness, gives elasticity, which in turn prevents the development of atherosclerosis and vascular catastrophes - heart attack, stroke. In addition, spherical fruits are a whole multivitamin complex that helps to cope with vitamin deficiency, thereby strengthening the body.

Flowers reduce pressure, normalize cardiac activity, and bark and leaves are used as enveloping and astringent. These properties of iergi help to cope with intestinal upset, enterocolitis and hypertension.

Irga - dosage forms

Healing properties are possessed by all aerial parts of a shrub plant: fruits, leaves, flowers, and bark. Berries collected by brushes are consumed fresh, squeezed juices out of them, make stewed fruit, preserves, jams, etc. For the winter they can be frozen or dried. Fresh leaves, and dry in the winter, are used to make decoctions, teas, tinctures. The bark and inflorescences cut during flowering are dried and used for the same purpose.

Irga - recipes of traditional medicine

Berry tincture: fill a bottle or any glass container with a quartet for three fours, add forty-degree vodka and insist for two or three days. Throw away the fruits, and use tincture of tea l. 2-5 times a day. Store in a cool place for no more than seven, ten days.

Infusion for hypertension, cardiovascular disease: 2 table. tablespoons of dried or fresh flowers pour 400 g. boiling water, insist, wrapping, about 3 hours. Then strain, squeeze and take cold 2 tablespoons each. l before each meal.

Decoction of irgi with diarrhea, gastritis, enterocolitis: 20 gr. crushed crust (dry or fresh), add to boiling water - 400 ml, steam in a water bath with a lid closed for 10-15 minutes. Then strain and bring to the original volume, cool and drink half a glass 3-5 times a day.

Leaves are an excellent raw material for preparing a healing drink that will relieve tension, relax muscles and help cope with insomnia. Brew 2-4 whole leaves in a glass, let it brew for 15 minutes and drink in a warm state for health! For taste, you can add sugar, honey (preferably).

Irga - contraindications

Contraindications to use have not been established. Use fruit with caution with a tendency to hypotension and diathesis. In addition, large doses of irgi inhibit the central nervous system and weaken the concentration of attention.


Lily 04/22/2016
I did not know that the leaves of the berry are also useful, and you can make a decoction of them. Thank. Now, I will certainly do just that. The healing properties of this shrub are generally known to me. Mom, with the help of Irgi, fights high blood pressure.

Julia 04/22/2016
Irga, even in the picture it looks very attractive and appetizing!)) We eat a bush at home very quickly, and even buy this berry additionally. She was not specifically treated for anything, but she definitely stabilizes her general well-being.

Natasha 04/22/2016
Oh! And I just love this berry! I know that it helps in strengthening the heart muscles, reduces blood pressure and much more. My grandmother taught me to her, she said a lot of things about the benefits of Irgi. Now, I grow it in the garden.

Vera 04/22/2016
Very tasty, just wonderful berry. In our garden, several trees grow. I have all the relatives just absorb the irga))) So, we have these few pieces for a week to eat))) Cool berry, it contains a bunch of vitamins.


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