The best home whitening facial mask: recipes. Rules for the Effective Use of Home Facial Whitening Masks


The natural desire of any girl is the presence of healthy, young and beautiful skin on her face. Unfortunately, not every representative of the fair sex can boast of the perfect color of the epidermis. The best assistant with hyperpigmentation of the skin and uneven complexion are whitening masks, the holding of which is permissible at home.

The effectiveness of the best home whitening face masks

The purpose of whitening masks is not to radically brighten the skin of the face, but to even out the tone. To achieve the maximum effect, it is necessary to conduct a full course of this cosmetology procedure. Single use of bleaching mixtures is ineffective and can trigger the development of an allergic reaction.

When using whitening masks with correctly selected components at home, you can get the following positive effect:

• Lightening dark spots in several shades.

• Elimination of pigmentation of various types of origin.

• Improving skin color.

• Neutralization of redness of the epidermis caused by various factors.

• Make less visible the traces that remained as a result of the elimination of acne after squeezing acne.

• Lightening the tan.

• Restoration of the skin after cosmetic procedures, which resulted in small scars and the formation of a red tint.

Due to the presence of a wide spectrum of action, the best home whitening facial masks are able for a minimum period of time not only to even out skin tone, but also to improve its general condition, as well as increase tone.

According to the recommendations of cosmetologists, the prolonged use of whitening masks is not permissible. This is due to the fact that their composition includes acids that can damage the integrity and structure of the skin.

The duration of the course of this cosmetic procedure is set individually depending on the condition of the skin. The maximum allowed to use bleaching agents no more than 10 times. If necessary, repeat the course should be a break of 15-20 days.

The best home whitening facial mask: basic indications and contraindications

In modern cosmetology, there is a wide variety of components on the basis of which whitening face masks are made at home. When choosing any main ingredient for this cosmetic procedure, it is recommended to initially establish the reason why the skin on the face loses its healthy and beautiful color. The correct selection of the constituent ingredients in the manufacture of masks will allow a comprehensive effect on the skin of the face.

Masks with a whitening effect are recommended in the following cases:

• The presence of age-related pigmentation.

• Color irregularities on the face.

• Hyperpigmentation.

• As a result of the development of complications after cosmetic procedures.

• Facial skin is dull and tired.

• Development of the wilting process.

• Reduced tone.

The main active ingredient of such masks are aggressive substances. Therefore, cosmetologists identify a number of contraindications to their use:

• Dermatological diseases.

• The presence of sensitive or overdried skin.

• In the event that inflammatory foci of a large area are observed on the skin.

• After cosmetic surgery or procedures.

• In the presence of wounds.

The best home whitening face mask is not one that perfectly evens out skin tone, but one that does not cause side effects. Despite the fact that the use of masks with a whitening effect at home seems to be public and safe, they should be treated with caution and used only if indicated. In the case of uncontrolled and systematic use of them, you can significantly worsen the condition of the skin on the face.

The best home whitening facial mask: basic rules for use

Due to the fact that the skin on the face is quite delicate, before applying the whitening mixtures on it, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules of use and precautions.

In most cases, the whitening result is noticeable immediately after the first use of the mask. But in order for the effect to be exclusively positive, the basic rules of this cosmetology procedure must be strictly observed:

• Before applying the mixture to the entire surface of the face, you should check this composition for an allergic reaction.

• It is recommended to carry out this cosmetic procedure in the evening. This will protect sensitive skin from UV radiation.

• During the full course of whitening masks, protect your skin from ultraviolet rays. For this, when leaving the house, it is necessary to apply a protective cream to the face.

• To nourish the skin after carrying out these cosmetic procedures, it is worth using a restoring cream that does not contain acids and aggressive components.

• One of the properties of whitening masks is the drying of the skin. Therefore, when choosing the components for the mask and the mode of their application, the type of facial skin should be considered. For oily skin, it is recommended to use the mask three times a week, for normal skin - twice, with dry skin no more often than once in seven days.

• It is strictly forbidden to use scrubs and other cosmetic products that can damage the upper layer of the skin before applying the mask.

• The composition of the mask is selected according to the type of skin. With the wrong selection of ingredients, there is a high probability of a lack of a positive result and the appearance of side effects.

Before preparing mixtures for whitening masks, it is worth considering the condition and type of skin. Only with this right approach will you get the best home whitening face mask, the effectiveness of which will be noticeable immediately after its application.

Best Home Whitening Facial Masks: Recipes

One of the main advantages of home whitening masks is the availability of all the components that are used to prepare them.

Hydrogen peroxide is one of the most effective skin whitening products

For the preparation of masks, it is recommended to combine peroxide with various oils or egg yolk. In cosmetology, it is allowed to use exclusively a peroxide solution of 3% concentration. A mask based on hydrogen peroxide is held on the face for no more than 10-12 minutes.

Recipe: Combine 75 grams of boiled oatmeal with 50 ml of warm milk and 5 ml of hydrogen peroxide. We mix everything well and apply a thin layer on the skin of the face and décolleté line. This mask is suitable for all skin types.

Parsley is the queen of home whitening facial skin. In cosmetology, there are many recipes for masks based on this component for any skin type. For the preparation of bleaching masks, you can use not only fresh shoots of plants, it is allowed to use dried and frozen parsley.

Recipe: For oily skin, it is necessary to mix 35 ml of fat-free kefir and 25 ml of parsley juice.

For dry skin, you should combine 50 ml of fat yogurt or sour cream with 30 ml of parsley juice.

If necessary, to shade the dark circles under the eyes, 1 tablespoon of chopped parsley leaves should be combined with 5 ml of strong black tea. We spread the well-mixed mixture onto cotton pads and apply to the eyes for 10 minutes.

Aspirin very successfully copes with many cosmetic problems with external use, and whitening facial skin is no exception. It is worth noting that for this component there are several contraindications for use. This is the presence of damage to the skin, pregnancy, bronchial asthma, allergies to the drug, lactation, expansion of blood vessels. In all other cases, the use of aspirin-based whitening masks is allowed.

Recipe: 6 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid are mixed with 15 ml of melted dark honey and 10 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice. After thoroughly mixing all the components, apply a thin layer of the mask on the skin of the face and hold for 12 minutes. Next, massage the mixture with the help of warm water. After cleansing the skin, reapply for 15 minutes a slurry of baking soda. After keeping the specified time, we thoroughly cleanse the skin of the face and apply a nourishing cream to it.

In modern folk cosmetology, there are many recipes for making the best home whitening face masks. In terms of efficiency, they are not inferior to professional means. But their main difference is accessibility. Therefore, it is possible to maintain a beautiful and healthy complexion with ease and without special material costs.


Watch the video: INSTANT Skin Brightening Milk Facial At Home - Naturally Glowing Skin. Anaysa (June 2024).