Bloodroot - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Bloodroot - general description

Goose cinquefoil - a herbaceous plant with a thick, short rhizome, thin stems, small leaves (green above, white below, covered with hair), yellow or golden flowers. The cinquefoil reaches a small height, it “crawls” on the ground, as it were, covering it with a kind of carpet. The flowers of the plant are slightly higher than the stems on which the leaves are located, so the meadows covered with potentilla look bright and beautiful during flowering.

Cinquefoil - types and places of growth

In Europe there is no country where goose cinquefoil does not grow, the plant is widespread everywhere, it is especially common in the territory of the CIS countries. Cinquefoil prefers moist clay soil, it is quite a lot on the banks of rivers, lakes and other bodies of water. A frequent “guest” is a plant in forest glades, meadows, along highways and landfills, but in high-altitude areas, whose height exceeds 1,500 meters above sea level, you will not find a cinquefoil.

Bloodroot - medicinal properties

Bloodroot is actively used in traditional medicine and pharmacology. With the help of the roots and aerial parts of the plant, diseases such as urinary stone disease, gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis are treated, cope with diarrhea and colic. Cinquefoil goose is an excellent diuretic, it does not irritate the kidneys and does not cause side effects. A decoction of grass helps with asthma attacks and cramps, relieves pain attacks caused by menstruation.

The cinquefoil is used only inside, but also as an effective external agent, for example, ulcers and wounds of the skin integument resulting from metabolic disorders are washed with a decoction of the plant. With angina and ulcerative stomatitis, infusion of goose cinquefoil, it is recommended to gargle and throat. In case the lips constantly crack, you can use ointment from the cinquefoil.

Bloodroot - dosage forms

To prepare a medicinal plant, it is customary to use the root and all aerial parts of the potentilla (leaves, flowers, seeds). Decoctions, tinctures, ointments and compresses are prepared from different parts of the plant.

Goose cinquefoil is harvested from August to late autumn. In particular, leaves and flowers are harvested during flowering, and roots are harvested in the fall, after the aerial parts die off (September-October). The cinquefoil is dried in a well-ventilated room, and then folded into bags made of natural fabrics. The aerial parts of the plant are stored for 2 years, the roots - 5 years, during this period they can be safely used for the preparation of medicines, they have healing properties.

Bloodroot - recipes

Potato rhizomes broth
10 grams of crushed roots of potentilla pour 1/2 liter of hot water, boil for 20 minutes, strain and take 1 tablespoon after 2 hours.

Potentilla herb decoction
20 grams of potentilla grass pour 1 cup of hot water, boil, then insist for 2 hours, strain and take 50 grams 3-4 times a day before meals.

Potato seed broth
Add 10 grams of cinquefoil seeds to boiled milk (1 cup), cook for 5-7 minutes, then strain and take 100 grams in the morning and evening.

Potato infusion
1 tablespoon of potentilla grass pour 1 cup boiling water, leave for 2 hours, then strain and take 2 tablespoons after 2 hours.

Juice from the potentilla grass
Pour potato grass with boiling water, pass through a meat grinder, squeeze the juice, then dilute it with hot water 1: 2 and boil. Use the drug 70 grams 4 times a day (before meals).

Bloodroot - contraindications

Bloodroot is not recommended for hypotensives, since the plant has the property of lowering pressure, otherwise no side effects and contraindications have been identified.


Elena 04/28/2016
I just love these flowers. They grow everywhere, and I have a river nearby, the soil is moist, so there’s generally room for them to breed))) And I never pull out a cinquefoil, even if it has grown in a not very suitable place)) I leave blooming.

Kira 04/28/2016
I, too, knew that they used to cure the stomach with potentilla, in particular gastritis. And I did not hear about the external use of the decoction, although it could be useful to me. It's nice that the plant is not poisonous, it's somehow scary to take the poison inside))

Zhenya 04/28/2016
ABOUT! A rare plant, in the sense that it is not poisonous. Of course, and with us it grows everywhere, in moist soil. When these flowers grow in a big bunch then they look very beautiful. I heard about the ointment from the cinquefoil, but from what it helps and did not know.

Inna 04/28/2016
Well, these flowers are known to me. True, neither as medicinal, but as simply growing everywhere))) I do not tear them out, they perfectly decorate the territory, they look bright and cute. I was interested in a decoction from this plant, I can probably use it in medicinal products.

Alena 04/28/2016
And for some reason I always thought that this particular plant was poisonous, but it turned out - no. Cinquefoil, they really treat gastritis, I have a neighbor, an example. And indeed a lot of things can be cured with these flowers. They grow everywhere and look pretty.


Watch the video: Bloodroot: Poison, Medicinal & Other Uses (July 2024).