Sempervivum - medicinal properties and use in medicine


Thinning - general description

Sempervivum (Sempervivum tectorum) is a herbaceous perennial evergreen of the family Crassulaceae. The root system is superficial, characterized by weakness and shallow penetration into the soil. It was this property that was used to plant the plants on the roofs in order to strengthen the roof and gave a second name to the plant (roofing was younger).

The stem is erect, furrowed, grows 20-30 cm in height, gradually covered with white hairs. The leaves are fleshy, pointed from above, form dense closed pointed spheres of a spherical shape, similar to cabbage. The leaves are covered with a dense skin that allows you to slow down the evaporation of moisture, grow in a spiral way, on the ends of the leaves there are hairy bundles that envelop the cocoon outlet.

The flowers are small, pale yellow or greenish yellow, collected in umbrellas. The fruit is a complex leaflet, the seeds are small, dusty.

Young growth - types and places of growth

Young roofing (stone rose, rabbit cabbage) prefers sandy, gravelly, stony soils, glades of pine forests. Open hills and riverbanks. The entire territory of Russia, except the far North, is inhabited by this original plant. It grows in the Caucasus, and Europe, also found in areas of Asia Minor and Southwest Asia, and on the African continent.

Back in the Middle Ages, the inhabitants of civilized regions of Europe planted a stone rose on the roofs of houses, so that the plant completely spread to the entire surface. Types of plants: young roofing, Caucasian, mountain, hybrid, dwarf, cobweb, etc.

Sempervivum - healing properties

Since ancient times, this plant has been used for medicinal purposes. The ancient Greeks believed that together with wine, it can save from poisoning with the most powerful poisons. The antidote properties of the plant were described back in the Middle Ages by the French pharmacist Odo in his poem "On the Properties of Herbs".

Anesthetizing, disinfecting, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, calming, anti-zingotic effects of young skin are used to treat various diseases. These are fever, gastric ulcer, diarrhea, cardiovascular, and respiratory diseases, ulcerative stomatitis, painful menstruation, epilepsy and expulsion of worms. Tincture of a stone rose is used in the treatment of eyes and ears, a decoction of grass can rinse your mouth with thrush.

Younger - dosage forms

Medicinal raw materials are the leaves of the plant, which are collected during flowering plants. The chemical composition has not been fully studied, but there is no doubt the presence in the composition of the leaves of malic and lactic acid, mucus, tannin resins, trace elements.

Sempervivum - recipes

- Hemorrhoid cones, corns on the legs or warts can be removed with the help of crushed leaves of the young, if you attach them to a large place. This remedy also helps with insect bites.

- A mixture of crushed leaves of young, honey and butter is used to treat breast cracks in nursing women. Stone rose homeopathic remedies are used in the treatment of menstrual irregularities.

- The plant has a whitening effect for the skin - it can remove freckles and age spots, and the beauties of ancient Kiev used this plant for a natural blush on their cheeks to look like a bulk apple.

Decoction of stone rose leaves for the treatment of the stomach: pour in a thermos 1 tbsp. a teaspoon of fresh leaves young, insist 1.5-2 hours, drink 2-3 tablespoons before meals.

Young people - contraindications

When treating this plant, no contraindications have been identified.


Metra 05/21/2016
If only after removing freckles then they didn’t go with a stone erysipelas, or roofing 🙂 I prefer cosmetics

Katyusha 05/06/2016
So many interesting things have been written about this plant! I re-read the article twice. Thank. Of course, this was very young, I saw many times. But I could not imagine that this plant is so miraculous. And beauty recipes, I was also intrigued))

Gulya 05/06/2016
I also did not expect that this plant has such healing qualities. Such an extensive list of diseases that cure young. But, nevertheless, judging by the name, this plant was openly precisely in connection with the giving of beauty. I’ll definitely try to rejuvenate!)

Glory 05/06/2016
Well, of course, I am delighted! So many cosmetic effects! And freckles displays, and destroys warts. And about the girls from China, it’s so interesting in general, I immediately wanted to try this tool. Not in vain, after all, and his name is such - it was young.

Aldina 05/06/2016
Indeed, a very original plant! It looks like a decorative, but in fact, grows anywhere. In our area, this plant was known as hare cabbage. And how many medicinal properties he has! Just did not expect. A lot of things will come in handy.


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