Euphorbia - medicinal properties and use in medicine


Euphorbia - description

Spurge (euphorbia) is a low herbaceous plant that forms loose thickets. The stems are erect, numerous. Leaves are narrow, yellowish or bluish (depending on the age of the plant). Euphorbia blooms from May for a month. By mid-July, as a rule, the bushes decay and can drown out species that grow nearby.

Euphorbia - types and places of growth

The euphorbia family is quite numerous - more than 2000 species (white-veined, warty, brilliant euphorbia, "jellyfish head" euphorbia, trihedral, euphorbia tyrukali, and many others). These or those samples are distributed around the world, one fifth of which is found only in South and Central Africa.

More than 100 species, represented by both perennial and annual specimens, grow on the territory of Russia. Some species seem to have nothing in common. Some of them consist only of leaves, others of leaves and stems, and still others are similar to cacti, but they all have a common property - they contain white milky juice enclosed in branched vessels without partitions.

Euphorbia - healing properties

The healing properties of this plant were known before our era. Numidian healers used it in the treatment of many diseases. It was believed that milky juice has a diuretic, diaphoretic, analgesic, antihelminthic, anti-inflammatory effect. Milkweed treated edema, non-healing ulcers, paralysis and even bites of animals infected with rabies virus.

Old Russian doctors used the plant as an emetic and laxative. They were treated with age spots, corns and warts.

Modern experts, too, did not fail to take advantage of unique properties. Infusions (in low concentrations) are effective for diseases of the kidneys, gastric catarrh, fungal skin lesions, cystitis, headaches, hemorrhoids, lichen, pertussis dysentery, eczema, diseases of the stomach and pulmonary system.

Euphorbia - dosage forms

For treatment, practically all parts of the plant are used: leaves, stems, flowers, root, milky juice. Euphorbia can be collected both during the period of active flowering, and before it. A plant collected before flowering is most often used to produce juice, which must be evaporated before thickening in a water bath. Spilled in jars, it can be stored in a cool place for a long time.

The stems and leaves are dried in the shade, after dividing them into bunches, but the flowers need to be dried in the sun (they store dried flowers in jars with a tight lid).

The rhizome is dug up when the ground parts wilt - in the fall or in the spring. The root is thoroughly washed, scalded with boiling water and dried in the oven. Water infusions, alcohol tinctures, decoctions are prepared from the obtained raw materials.

Euphorbia - recipes

With fungal infections of the skin, lichen, eczema, warts, an infusion is prepared: 1 teaspoon of the herb is poured with boiling water (0.5 l), insisted for half an hour, filtered. I use in the form of baths.

The following broth will help with diseases of the stomach and liver, will have a mild laxative effect: 5 g of the root is poured with water (500 ml), boiled for 10 minutes. Use a tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.

Alcohol tinctures are prepared in the ratios 1:30 and 1:20. They insist 10 days and are taken as a homeopathic remedy, starting with 1 drop, increasing their number to 30, and then drinking in descending order (with headaches, bleeding, cystitis). The course is 60 days.

Euphorbia - contraindications

Euphorbia is a poisonous plant, so treatment can only begin after consulting a doctor who will determine the duration of therapy. Self-administration is unacceptable. With prolonged external use, inflammation of the skin is possible, due to the strongest irritating effect.

Overdose and, as a result, poisoning of the body can lead to death. Do not allow the drug to come in contact with eyes or open wounds.

Contraindications: individual intolerance, pregnancy, lactation.


Tina 05/06/2016
Of course, euphorbia should not be taken on its own. Anyway, before taking any medicine, you need to consult a doctor. Euphorbia, a poisonous plant, and due to this, its juice “burns out” corns and warts.

Margarita 05/06/2016
I know that some kind of milk-based remedy for headaches is being produced. I myself did not use this plant in this perspective. I, as in previous opinions, have the impression of milkweed, namely, as a remedy for skin problems.

Kalina 05/06/2016
Thanks for the info in the article. I heard a lot about this plant, but somehow I did not know where exactly it can be applied. And corns, and similar things, are found in almost all people. And here is such an affordable tool, take it and use it.

Charade 05/06/2016
And we treated this plant with a stomach. Well, of course, I also know about skin diseases. Moreover, euphorbia grows everywhere. Using it is not scary, because no contraindications. By the way, when treating the stomach, I noticed that the liver stopped bothering me too.

Vlada 05/06/2016
How many of them are there, milkweed species. I only know the properties of milkweed, treat skin problems. I myself, eliminated the rooted corns. It helps, almost immediately. Now I will know other recipes. Thank.


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