Mint - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Peppermint - General Description

Peppermint (Méntha) is a perennial aromatic herbaceous plant of the family Lamiaceae. The stalk is bristly-hairy, or smooth, reaching up to 25-60 cm. Leaflets are ovate-elongated, acute, lanceolate and serrate-serrated.

The flowers are collected in faceless spike-shaped inflorescences, red or whitish-pink, the flowering period is almost all summer, is bred by rhizomes. Mint (menta) got its name from the ancient Greek nymph Cops, which a stern rival turned into a delicate flower with a cold smell.

Mint - types and places of growth

About 25 varieties of mint and more than 10 of its hybrids are found, among which are lemon mint, which does not belong to this genus of plants, and is closer to melissa in its properties. This very odorous plant in each form has its own smell and different chemical composition of essential oil, grows in gardens and kitchen gardens.

Fresh and delicate smell of mint is very pleasantly perceived by the human body. Among the most common species, fragrant, aquatic, meadow, Asian, Australian, Canadian, Daurian, Japanese, Copeddag mint and others. Peppermint is most often used for medical purposes.

Mint - healing properties

The fact that mint is a very useful plant, people realized in ancient times. The list of diseases in which it was used another fifteen hundred years BC, is quite impressive. The analgesic and vasodilating and anti-inflammatory effects of peppermint have been used in asthma, flatulence, bronchial and pulmonary disease, and cardiovascular and gynecological diseases.

It is used internally and externally, as well as an essence in toothpastes, colognes and elixirs for refreshing the oral cavity. The tonic effect relieves the heartbeat, the painkiller and relaxing effects help relieve pain and cramping, stomach cramps and bloating. Peppermint bitterness is also good for the liver when removing stones from the gallbladder.

Mint - dosage forms

This extremely useful plant for humans is harvested during flowering. In folk and official medicine, shoots with young flowers or only the leaves of a plant are used to prepare preparations. Peppermint essential oil and peppermint essence contain a large amount of menthol, which determines the taste of the plant, among other useful substances - pinene, yasmon, esters, felandren, tannins, flavonoids, piperitone, mentofuran, various bitterness. Official medicine uses mint drops, as well as various herbal preparations, stomach pills, ointments.

Mint recipes

- Peppermint essential oil is used for inhalation in the treatment of cough.
- Softened peppermint with salt will help with mycosis, if you apply it between your toes for 1 hour. Mint gruel with salt will help with fungus.
- Mint tea is indicated for increased acidity of the stomach and convulsive colitis, upset menstruation.
- Peppermint decoction against abdominal pain, can be used as an antiemetic: 1 tablespoon peppermint in a glass of boiling water, wrap and let stand for 40 minutes. Use peppermint broth for 1 tablespoon. Vomiting is removed by half a glass of funds.
- For the disappearance of halitosis: rinse the mouth cavity with mint infusion.
- Relieving menopause: boil 2 teaspoons of dried mint in half a liter of water, drink a third of a glass.

Mint - contraindications

Mint treatment should be minimized for those who have low blood pressure. With varicose veins, it is generally necessary to exclude these drugs. It can also cause heartburn and reduce male libido. Contraindication to the use of peppermint preparations is infertility if you are on a course of treatment and want to become pregnant.


Masha 05/05/2016
I could not imagine that mint can adversely affect male libido! Thank you for the information!))) From now on, I will be more careful to add it to dishes)) I like tea with mint leaves, it is pleasantly refreshing.

Anna 05/05/2016
In my kindergarten this amazing plant with a magic smell grows. I do anything with mint! I add it to dishes, and to her bed in tea. I just love peppermint! I even buy toothpaste with a very strong mint flavor.

Julia 05/06/2016
Oh, what can I say about mint. She is from everything! And from the heart, and from the stomach, and when coughing, and with inflammation, and even with a bunch of various diseases. And in a simple life, we meet with mint almost everywhere!

Emma 05/06/2016
I, in due time, suffered from heart disease. And she took, along with other drugs, peppermint. And I got the opinion that it was thanks to mint that I was cured of the disease. The disease was not in neglected form, which is also important.

Ksenia 05/06/2016
Probably, everyone knows about the properties of mint. At least some of them. I do not really like peppermint. But, even I add it to some dishes, a little bit. And sometimes I drink mint tea. But, it does not give me pleasure.


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