Currant juice - an entire army of vitamins! Formulations of different juices from red and black currants


Black, red, white ...

Ripe currant sighs:

- If you don’t rip me off,

Showered, then you will not find.

Currant is a summer berry that can have a variety of colors. Regardless of the variety and type, delicious preparations are made from it: jam, jelly, compotes and, of course, vitamin juices.

Currant juice - general principles of preparation

The berries for the juice are sorted, freed from the tails, leaves, various debris, then washed. You can not dry the currants, just put them in a colander and let the droplets drain. Often a little water is poured into natural juice to reduce concentration or reduce acid.

How to squeeze juice:

• Manually. Use gauze or cloth. Mashed, sometimes boiled berries are placed in them.

• Electric or manual juicer. The product is passed through a special device that separates the cake.

• Extracted by a juicer. A special device that evaporates juice.

A hot drink is poured into sterile cans and spun. Or they are cooled and consumed in kind. In the second case, the product may not be subjected to heat treatment.

Recipe 1: Juice from currant in a juicer for the winter

Sokovarka is a wonderful device that allows you to get natural juice with minimal time and effort. All that is needed is to load the product into the desired compartment. The disadvantage of this method is the need to add sugar, stimulating the release of juice.


• any currant;

• 100 grams of sugar per 1 kg of berries;

• water.


1. Pour water into the fluid compartment.

2. We put on the stove, turn on the maximum fire. The liquid should boil.

3. We sort out red or black currants, different berries can be used.

4. We transfer the berries to a special container with holes designed for the product. Sprinkle sugar on top.

5. Cover and hold under the lid for 1.5 hours.

6. After a while, open the tap and drain the currant juice. It is advisable to immediately substitute a sterile container.

7. As soon as the jar is full, we immediately plug it.

Recipe 2: Blackcurrant juice without a juicer

Blackcurrant juice recipe for those who do not have the opportunity to use a juicer. A little water is added to the drink, but this does not spoil its taste.


• 0.5 liters of water;

• 2 kg of currant;

• 0.3 kg of sugar (less possible).


1. We sort through the berries, rinse, let the liquid drain.

2. Put in a pan, take a pusher for potatoes or any other pestle. Press the berries until gruel.

3. Add prescription water, that is, pour half a liter.

4. Put on the fire a currant mass, bring to a boil.

5. Reduce the intensity of the fire and boil the juice for half an hour.

6. Cover the clean cotton fabric in a colander. You can use gauze, folded in several layers.

7. Pour juice, squeeze thick.

8. Add prescription sugar, you can throw less or do without it.

9. Put the drink on the stove, boil for three minutes.

10. Pour into a sterile container, twist with metal caps, put away for storage.

Recipe 3: Redcurrant juice through a juicer

The most useful version of redcurrant juice, as it does not undergo prolonged cooking. For this recipe you will need any juicer: electric or manual. The main thing is to squeeze the juice from the berries and roll it properly.


• 1 kg of currant;

• 600 ml of water;

• 0.1 kg of sugar.


1. Free the washed berries from the tails and spoiled specimens, rinse under running water. We transfer the currants into a colander and leave for half an hour.

2. Pass the berries through a juicer. We evaluate the state of the cake. If it is wet, then you can skip it again, it will not be worse.

3. Pour juice into a saucepan, add water and sugar.

4. Heat the juice until it boils, remove the foam and immediately pour into sterile bottles or jars.

5. Cork with metal caps.

6. Put the containers on the neck and leave to cool completely.

7. Turn it over to its normal position, send it to the basement or to the pantry.

Recipe 4: Currant Juice with Honey

The recipe for currant juice, which can be prepared from red, white, black varieties. Sugar is not added, it is replaced by honey. Only a natural product is used, molasses and substitutes are not suitable. Hand-made recipe.


• 2 kg of currant;

• 3 tablespoons of honey;

• 0.5 liters of water;

• 2 leaves of mint.


1. We put the washed berries in a saucepan, pour water, cover and steam under the lid until the skin is soft.

2. Periodically stir the mass so that the currants fall apart.

3. Cool, filter. We surely wring out the thick, it contains a lot of acid, pectin, aromatic substances.

4. Pour juice into a clean saucepan. You can just rinse this one.

5. Add mint leaves, simmer for a minute.

6. Turn off, put honey, quickly stir until dissolved. You do not need to boil a drink with honey.

7. Pour hot juice into jars of any size, immediately clog. Cool in an inverted position, optionally cover.

Recipe 5: Blackcurrant Juice with Apples

The recipe for wonderful blackcurrant juice for which apples are needed. You can take overripe, broken, wormy fruits. All superfluous will leave and be cut off. The only thing is that fruits with rot and mold will not work, even circumcision will not help.


• 1 kg of currant;

• 1.5 kg of apples;

• 0.25 kg of sugar;

• 300 ml of water.


1. Cut the washed apples into pieces, pass through a juicer.

2. Pour juice into a saucepan, add sugar with water and put on the stove for a while to reduce time. Bring to a boil.

3. We also sort the currants, rinse. We also process it in a juicer.

4. This juice is poured into a pan to apple juice.

5. Boil everything together a couple of minutes after boiling.

6. Take a ladle or ladle, collect liquid from the pan and pour into clean jars. Juice in the meantime should boil, do not turn off the stove.

7. Twist the covers. We cool the workpiece upside down and turn it into a normal position. We transfer to the basement.

Recipe 6: Refreshing Red Currant Juice with Lemon and Mint

A variant of summer red currant juice, which is prepared for direct consumption. The drink has a pleasant, refreshing taste will delight in the heat. From it, you can make fruit ice for other drinks, including alcohol.


• 0.9 kg of currant;

• 400 ml of water;

• 0.5 lemon;

• 1-2 sprigs of mint;

• 0.15 kg of sugar.


1. We put prescription water on the stove, add sugar to it and throw mint sprigs. Do not forget to rinse the greens well with clean water.

2. Remove the zest from the lemon and also send it to cook in a saucepan.

3. Boil the aromatic syrup for five minutes, then filter and return to the pan.

4. Remove the currant from the brushes, rinse.

5. Squeeze the juice using any device. If there is nothing, then you can simply beat the berries with a combine and strain through several layers of gauze.

6. Pour juice into a saucepan with syrup.

7. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon and also send it to a common drink.

8. Let the contents of the saucepan boil, cool.

9. For ice, you can put mint leaves or slices of lemon into molds, then pour the prepared juice and send it to the freezer.

Recipe 7: Currant Juice with Orange

A variant of aromatic currant juice for the winter, which is prepared with the addition of orange. Choose a large, large fruit. If it smells outside, it will be fragrant, sweet and inside.


• 1.4 kg of currant;

• 1 large orange;

• 250 grams of sugar;

• 500 ml of water.


1. Brush the orange, we need to clean all the pores of the zest.

2. Take a grater and remove the thin skin.

3. Throw the zest into the water, add sugar and set to boil.

4. The orange itself is cleaned, disassembled into slices and remove the seeds.

5. Rinse the currants, pass through a juicer.

6. Next to the currant, we pass the prepared slices of citrus. We connect everything.

7. Filter from the zest boiling for about five minutes syrup.

8. Combine currant juice with syrup.

9. We make a drink a couple of minutes after boiling.

10. We drink it or pour it into sterile dishes, roll it with lids.

Recipe 8: Blackcurrant Juice with Raspberries

Raspberries and currants are wonderful berries that ripen at the same time. So why not procure them together? Recipe without a juicer.


• 1 kg of currant;

• 0.7 kg raspberries;

• 0.2 kg of sugar;

• 300 ml of water.


1. We put the washed currants in a saucepan, add pure raspberries and knead all together to the state of gruel.

2. Add water, put on the stove and cook for about fifteen minutes.

3. Cool, filter and squeeze the whole thick well.

4. Again put the juice on the stove, now you can add sugar. To taste in this drink you can pour a little cinnamon.

5. Boil for several minutes, surely catch foam on the surface.

6. Pour into sterile dishes, twist the lids.

Recipe 9: Red Currant Juice with Spices

A variant of amazing juice, in which various spices are added. Red currant is filled with the missing aroma and it turns out simply delicious. Juice is squeezed out in any way.


• 1.5 liters of juice;

• 2 cloves;

• 1 stick of cinnamon;

• 0.5 vanilla pod;

• 1 small piece of ginger;

• 1 pinch of nutmeg.


1. Put juice on the stove, add half a liter of clean water. If liquid was added during push-ups, then we use more juice.

2. Take a piece of gauze and fold in two layers.

3. Put all the spices on the cheesecloth, tie with a knot and throw in juice.

4. Tomim the drink on low heat for about 15 minutes, do not let it boil. We take out the fragrant bag with one spoon and squeeze the juice out of the second from it.

5. Add sugar, now you can add fire and let the drink boil.

6. Stir, pour into jars, send for storage.

Currant juice - useful tips and tricks

• In addition to red and black currants, juice can be prepared from white varieties. But such a drink is not very aromatic, it does not have a pronounced taste. Therefore, it is better to combine berries with other types of currants, with cherries, raspberries.

• If you add a few cherry leaves when boiling redcurrant juice, the drink will be very aromatic. When rolling juice, the leaves need to be removed.

• If the juice is too sweet and sugary, then do not immediately add water. It is better to close the concentrate for the winter, so you can save cans and lids. And you can add water at any time.

• Lemon zest will give a pleasant aroma to currant juice. You can use not only fresh crusts, but also dry ones. Some housewives prefer to twist the zest on a coffee grinder to a powder state. This solves the issue with straining, eliminates the additional hassle.


Watch the video: Don't Throw Away Your Juice Pulp - CHOW Tip (July 2024).