Cold wrap at home: benefits and effectiveness. Cold Cellulite Wrap Recipes


It is very difficult to get rid of cellulite at home. There are many ways, but not every one of them is accessible to women, everywhere there are inconveniences. What if there is no time to do fitness, and there is no way to allocate funds for salon procedures? Cold wraps are the perfect solution. A simple and effective way restores skin elasticity. A noticeable effect can be obtained after 2-3 procedures.

Cold wrap: what gives the procedure

The principle of cold wrap is very simple. The procedure will narrow the vessels and pores, that is, the outflow of lymph will be launched in the tissues, as a result of which toxins and toxins are removed, which accumulate over time in the body.

Cold wrapping helps solve many problems

1. The procedure effectively fights cellulite. Also, this type of wrapping is recommended for prevention, even if there is no “orange peel” in problem areas. Just 1-2 wraps per week will help to forget about the existence of this problem.

2. Reduces swelling of the skin, which also affect excess weight.

3. Cold wrap is allowed to do with varicose veins. The procedure allows you to relieve pain in the legs after a hard day's work, relax muscles and relieve swelling.

4. Slag and toxins are excreted, which constantly accumulate in the body. As a result, the general condition of a person improves.

5. Increases skin tone and elasticity. If after pregnancy, carry out 2 procedures per week and eat right, then stretch marks disappear.

How to make a cold wrap at home

Anti-cellulite cold wrap can be easily carried out at home, unlike hot, this is its main advantage. In order to start the procedure, you will need to prepare the following:

• anti-cellulite mixture;

• cling film;

• several rags of cotton fabric;

• anti-cellulite cream to enhance the effect.

Phased preparation for the procedure

1. The first thing to do is to cleanse the skin in the problem area well. For this, it is better to use a scrub. A home-made product, or purchased in a store with Fucus oil, is suitable. If the wrap is done more often than 1 time per week, it is recommended to purchase a soft scrub so that it does not damage the structure of the dermis.

2. After the skin has been cleaned, you can begin to apply anti-cellulite composition. There are many options for such masks. Each woman chooses the right one for herself. It is necessary to be guided by the result that you want to get.

3. The next step - the treated areas are "wrapped" with pre-prepared cling film. It is necessary in order to maintain the desired temperature. It is not necessary to additionally cover with a thermal blanket, or to put on warm clothes. The mask is left for a period of time from 30 minutes to 90.

4. At the end of the procedure, the mixture is washed off the skin under warm water, then the problem areas are treated with a cooling cream based on algae and medicinal plants.

After a cold wrap, it is recommended to additionally use an anti-cellulite cream to enhance the effect. You need to choose a product with a natural composition, in order to avoid skin irritation.

The best homemade cold wrap mask recipes

There are many recipes. The pharmacies offer a huge selection of masks for cold wraps. Using them is simple - stir with a little water and apply on the body. However, at home, you can also prepare a natural mask, ideal for anti-cellulite wrap.

The best recipes for homemade anti-cellulite masks

1. Mask with agar-agar. You need to beat two yolks well, then add camphor essential oil (15-20 drops) and 1 spoon of agar-agar to them. The resulting mass is thoroughly mixed until a uniform consistency is formed, applied to the body for 20-30 minutes.

2. Recipe with blue clay. It is known that blue clay effectively fights cellulite, tightens the skin and restores its elasticity. In the pharmacy you need to buy a bag of powder, stir everything with water to get a consistency of thick sour cream. For a greater effect, you can add a few drops of camphor essential oil.

3. Recipe with potatoes. The peeled raw potatoes are rubbed on a medium grater so that not too much juice comes out. The resulting slurry is applied to problem areas, the body is wrapped with a film. Such a mass must be kept for at least 40 minutes. It is known that potato starch draws out toxins and toxins, smoothes the dermis and restores its elasticity. Potato cold wrap can be done twice a week.

4. Vinegar Procedure (you can take apple or table) gives an amazing effect after just a few uses. Vinegar is diluted in a convenient container (1: 1 ratio). Then there you can add a little essential oil of orange or lemon. Strips of cotton cloth are soaked in the resulting solution, then problem areas are wrapped with them, and food wrap is wound on top.

5. The procedure using natural coffee. Ground coffee is poured with boiling water so that a porridge-like mixture is obtained. Then it needs to be cooled to room temperature, add a few drops of orange essential oil for an anti-cellulite effect and apply to the body, wrapping it with cling film. This procedure can be repeated once a week.

6. Recipe based on green tea. Green tea is a powerful fat burning product. Few people know that with its help you can make a cold wrap at home and achieve incredible results in just a few weeks of repeating the procedure. It is necessary to grind with a coffee grinder 5 tablespoons of natural green tea without additives. Then the resulting mixture is poured with boiling water to form a slurry. For the best result, all kinds of essential oils are added here, but only after the main mixture has cooled.

7. "Strawberry pleasure." Summertime is an excellent period to saturate your body with vitamins not only from the inside, but also from the outside. As soon as strawberries appear, women should not miss the opportunity to make a cold wrap at home using this berry. The fruits are ground with a fork, a little fat cream is added there, the resulting mixture is applied to problem areas, washed off after an hour. The only caveat, strawberries have a whitening effect, so if a person has just arrived from the sea, his tan can be damaged.

8. Oil wrap. By properly mixing essential oils and extracts, you can get an excellent mixture to combat lethargy and sagging skin. The basis of the mask is olive or almond oil (approximately 50 grams). Next, other ingredients are added there. Suitable oils of lemon, grapefruit, peppermint, orange. As in the case of vinegar, gauze bandages or fabric strips are soaked in the resulting mixture, applied to the skin and wrapped with a film.

Contraindications to cold wrap

Despite the fact that this cosmetic procedure is safe, there are still a number of cases where cold wrapping is strictly prohibited.

The following categories of people were included in the taboo list:

• women during pregnancy, lactation or the menstrual cycle;

• if a person has damaged skin areas, has abrasions or burns, it is strictly forbidden to apply an anti-cellulite mass there;

• women with gynecological diseases (wraps in the abdomen and buttocks are prohibited);

• persons with individual intolerance to the individual components that make up the mask;

• people who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Cold wrapping at home is simple and affordable. Everyone will have an hour of free time on the weekend to devote some time to their body. It remains only to choose a mask and proceed to the procedure. Regular body wraps will permanently rid yourself of the thought of cellulite formation and unpleasant stretch marks.


Watch the video: Homemade Body Wrap to reduce belly fat. How to get flat stomach instantly (June 2024).