A husband tested aphrodisiac products ... and that’s what worked!


People love to eat and love intimate moments. Is it possible to combine processes that bring pleasure? Even better, there are aphrodisiac products that, by definition, should enhance human libido. But do these things really work?

I am a curious girl who has a healthy sex drive and meticulous research nature.

In the name of science, my husband and I decided to try a handful of products in the hope of increasing sexual desire. The idea sounds amazing!


Giacomo Girolamo Casanova, a notorious 18th-century lover, is said to have drunk 50 oysters before erotic adventures to increase sexual stamina.

And in ancient Rome, mollusks invariably recommended doctors as a remedy for sexual impotence.

Why do oysters suffer such damage?
Partly due to the appearance - open seafood is extremely similar to the female genital organs. On this, in ancient times, doctors based their recommendations.

Another reason, the specifics of reproduction: the mollusk releases a stream of substances into the water, which encloses the germ cells. It is probably believed that this power will pass to the one who eats them.

Nevertheless, when I mastered 15 oysters, in the name of science, then, in fact, the desire to retire with my husband manifested itself !!! I don’t know, their use included an exciting laudatory effect, or that I washed them with champagne? Laughing bubbles make the food much tastier.


This incredibly vitamin-rich product contains many trace elements that increase the overall tone of the body and contribute to arousal. Tryptophan is the building source of serotonin - the hormone of happiness that is found in the body.

It is a natural antidepressant that also helps regulate appetite.

The fantastic fruit contains bromelain, an enzyme that involves the production of testosterone. As well as potassium and vitamin B, which raise energy.
We eat a lot of bananas, but they never caused frank arousal in me or my husband.

Tropical fruit is associated with a phallic figure. Definitely one can experience an immodest desire if one begins to reflect on these forms. But this is mainly a psychological and associative influence.

Dark chocolate

Everything in chocolate is sensual - from its deep color to its juicy aroma. It increases the content of dopamine and causes a feeling of pleasure. Let's not forget about caffeine in chocolate, which gives the brain stimulation in the short term.

I fully admit that I eat a bar of chocolate almost daily. I like the way it melts in my language, but apart from the taste buds, nothing else is excited - at all.

I enjoy its taste and smell and it makes me happy ... but not excited. And I so ardently wanted the action of chocolate-aphrodisiac to be confirmed, since this food is the pillar of my life.

Choose high-quality dark chocolate containing at least 70% cocoa, and take the time to taste a dark treat.


These small peppers, with spectacular coloring and exotic origin, are considered a natural aphrodisiac and a symbol of passion. It stimulates the production of endorphins, another hormone of happiness that improves brain health. Increases palpitations and sweating thanks to capsaicin, the active ingredient in chili peppers. All of these elements should make you feel excited. So say the doctors.

I cook a lot and use chili peppers regularly. Of course, it makes my cheeks blush and sometimes raises my heartbeat.

But when I added chili peppers to the breakfast casserole, it did not force us to crave sexual intimacy. Although forced to drink more milk.


Honey contains boron and B vitamins, which help regulate the level and production of estrogen and testosterone in the body.

For me, honey is something super-sweet. In the name of the experiment, I tried it a lot. I don’t know if the action of the precious liquid affected the subsequent?

When you put a spoonful of honey in your mouth, you involuntarily lick your lips.

A spouse figured out a honey drop on my lips ...

I can confirm that droplets of honey on the body increase the time of foreplay!


You can eat it every day. And health advocates say it contains a lot of fiber, vitamins and minerals such as B, C, E and K, as well as potassium and copper. Each fruit consists of 73% water, 15% fat, 8.5% carbohydrates (mainly fiber) and 2% protein.

An exotic fruit with a wrinkled skin was initially considered an aphrodisiac, again due to the same external similarity. The bottom line is that fruits grow in pairs on a tree. It resembles a known part of the male genital organs.

The avocado has a delicate creamy texture that creates unimaginably sensual sensations. Of course, I like the process of smearing the creamy contents of the fruit on a piece of toast. It is almost like butter.

I am a woman who loves bends, so the avocado and its sensual form speak to me. When I just hold this fruit in my hand, I find it, in fact, sexy ... but that's where the action ends.



Aphrodisiacs are somewhat tempting: from how they look to their taste. If the product resembles the genitals, then there is a chance that it will affect if there is a fantasy. Of course, maybe according to science, they raise the reserve forces of a person in sexual desire. But for me, oysters became the only thing that had a noticeable effect on libido. Honey and banana did not awaken desire, but gave me increased sensory awareness. Aphrodisiacs will not make you run to the bedroom, but will add a delicious element of the game to the relationship.

Scientists claim that the use of aphrodisiacs has a cumulative effect. Therefore, immediate results from many products should not be expected.

Our experiments, in the name of science, we will certainly continue to make a complete and truthful list of aphrodisiacs 🙂


Watch the video: STRONG APHRODISIAC FOR MEN (June 2024).