Pie with raspberries in a slow cooker - summer tea party! Six recipes for raspberry pies in a slow cooker: biscuit, aspic, semolina


In the summer I want to cook something tasty with fresh fruits and berries. And rightly so: jam and cream will wait in line in the winter. And now is the time to please your home with a fragrant and delicious raspberry pie in a slow cooker.

General principles for making a raspberry pie in a slow cooker

Raspberries are loved by many for their amazing taste and aroma. It is rich in vitamins and acids. An unusually pleasant sour taste and the divine aroma of a raspberry pie in a slow cooker will appeal to almost everyone.

However, if someone still does not like them, you can slightly mask them by adding cherries or black currants, and also loosen them by mixing the berries with an apple. But it will not be possible to completely “hide” this bright berry in the filling. If you really don’t like it, a raspberry pie in a slow cooker is not for you.

A raspberry pie is baked in a slow cooker, usually about an hour; another 30 to 40 minutes will go to prepare the dough. If you decide to make shortcrust pastry, you need to let it mature in the refrigerator for at least half an hour. In this case, cooking a raspberry pie in a slow cooker generally takes more than two hours. It is necessary to calculate the time so that there are no disappointments.

When preparing a biscuit dough, it is better to spend a little more time and beat the whites and yolks separately: this will help make the dough softer and more airy, and the raspberry pie in the slow cooker - more magnificent.

Raspberries must be washed well before cooking. But this must be done very carefully, because these berries are very delicate and quickly give juice. In addition, as everyone knows, there are worms on raspberries, it will be inappropriate if they find themselves in a pie.

Therefore, you must first sort through the raspberries, separating the crumpled berries. Put good raspberries in a colander and lower them for one minute in a large bowl with salt solution (1 tablespoon per liter of water); insects, if they are there, will emerge, they must be picked up with a slotted spoon, and raspberries in a colander a couple of times a minute should be lowered into a bowl of clean cold water. Now it remains only to carefully pour the berries with cool water from a ladle or shower. Berries are ready to become the filling of a raspberry pie in a slow cooker.

Recipe 1. Cake with raspberries in a multicooker biscuit


  • Eggs - 5 medium sized

  • Raspberries - one and a half glasses

  • Sugar - 1 cup

  • Flour - 1 cup

  • Baking powder - half a teaspoon

  • Vanilla Sugar - 1 teaspoon

  • Mint - a few twigs for decoration

Cooking method

Prepare the multicooker bowl: grease with oil and sprinkle with semolina or crumbs. Remember: biscuit dough does not like to wait! The cake must be set immediately to cook, otherwise it will rise poorly.

Mix flour with baking powder and sift.

Separate the yolks from the proteins and beat thoroughly with sugar and vanilla sugar using a mixer until the mixture increases in volume. Add a little flour with baking powder.

Beat the whites in a strong foam, put in the dough and gently stir with a spatula, making movements from the bottom up.

Put the dough in the mold, lay the whole raspberry on top with an even layer and place in the slow cooker.

Bake at the appropriate mode for about an hour, and then check the readiness by piercing the pie with a torch: if there are no pieces of baked dough left on it, the dish is ready. Close the lid again and let stand for 10 minutes, and then remove and serve, garnished with mint leaves.

Recipe 2. Pie with raspberries and cottage cheese in a slow cooker


  • Raspberries - a glass or a half

  • Flour - 250 g

  • Egg - 2 yolks plus 2 whole eggs

  • Butter from the refrigerator - 125 g

  • Sugar - half a cup plus 60 g

  • Cottage cheese (5-9% fat; you can take fat-free, but not too fat) - 300 g

  • Sour cream - 4 large spoons

  • Vanilla Sugar - at will and to taste

Cooking method

For the shortcrust pastry, all the ingredients should be cool and cold, and cook it quickly and as little as possible to touch it with your hands, so as not to heat.

So, chop the butter and flour with a knife into crumbs, and then grind with a spoon. Quickly mix 2 egg yolks with sugar and pour the mixture into butter crumbs. Mix vigorously, put in a bag and place in the refrigerator for at least half an hour.

Mix cottage cheese with a blender with the remaining sugar, vanilla sugar and sour cream. Stir in two whole eggs.

Grease the form from the multicooker with oil; You can sprinkle something lightly, but this cake is usually easy to take out.

Take the dough out of the fridge, roll it out slightly and place it in the bowl, laying it out with your hands and giving the shape of a pie with sides. Trim. Put the curd filling inside, and on top of it - raspberries.

Bake in a slow cooker for about an hour.

Recipe 3. Pie with raspberries in a multicooker oatmeal


  • Butter - half pack

  • Flour - 1 cup

  • Hercules flakes - 1 cup

  • Nuts (walnuts or almonds) - a handful

  • Egg - 1 large

  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons with top

  • Raspberries - 1 cup

  • Boiled condensed milk - a few spoons

  • Chocolate (preferably bitter) - half a tile or more, to taste

Cooking method

Mix the cereal with flour, beat in an egg.

Melt the butter in a water bath or in the microwave, add sugar in it, add the mixture to the dough. Knead well and leave in a bowl for 15 minutes.

Grease the mold with oil. Roll out the dough and put it into a mold, making low sides. Grease the bottom with boiled condensed milk, onto which pour all the raspberries.

Grind nuts with a rolling pin and sprinkle raspberries on them.

Bake for 20 minutes, open the multicooker lid and check if it is cooked. If necessary, cover the pie with a circle of foil. Bake another 15 minutes until cooked.

Grate cold chocolate and sprinkle hot cake.

Recipe 4. Pie with raspberries and almonds in a slow cooker


  • Raspberries - 1 cup

  • Flour - about 2/3 cup

  • Almonds - half a cup

  • Almond petals - 3-4 tablespoons

  • Sugar (brown or white and brown in equal shares) - half a glass

  • Sour cream - half a glass

  • Egg - 1 large

  • Soda quenched with lemon juice or vinegar - half a teaspoon

  • Vanilla Sugar - tablespoon

  • Butter - 50 g plus some more to lubricate the mold

Cooking method

Grind the almonds in a coffee maker in flour. Pour into a glass and add wheat sifted flour to the edge.

Melt 50 g of butter, mix with sour cream, sugar, vanilla sugar and egg. Beat the liquid ingredients with a whisk and mix them with the flour mixture. Add slaked soda as well.

Knead the dough and divide it into two unequal parts: 2/3 and 1/3. Roll out most of it and put it in a mold pre-oiled, so that small sides are obtained.

Put prepared raspberries. Sprinkle it with almond petals.

Rub a small portion of the dough directly onto the cake, thereby forming the top layer.

Bake in a slow cooker with the Baking program for 45 minutes. Do not immediately take out the finished cake, but let it cool slightly (10-15 minutes).

Recipe 5. Pie with raspberries and sour cream filling in a slow cooker (chocolate)


  • Raspberries - one and a half glasses

  • Flour - 1 cup

  • Sugar - one glass

  • Vanilla Sugar - tablespoon

  • Eggs - 4 pieces

  • Cocoa - 4 tablespoons

  • Chocolate - half or tile to taste

Cooking method

Grease the mold and sprinkle with semolina or crumbs.

Mix flour with cocoa and sift through a sieve.

Eggs are divided into proteins and yolks. First, beat the yolks, add sugar and vanilla sugar and beat for 5 minutes, until a fluffy mass is obtained. Beat whites separately until a firm foam.

Pour cocoa flour into the yolk mixture in parts, knead with a spoon, and then (also with a spoon or spatula) carefully mix the proteins.

Put the dough in the prepared form, top with raspberries and bake in a slow cooker for about an hour. After 45 minutes, you can check the readiness and either turn off, or even bake.

Let the finished cake stand under the lid for about 10 minutes.

In the meantime, melt the chocolate in a water bath and draw a net on the cake or some patterns.

It turns out very beautifully if you use a part of black and a part of white chocolate, but do not connect them, but draw them separately.

Recipe 6. Pie with raspberries in a slow cooker with semolina


  • Raspberries - a glass or a half

  • Semolina and wheat flour - 1 glass each

  • Kefir - 1 cup

  • Eggs - 3 large

  • Sugar - 1 cup

  • Vanilla Sugar - 1-2 teaspoons

  • Baking powder - half a spoon

  • Any nuts - a handful

Cooking method

Pour semolina with kefir for half an hour. Meanwhile, wash the raspberries and sift the flour. Mix semolina and kefir with flour. Separate the yolks from the proteins and beat them with sugar. Mix the yolks with the dough, pour vanilla sugar and baking powder there, knead well.

Grind nuts with a rolling pin. You can, of course, crush them in a mortar or a blender, but in the first case it will turn out too finely, and in the second - unevenly. However, this is permissible.

Stir in the crumbs.

Beat the whites with a mixer until stable scallops. Finished protein foam does not spill out of the spoon. With great care, mix the foam into the dough with a spatula, making movements from the bottom up.

Put the dough in a greased and sprinkled with semolina form, lay a raspberry on top of it and put to bake for an hour. Willingness to check with a speck.

Let the finished cake brew, take it out and serve.

This cake is well decorated with whipped cream and mint leaves.

Raspberry pie in a slow cooker: tricks and tips

  • After the raspberry pie in the slow cooker is cooked, do not rush to take it out immediately. Give it a "rest" for 7-10 minutes in a closed device, then the cake will turn out to be especially tasty.

  • If you haven’t prepared any cream or icing for the cake, garnish it with whipped cream or simply sprinkle with powdered sugar. Both that and another goes well with the taste of a raspberry pie in a slow cooker, and you can make such a "design" in a matter of minutes. You can sprinkle with grated chocolate, but this is an amateur.

  • And, of course, the classic combination is raspberry and mint.


Watch the video: How to Make Peach Moonshine (June 2024).