Orthodox prayer for fear and anxiety


Talk about the causes of human fear and anxiety can be infinite. The fact remains: they are. The instinct of self-preservation is present in every person in varying degrees, and fear is a completely natural reaction to the negative influence of the surrounding world. But sometimes, when we cannot understand the reasons for its occurrence, or we understand, but we cannot take control of our emotions, fear only increases. Powerless attempts to overcome it turn into panic and destroy our consciousness. In such cases, the Orthodox prayer for fear and anxiety will help calm down and get yourself together.

What is fear and fear, where do they come from?

Sooner or later, at the moment when the mind is constrained by a numb feeling of anxiety, the person stops and asks himself: why am I actually afraid?

Surprisingly, even knowing the answer to this question, a person still does not understand how the mechanism of his fear works and what he must do in order to “turn it off”. Moreover, other people are not always, unless they are certified practicing psychologists who are able to understand and help him.

Fears in classical psychology today account for about four hundred species, their classifications are even greater. The list of phobias known to the world should be published as a separate book.

We will not cite the whole classification; we will conditionally divide fears into several categories:

  1. Conscious fear of certain things, people, circumstances.
  2. Fear of a certain event, the commission of some action.
  3. Fright, sudden anxiety under the pressure of what is happening.
  4. Pronounced fear, phobia, obsessive antiide.

To understand the causes of fear, you first need to understand what it is.

Pain is a reaction of the body, with which it gives the brain a sign that it is not all right. Fear is a reaction of the psyche, giving a sign that there are problems that need to be solved. And the true cause of the appearance of fear is not always the subject of fear.

Let's give an example: little baby scared of mice. Think the mouse is the cause of fear? Not. The reason for the fear of mice is habit, imitation, fixed in childhood setting: the mouse - it's scary. The reaction of parents, just as feared mice in childhood, intimidation of "mice at night will take away your toys if you do not remove." Sometimes - the missed explanation that mice are harmless small animals, or maximized danger (contagious, bite, spoil food) in the eyes of a child. An explanation of this reason, of course, will help, but in order to finally cope with a phobia on its own, a person will need a lot of strength. Give them a sincere prayer.

Another example: the middle manager is afraid to go "on the carpet" to the authorities, not knowing what will be said in the office. What is the cause of this fear: the boss, the uncertainty, the uncertainty or the guilt for the misconceptions hidden from the authorities, which may be revealed in a conversation? Nothing out of this. The reason for the fear of the middle manager is subconscious following the principle of "the weak is afraid of the strong". Throughout his life, the manager never learned to deal with uncertainty and rise, falling from the jolts of fate. Such fear will arise in him for many years, and not only with the bosses, until the person understands how to deal with them. Or will not find a way to protect against it. For example, through prayers.

We give the third, as different as possible from the first two examples: waking up in the middle of the night from a nightmare unrelated to life circumstances at first glance. The nightmare does not leave, the heart is pounding, the mind is constrained by a lack of understanding of what is happening. Such fears are pure game of the subconscious and do not talk about danger: it is just a release of emotional energy, like tears or rage. Another such condition may not be fear, but anxiety — an emotionally sharpened sensation of an approaching threat. The mind tells you about the upcoming event, which brings unpleasant impressions, and it is not always possible to predict this event. Anxiety is rather an intuitive reflex, its causes must also be tried to understand, whereas fear is a clear emotion. To cope with it, it is recommended to relax and whisper the text of a long prayer, by the end of which the alarm will go away.

And finally phobias. Fear of mice, to some extent even fear of a conversation with the authorities - this is phobia. Some of them have an explanation, some reasons are hidden (for example, few understand that they are afraid of mice because of the situation in childhood), some are absolutely meaningless. For example, luposlipofobiya - fear of walking on the floor, waxed socks. Tetraphobia - the fear of the number four, or Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia - the fear of long words, you guessed it. Or maheirokofobiya - fear of cooking and contact with the chefs. Unlike fright or simple fear, phobias are accompanied by a deterioration of physical condition, from vomiting to loss of consciousness or even death. The reasons for such strange reactions of the body are rooted in the subconscious and classified by medicine as a mental disorder. In this case, a series of confessions, rituals of purification, a trip to a sacred place and everyday prayers will help.

The subconscious mind filters the events happening to us much faster than the mind. While the mind is only trying to recognize and explain our reactions to us, the subconscious mind is already finishing up a pack of new events, putting the stamp “dangerous” or “not dangerous”. When we again encounter a previously analyzed subconscious situation, a defensive reaction automatically turns on: fear. The reasons for this behavior of the subconscious are different: violation of the comfort zone, physical stress, sharp startle and throwing adrenaline into the blood, and so on.

Let's summarize a little insight into the psychology of fear: not every fright is dangerous, not everybody has a clear cause. Sometimes it is a natural emotion, like laughter or pleasure. If there were no fear, people could not live even weeks in this world, where even a simple match could be dangerous. Fear is designed to mobilize the body before a runaway reaction or encounter a problem in the ring.

God has for a reason created us so complex - in the human body there is nothing unreasoned, everything is important and necessary, everything is interconnected.

Does prayer help from phobias?

Psychology is in solidarity with the church on the true cause of fear. Fear, like any failure, grief or pain is a test sent to a person so that he can be cleared and brightened and better through overcoming him.

Hence the conclusion that any fear is useful because overcoming it, we become stronger.

Prayers have the strongest energetic property to give a soulful rise, to give self-confidence and strength to fight with negative energy. And their utility in dealing with fear is undoubtedly great. There are few rules for reading such prayers, because fear most often appears suddenly and it is difficult to prepare for it. The need for prayer from anxiety is urgent and immediate, therefore it is not necessary to prepare for it.

However, reading such a prayer has its own nuances:

  1. Start reading a prayer at the time of the peak of the emotional state, when fear is already great, but the mind is still able to pronounce related sentences.
  2. Do not stifle fear and do not hide emotions, reading a prayer - let fear into your soul, let it appear before you in all its glory. Realize its magnitude and depth, accept it - and release.
  3. If prayer did not help from the first, read the second, third, and so on, until the fear goes away or becomes almost imperceptible.
  4. Understand what you say. Before memorizing a prayer, find out the meaning of each line, read the history of its creation, if many things are not clear. A full understanding of what prayer carries is the key to success.
  5. Get the subject of force, or the word anchor. This can be a cross or the phrase “Not today”, you can touch the cross, and you can say the phrase every time the fear returns.

Short prayers from fright and bad thoughts

It is recommended that you read “Our Father” before reading any prayer, but it is rather long and the mind is not always able to pronounce the entire text. In this case, there are shorter and stronger prayers, such as "The Song of the Virgin", "Prayer to the Honorable Cross", "Jesus Prayer", "Prayer to the Almighty from fear and anxiety."

In addition, the popular prayer for fear and anxiety to all saints, simple and clear:

“In the name of all the saints who keep me, in the name of the Lord who give thanks, protect me the Most High from fear and evil, do not leave your servant (your name) and do not leave. Amen".

A stronger prayer at the moment of sharp horror is:

"Lord, save and have mercy, deliver from the demon, put it on the light, there is no fear in me, there is no pain in me, Amen!"

It should be read at least three times.

Song of the Virgin

A beautiful prayer from fear of future events for a woman will be the “Song of the Virgin Mary”, also known as “The Virgin Mary, the Virgin, Rejoice.”

She helps in many cases, and will save from fear, from anxiety for children, husband, own health and the health of loved ones. It can also be read on a child who sleeps restlessly and often wakes up from bad dreams.

Prayer to the Holy Cross

Such a prayer from bad thoughts is recommended to read during acute and dangerous life situations, natural disasters, catastrophes or emergencies. Even if something terrible is not happening to you, but you are a witness to what is happening - it is recommended to read a short version of the prayer. The black life-giving cross helps protect against a repetition of the tragedy with you. When praying, of course, you should baptize with your left hand.

Guardian Angel

Each person has a personal heavenly patron - Guardian Angel. Prayer him encourages him to focus on protecting you from misfortune, eliminate phobias and dispel fears.

Read it should be in moments when you are overcome by anxiety, as well as before bedtime.

“Jesus the angel, the guardian of the sacred, the soul-preserver and body savior, forgive your slave (name) for all mistakes, for all wrongdoings and sins. From the evil one, from the evil, from the evil deliver, save and save. Do not know me fear with your help, do not feel anxiety under your wings. I pray in the name of Our Lord, the Most Holy One, the Most Holy Mother of God, the Holy Trinity and all the saints, I ask for your blessing and peace of mind. Amen".

There is a shorter version of the prayer to the Guardian Angel from fright, it will also suit children because of its lightness and poetic form.

“My Guardian Angel, save anyone from adversity. Take my fear, spray it on the ground, and cleanse me. Amen".

Psalm 90

Reading the strong Psalm number 90, also called Living in Help, has its difficulties. It is most effective to read the true ecclesiastical version of the prayer, but for the psalm there is the most important rule - understand every word.

Among the uninitiated in the sacraments of the priesthood there are few who correctly read the psalm. For it is not enough to say the prayer word correctly, it is also necessary to correctly interpret the meaning put into it. This is taught in seminaries, this knowledge is obligatory for every priest.

Among ordinary people there are few who can correctly read the text of the prayer. Only deeply religious people, devoutly devoted to the sacrament of sacred church rituals, can make an unmistakable reading, correctly interpreting the meaning of the prayer word.

But it is not in the traditions of the Church to hide such a powerful prayer from the common people. For Russian believers, the Orthodox Church has compiled a simplified text of the psalm. This text, translated into modern Russian, was compiled in accordance with the canons of the Christian church and is easier to read. It is also perceived by ear and remembered easier than the original.

Below are both options:

Psalm 90 is one of the truly strongest prayers and helps to cope even with long-standing phobias. With the help of “Live Help” you can find the strength to resist the worst enemy, take an important step and overcome an unshakable obstacle.

Prayer "May God be resurrected"

This prayer helps to keep from enemies revenge, forcing you to fear, for revenge is not pleasing to the Lord. Prayer to God has the property to inspire and instill confidence, repel failures and detractors.

Choose a prayer for fear with all their diversity is not easy. Therefore, choose, guided by the heart, try different. As soon as you feel peace of mind and high spirits after the prayer, stop at the one you read.

The prayer text is recommended to memorize by heart, although in some cases the church recommends the opposite. But in dangerous situations, a memorized text will help you quickly pull yourself together and overcome your fear. Of course, a long prayer is not so easy to memorize, in particular, the intricate psalm 90. A believer should always have at least one prayer protecting him from anxiety in his arsenal.

It is better to read them out loud, slowly, intelligently and clearly. At the same time, imagine your fear as something tangible, and mentally eliminate it in a convenient way - dissolve in water, burn it in fire, etc. If you pray for a candle, imagine how fear burns in the flame of this candle, soothing you.

The main thing that is necessary for a successful prayer for fear is sincere faith in the Lord, then your message will be heard by the Creator.


Watch the video: THE SPIRITUAL IMPACT OF ANXIETY (June 2024).