Stuffed pepper in the oven with cheese - it will certainly be awesome! Recipes of various peppers stuffed in the oven with cheese


Stuffed peppers with cheese - a dish that does not require gravy.

It is cooked in the oven, it turns fragrant, fried with a golden brown.

Moreover, he does not need the close attention of the hostess, which pleases even more.

Stuffed pepper in the oven with cheese - general principles of preparation

For baking stuffed peppers, you can use pods of different colors. You need to know that green vegetables can be bitter after cooking and not everyone likes it. The pods are filled with minced meat completely, as for a classic dish, or cut in half, making boats. In any case, seeds with a box are removed. In order for vegetables to be cooked at the same time, they must be the same size.

Cheese can be used in minced meat or sprinkle filled pods (halves) on top, it all depends on the recipe. For sprinkling, it is better to use hard varieties that melt and fry until crusted. You can add any cheese to the minced meat.

What else is used for the filling:

• meat, poultry;

• vegetables;

• cereals;

• various sauces;

• mushrooms.

After filling, the pods are transferred to the mold. It is advisable to choose the dishes in which the peppers will stand or lie tight. This will prevent unwanted tilt during cooking and leakage of the filling. In the oven, peppers are baked for 20 to 50 minutes, depending on the composition of the meat.

Stuffed peppers in the oven with cheese and meat

A meat version of stuffed in the oven pepper with cheese in the form of boats. For this dish, it is advisable to use two different types of meat, it will turn out tastier.


• 5 peppers;

• 500 g of meat;

• carrot;

• 2 onions;

• 200 g of cheese;

• 50 ml sour cream;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• butter.


1. Cut the peeled onion heads, transfer to a skillet with oil, passer a couple of minutes.

2. Peel the carrots, grate. Arrange to bow. Fry the vegetables for another two minutes. Cool.

3. Slide fried carrots and onions with minced meat. Add garlic, spices, salt.

4. Rinse the pepper, cut along. Remove seeds from the resulting boats, rinse.

5. Fill the halves with minced meat with vegetables.

6. Grate coarsely cheese, add sour cream to it. If the stuffing is non-greasy, then it is better to use mayonnaise. Stir.

7. Distribute the cheese mixture between all the boats, level the layer.

8. Put the boat of peppers on a baking sheet.

9. Bake in the oven until cooked at 180 degrees. This will take about 35-40 minutes.

Stuffed peppers in the oven with cheese, meat and rice

A variation of the common toppings for stuffed peppers. Rice is added not only for taste, but also for the economy of the dish. In the oven, peppers are cooked a little differently.


• 0.5 cups of dry rice;

• 400 g of minced meat;

• 2 onion heads;

• 150 g sour cream;

• 150 g of cheese;

• spices, garlic;

• 1 tomato.


1. Boil the rice until almost cooked. It is important not to digest the cereals, to keep the shape of the grains. Drain the broth.

2. Chop the onions, remember and add to the rice.

3. Put the minced meat in them, grate one tomato. You can add a paste, about one spoon. Or put any ketchup in the filling, you can even sharp.

4. Stir, add spices (salt, pepper, aromatic herbs).

5. Cut the pods in half, as you did in the previous recipe. Free the boats from seeds. You can immediately try on them in a mold, choose the size so as not to shuffle along with the filling.

6. Stuff the halves of the pods with minced meat, but not to the top. Rice will increase, you need to leave room for cheese.

7. Grate the cheese coarsely, add garlic and sour cream to it, no salt needed. Stir.

8. Cover the filling with cheese, lay out all so that nothing remains.

9. Bake the peppers for 40 minutes, serve until hot.

Stuffed peppers in the oven with cheese and egg

A variant of a very quick and simple dish that can be prepared for breakfast or dinner. Turn on the oven immediately for 200, as stuffing the pepper will take several minutes.


• 3 peppers;

• 150 g of cheese;

• 50 g sour cream;

• 4 eggs;

• spices, garlic;

• mold oil.


1. Cut the pods into boats, remove the cores.

2. Break the eggs into a bowl, add salt and sour cream, beat with a fork.

3. Grate cheese and garlic, transfer to egg mixture.

4. Add any spices, herbs and stir.

5. Arrange the halves of the peppers in the tins.

6. Divide the egg and cheese mixture between them.

7. Bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes. Cool slightly before serving, cover the boats with greens.

Stuffed peppers in the oven with cheese and mushrooms

Mushrooms are best suited for this pepper. They do not require preliminary boiling and therefore can be laid in raw form. Choose small pods that cook quickly.


• 10 small pods of pepper;

• 200 g of champignons;

• 120 g of cheese;

• 1 cup of boiled rice;

• 2 onion heads;

• 40 g of oil;

• 10 tsp sour cream;

• spices.


1. Cut the peeled onions, fry in oil.

2. Champignons also need to be cut, put in a hot onion and warm for a minute together. Make the maximum fire. Cool.

3. Combine rice and fried mushrooms, add greens and spices to your taste. Stir the filling.

4. Cut off the tops of the peppers to make large holes.

5. Fill the pods with cooked mushroom and rice filling. But not to the top. Leave about half a centimeter.

6. Grate cheese, preferably coarse chips.

7. Arrange on peppercorns, add a teaspoon of sour cream on top. You can add it slightly.

8. Place the pods in a tight bowl so that they do not fall.

9. Bake for 20 minutes at 200 degrees. If necessary, the time can always be extended.

Stuffed peppers in the oven with cheese and vegetables

For such peppers stuffed in the oven with cheese, you will need summer vegetables. If something is missing, you can always find a replacement, for example, use cabbage instead of eggplant.


• 10 peppers;

• 2 eggplants;

• 2 carrots;

• 2 onions;

• 4 tomatoes;

• 150 g sour cream;

• 0.5 cups of rice;

• spices;

• 150 g of cheese.


1. Boil rice until almost done, drain and let cool.

2. While the rice is cooked, fry the onions and carrots in a pan. At the very end, add the diced eggplant. Turn off after a minute.

3. Mix rice and vegetables, season with spices, garlic.

4. Cut off the tops of the pods, clean out the gut. From below in each pod make a toothpick a few punctures.

5. Fill the resulting molds with minced meat, leave a free space on top, about a centimeter. Place the pods in a convenient baking dish.

6. Grate the tomatoes, discard the skins. You can just grind it with a blender.

7. Add sour cream to the tomatoes, salt and pepper.

8. Pour in each pepper a spoonful of the resulting sauce, pour the remains into the mold.

9. Grate the cheese, arrange on the peppers.

10. Bake the dish for half an hour at a temperature of 180, you do not need to set it higher.

Stuffed peppers in the oven with cheese, chicken and nuts

The recipe for amazing pepper stuffed in the oven with cheese. For the filling, chicken breast is used, but you can take a similar amount of cut pulp from the thigh of the bird.


• 3 fillets;

• 6 pods of pepper;

• onion;

• 150-180 g of cheese;

• carrot;

• butter;

• 50 g sour cream;

• clove of garlic;

• 20 ml of oil;

• 2 tablespoons of nuts.


1. Grate carrots, cut the onion head. Fry it all on two tablespoons of butter. You do not need to brown the vegetables, just lightly lighten.

2. Cut the chicken into small cubes. Make it easier if the product is slightly frostbitten.

3. Chop the nuts into small pieces, transfer to the chicken fillet.

4. Add the fried vegetables, salt, season with any spices, sour cream and garlic.

5. Fill the halves of the peppers with the chicken stuffed with nuts.

6. Sprinkle with coarsely grated cheese. You can simply cut a piece according to the number of halves and arrange it.

7. Bake for 35 minutes, serve with greens.

Stuffed peppers in the oven with cheese, meat and buckwheat

For some reason, it is customary to add boiled rice to the minced pepper. But with buckwheat it turns out no less tasty. A glass of boiled porridge is used.


• 6-8 peppers;

• 2 carrots;

• 1 cup buckwheat;

• 200 g of minced meat, chicken;

• 1 onion;

• 200 g of cheese;

• 50 ml sour cream;

• butter, garlic.


1. Peel vegetables, chop, fry carrots and onions, adding a little oil. Leave to cool.

2. Mix raw minced meat with boiled buckwheat, add spices, fried vegetables, stir.

3. Grate the cheese, add half to the forcemeat, the remaining product will be needed for sprinkling.

4. Fill the pods with minced meat. According to this recipe, you can cook boats of halves or fill whole peppers. Do as you like.

5. Sprinkle pepper with grated cheese.

6. Top with sour cream, do not need to add a lot.

7. Bake the boats for 25 minutes at 180, if the pods are whole, leave up to 35 minutes.

Stuffed Pepper in a Cheese Oven - Useful Tips and Tricks

• Stuffed peppers - this is exactly the dish that can be cooked for the future. Fill the pods, place in bags and put in the freezer. At the right time, it remains only to put them in a form, fill it with cheese and bake in the oven. Or pour sauce and simmer under the lid.

• If the filling is prepared with beef or chicken breast, vegetables will help to add minced meat to juiciness. Well enriches lean meat fat sour cream, mayonnaise.

• If the cereal for minced meat is undercooked, be sure to add extra liquid to the pods, for example, tomato juice, sour cream, broth. Otherwise, the filling will turn out to be dry, and the dish itself will be tasteless.
