Almond oil for the face: recipes for homemade masks for the care of dermis. Composition and beneficial properties of almond oil for face


Almond oil for the face is an incredibly valuable product. Its rich composition guarantees comprehensive gentle care for dermis. In addition, it is suitable for the care of any skin. One of the main properties of almond oil is that it regulates the sebaceous glands. Oily skin dries, dry deeply moisturizes. The product can be used at home - this is an excellent alternative to expensive anti-aging agents. Almond oil is often used in its pure form, it is also possible to prepare nutritious skin masks, scrubs and other skin care products on its basis.

Properties of almond oil for the face and indications for its use

Almond oil for the face is recommended for girls in the following cases:

• peeling and excessive dryness of the dermis;

• the face is sprinkled with acne, acne is disturbing;

• “crow's feet” appeared around the eyes;

• facial skin fades, signs of fatigue, bruises and bags appear under the eyes;

• improper functioning of the sebaceous glands, the skin is either excessively oily or dries.

The composition and properties of almond oil for the face

Almond oil was in demand among the ancient Egyptians. These women washed them daily in the morning, added to the bathroom. As a result, their skin remained perfect, regardless of age. Is there any special secret to almond oil? Of course not. It's all about the unique composition of the product. Nature endowed it with a complex of vitamins, which are of the greatest value to the dermis.

1. Folic acid. Protects the face from temperature changes, nourishes the cells of the dermis.

2. Natsin evens skin tone, gives it a healthy, pleasant shade.

3. Fatty oils allow you to establish metabolism in the cells.

4. Organic acids stimulate the skin rejuvenation process, regenerate damaged areas.

5. Carotene moisturizes the face, removes dead skin particles, prevents peeling.

6. Essential oils can calm the skin of the face, remove irritation and signs of fatigue from it.

Almond oil for the face should be used regularly by women at any age. This natural product works wonders. It is not worth using it in home cosmetology, you just need to know a few "secret" recipes.

Everyday Almond Oil

Almond oil has an incredibly light structure, due to which it is absorbed as quickly as possible into the dermis. Due to this property, women can use the product in home cosmetology daily in its pure form.

It is recommended to wipe the face with almond oil 2 times a day. The first time - in the morning after washing, the second time - 1 hour before bedtime. Before using the product, it is advisable to slightly warm it in a water bath. Warm oil is distributed by fingertips all over the face. After 20 minutes, it is almost completely absorbed. Residues cannot be left, otherwise the pores may become clogged, resulting in acne. The remaining oil is removed with a paper towel.

Masks with almond oil for the face: the best homemade recipes

Masks with almond oil for the face can be purchased at any pharmacy and cosmetic store. However, why spend money if homemade recipes with the product are no less effective?

Homemade Almond Butter Mask Recipes

1. Toning. 1 tablespoon of oatmeal must be ground in flour. A little water is added to the resulting powder to make a creamy mass. There is added 1 tablespoon of almond oil and a little lemon juice. The mask is applied to the face for 20-25 minutes, it is advisable to refrain from facial expressions, then the skin is washed with warm water.

2. For fading, prone to dry skin. Cocoa powder (1 tablespoon) is diluted in warm milk to make the consistency look like chocolate puree. A teaspoon of honey and two teaspoons of almond oil are added there. All you need to mix well, apply the resulting mask for 30 minutes on the face. The procedure will increase the elasticity of the dermis, even out its tone, lighten pigmented areas.

3. For oily skin. 1 large potato is boiled "in its uniform". Then you need to knead it with a fork, add 1 tablespoon of almond oil and lemon juice. So that the mixture is not too thick, it is also recommended to add 1 tablespoon of calendula infusion to it. The mask is characterized by a rejuvenating effect, its regular use will smooth wrinkles. In addition, the recipe normalizes the sebaceous glands.

4. For problem skin. Beat the chicken egg until frothy, add 1 tablespoon of almond oil to it, mix well. The mask fights acne and acne. It is recommended to apply on her face 2-3 times a week in the evenings for 20 minutes before going to bed.

5. For combination skin. Low-fat cottage cheese (1 tablespoon) and 1 medium kiwi are mashed. In this mass, almond oil is added (2 tablespoons). The finished mask is applied to the face for half an hour, then the skin is rinsed with warm water and wiped with a paper towel. The procedure is characterized by a tonic, softening and moisturizing effect.

6. For aging skin. Beat the egg yolk with a fork; 1 tablespoon of liquid honey and almond oil is added to it. Mix everything thoroughly to make the mass homogeneous. The mask is evenly distributed on the skin of the face. The recipe will be useful for those who want to get rid of small age wrinkles and maintain the elasticity of the dermis.

Before using masks with almond oil for the face, it is necessary to steam the skin, clean it from the remnants of makeup. This is the only way a natural product can penetrate deep into the cells of the dermis and saturate them with useful vitamins.

Other homemade “beauty recipes” with almond oil

Almond oil for the face is useful not only in the composition of the cream. On the basis of this product at home, you can cook various skincare creams, scrubs, as well as wish lotions.

1. Scrub with almond oil. You need to buy fine salt (the finer, the safer for the skin). For 1 tablespoon of almond oil, add half a teaspoon of salt. The mixture is thoroughly mixed. The scrub is rubbed into the skin with massage movements for 2-3 minutes, then the rest of the product is washed off with warm water. This recipe perfectly cleanses the dermis from blackheads and acne, relieves inflammation.

2. Eye cream. The skin in this area is very delicate, so it needs special care. A cream prepared at home based on almond oil is a great option. The recipe is very simple. In a tablespoon of almond oil, you need to add 2 drops of vitamins A and E. The product is applied with your fingertips to the area around the eyes, left there for 10 minutes, then washed off.

3. Warm compress. Almond oil needs to be heated in a water bath to make it warm. The natural product is applied to the skin with a thick layer. On top of the face 2-3 napkins of their cotton material are applied, then a warm towel is put. The compress is aged 20-30 minutes, the face is washed with warm water.

4. Lotions for acne and acne. Almond oil (3-4 drops) is added to 1 tablespoon of calendula infusion. Everything mixes well. Now a cotton swab is dipped into the resulting mass and with its help the agent is applied pointwise to problem areas. This procedure is recommended to be repeated 2 times a day for a week. Passing the full course will save a woman from acne and unpleasant acne.

5. A remedy for bruising under the eyes. Cotton pads are slightly moistened in almond oil, where 3 drops of vitamin E are pre-added. Lotions are applied to the eyes for 7 minutes 2 times a day. regular procedure will remove traces of skin fatigue around the eyes, forget about the problem of morning bruises in this area.

Almond oil for the face is really very useful. This is a universal care product. The oil will not only preserve the beauty and youth of the female skin, but also solve dermatological problems such as acne and acne. For best results, recipes are best alternated.

Contraindications to the use of almond oil and possible side effects

As already mentioned, almond oil for the face is not dangerous. The product is completely natural. The only possible contraindication to its use is the presence of individual intolerance to the product.

Before home cosmetic procedures, an allergy test is recommended. A small amount of almond oil is applied to the wrist, left there overnight. If in the morning the treated area of ​​the dermis does not turn red, the product can be used to care for the face.

Important! Incorrect use of almond oil for the face can lead to clogging of pores and the formation of comedones - this is really true. To avoid this, you must strictly observe the dosage of the product when preparing home care products.

Almond oil for the face gives an amazing result after the first week of its use. The main thing is to strictly observe the dosage. Only in this case, a woman will be able to get the maximum benefit for the skin, which only gives a natural product. Almond oil will maintain the elasticity of the dermis, maintain its healthy attractive shine, and relieve fine wrinkles and acne. For any woman who takes care of herself, this is a real find, an invaluable treasure.


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