Pea soup - the best recipes. How to cook pea soup correctly and tasty.


Pea soup - general principles and methods of preparation

The author of the first recipe book Apitsius back in the days of the Ancient World included 9 recipes for pea dishes. Among them was pea soup. In Russia, he "went to court" only in the 17th century, and was present on the table of the royal people and in the menu of commoners. Today, without it, one cannot imagine a simple cafe or an expensive restaurant. Most often, pea soup is cooked with the addition of smoked meats, although more than a hundred different recipes can be listed. The calorie content of the soup is 60-70 calories per 100 grams. Pea itself is a fairly high-calorie product (200-300 c / cal. Per 100 grams), above it in this respect only soy. To make the peas cook faster, it is pre-soaked. But some types can not be soaked, for example, chopped peas are perfectly digested in the cooking process. Crackers or croutons are prepared for the soup.

Pea Soup - Food Preparation

Everyone knows what this plant looks like - pods with 5-7 peas grow and ripen on curly shoots with curled antennae. There are many varieties of peas, but all of them can be divided into 3 types - brain (sweet) varieties, sugar (cantha, translated from French as “eat whole”), and shelling. For the production of the well-known green peas for olivier and other salads, sugar and brain varieties go, they are collected green and juicy. Ripe peas are dried and used for cereals, soups and other dishes. Pour it for soaking or cooking better with cold water. But it is not recommended to add cold water to already boiling soup - only boiling water, otherwise the peas will not boil. If you like mashed soup, you need to knead it hot. Cooking peas varies from 15 minutes for green varieties to 1.5 hours of round, well-dried species. It depends on the time of soaking, as well as on your own addictions - someone loves whole peas, and someone prefers well-cooked mashed potatoes.

Pea Soup - The Best Recipes

Recipe 1: Pea Soup with Smoked Ribs

The classic version of pea soup. Smoked ribs are sold in supermarkets in a ready-made condition, so you need to cook them for long, only 30 minutes.

Ingredients: dry peas (500 grams), onions, carrots, potatoes (several pieces), bacon, peppers, smoked pork ribs (500 grams), garlic, salt, greens - dill or parsley.

Cooking method

Pour peas for 3-4 hours with cold water. Cook smoked ribs for 1-1.5 hours, until the meat is separated from the bones. We clean onions, potatoes and carrots, cut in the same way as for any soup - potatoes in large cubes, carrots and onions in small cubes. Spread the peas to the bones and cook for 30 minutes. Add the potatoes and cook for another 20 minutes. In a pan, heat the vegetable oil and fry the onions and carrots. Add to the pan and cook for another 10 minutes, salt and pepper. Add finely chopped bacon and herbs to the soup, warm for another 2 minutes. Insist 30 minutes and serve with mustard, cut meat into slices.

Recipe 2: Pea Soup with Sausages

This wonderful recipe differs from other soups in the addition of a small amount of milk. First cook the peas, and then add the other ingredients. You get a gentle, pleasant soup. Children especially like him.

Ingredients: milk (1/2 l), potatoes (500 grams), flour (2 tablespoons), garlic, salt, pepper, frying fat (30 gr.), spices to taste, sausages 2 pieces.

Cooking method

If you have planned pea soup, soak peas in cold water the day before. The next day, drain the water and cook peas. Separately, boil potatoes in water, prepare a passerovka from fat and flour. We wipe the peas and potatoes through a sieve, mix, salt and add spices, milk and sliced ​​sausages. Cook a little more. Done! Serve with finely chopped herbs. Do not forget about traditional crackers, for example, in the microwave they can be cooked in 1 minute.

Recipe 3: Pea Soup with Green Pods

Green peas can also be used to make delicious soup. Directly in the pods it is cooked very briefly. The main time cost is the preparation of beef bone broth.

Ingredients: beef bones (1 kg), white pepper, herbs, salt, canned green peas, cream (10%, 250 m.), egg yolk, parsley, cheese with garlic (100 grams).

Cooking method

We wash the bones and lower them into boiling water. Blanch for three minutes, take them out and rinse the pan. Fill the bones with salted water and set them to boil, periodically removing foam. We clean the greens and cut large. Add the grains of pepper and cook everything in an open bowl for 1 hour. Filter the broth and boil again so that half the liquid remains. Cook the peas for 15 minutes in salted water. Half a pea goes for mashed potatoes. Put the mashed potatoes in the soup and add the cream, whipped with yolk. We continue to heat to a boil. Season the finished soup with herbs, put a spoonful of cheese cream in each plate.

Recipe 4: Pea Soup with Cervelat Meat Broth

Take ready-made pork meat broth cooked on sugar bone. Strain it. The soup will have a very refined taste due to the real cervelat. The remaining ingredients are all as usual, peas, carrots, onions.

Ingredients: peas (1 cup), meat broth from pork (2 liters), potatoes (2-3 pcs.), smoked cervelat sausage (50-100 grams), onions (1 pc. medium size), carrots, salt, pepper, laurel sheet.

Cooking method

Soak a glass of peas in advance in water for at least 2 hours. Add boiled peas to the boiling broth, leave it on the fire for about 20 minutes. Meanwhile, we pass the finely chopped onions and carrots into vegetable oil. Add the potatoes into cubes in a broth, sauté, and cook for about 10-15 minutes. Salt, pepper, add bay leaf and remove from heat. Let it brew for 20-30 minutes. Eat to health!

Recipe 5: Pea Soup with Meatballs

If you want to make pea soup very quickly, soak the peas in advance and stock up on a small amount of minced meat. It will turn out just a wonderful soup, with meatballs melting in your mouth.

Ingredients: onions (2 pcs.), potatoes (5 medium pcs.), carrots, peas (200 grams), minced meat (pork-beef, 300-400 grams.

Cooking method:

Pre-soaked and swollen peas, pour clean cold water and put on fire. While it is boiling, we pass the onions and carrots in oil (first fry the onions, then add the carrots). Dip the diced potatoes into the soup, after 10 minutes add the meatballs (add a little onion, add salt, pepper and form meat balls to the minced meat). Then come the carrots with onions. Close the lid, turn off the gas and let it brew.

Recipe 6: Pea Soup in a Multicooker

Ingredients: 500 grams of pork on the bone, potatoes (3-4 pcs) peas (halves, 1 cup), carrots, onions, herbs, vegetable oil.

Cooking method

In the slow cooker, a quick method is selected, which involves laying all the ingredients together. First, in the "baking" mode, fry the onions and carrots, then take out everything and put the meat in a saucepan. Pour water on ¾ containers, spread peas, potatoes, carrots with onions. If you prefer to usually drain the first broth from the meat, first bring the contents to a boil in the "steaming" mode, and then change the mode. Cook on stew for 2 hours. If you just need to leave home, you can simply put all the ingredients in a pan and turn on the "stew" mode for 2, 5 hours, the soup in a slow cooker will also turn out delicious.

Pea Soup - Useful Tips from Experienced Cookers

Peas - a useful food product containing a lot of useful substances. However, many people know that it can cause bloating. Nutritionists recommend adding a lot of finely chopped dill to each plate - it helps to avoid unpleasant phenomena in the intestines. Rinse the peas as thorough as possible, this also reduces the likelihood of gas formation. After dishes from peas, do not immediately drink cold water, and with acute jade, impaired blood circulation or cholecystitis, generally exclude it for a while from the diet.


Dmitry 10/03/2016
Why don’t you indicate the volume of water? How much water should I pour into the pan?

Olga 01/23/2016
And here is a detailed recipe for pea soup with photos that is cooked in a slow cooker //


Watch the video: How To Make THE BEST Split Pea Soup - Its EASY!!! (July 2024).