The perfect pedicure at home. Nail design options and professional tips for home pedicure


Women who want to look perfect from the top of their heads to their fingertips should monitor the condition of their feet and toes not only in the summer period - the open sandal season.

Specialized salons offer certain procedures to restore a well-groomed appearance to the legs.

But not all ladies have the opportunity to use their services, so it is very important to learn how to do pedicures on their own.

Pedicure at home: tools and materials

Salon pedicure is a considerable financial cost. You can make heels perfectly smooth, and nails can be beautiful at home. There are two ways to care for your feet: hardware and classic pedicure. The first method involves the presence of a special machine. Today, we dwell in detail on a more familiar and accessible procedure - a trimmed pedicure.

For thorough processing of the feet and toes, we need the following tools:

1. Tweezers (nippers) are used to shorten the nails. Choose a tool made of stainless steel with uniform sharpening. Double spring clippers last longer. The width of their blades can be from 5 to 9 mm. The thinner it is, the sharper.

2. Cuticle Nippers - A great alternative to conventional nail scissors. The tool is designed to remove the burr on the toes and neatly cut the cuticle. The trihedral tips and beveled edges of the nippers allow you to carefully treat the skin.

3. Pedicure brush It is used in pedicure at home for the delicate removal of the coarsened layer of the skin after baths, as well as for cleansing the cuticles and nails. The tool can be made of both natural fibers and artificial materials.

4. Pedicure machine (scraper) is used for deep cleansing of coarsened skin in those areas where a stiff brush and pumice can not cope. A convenient handle and interchangeable nozzle-blades allow you to make the surface of the feet perfectly smooth without much effort. The scraper excellently removes dry corns and corns.

5. Pumice - This is a porous pebble with which you can easily polish hard skin on the feet. This tool should be conveniently shaped, which allows it to easily lie down in the palm of your hand. The smaller the pores of pumice, the more delicately it affects the skin.

6. Cuticle spatula (pusher for manicure) - this tool for pedicure at home has two functional parts. On the one hand, the product is equipped with a spatula, with which you can move the cuticle. On the reverse side is the so-called "hatchet", which is designed to clean nails.

7. Foot grater used to remove keratinized skin particles. We choose the tool depending on the preferences and individual characteristics of the skin. Graters are:

• laser

• glass

• emery,

• ceramic.

8. Nail files various granularity for shaping, grinding and polishing nails. The following varieties of files:

• sapphire,

• ruby,

• diamond

• ceramic.

9. Pedicure Spacers allow you to conveniently apply nail polish. Fingers do not touch each other, which guarantees high-quality varnish coating.

10. Disposable slippers provide you with free movement around the room while the varnish has not yet dried.

11. Foot bath. Modern bathtubs for pedicure are equipped with the latest technology, which makes foot care a pleasant procedure. We are talking about hydro- and vibro-massage, which remove fatigue, magnetic radiation, which relieves discomfort in the joints, ultraviolet lamas, eliminating fungus.

12. Relaxing essential oils add to water while taking baths. A few drops of this wonderful product will create a calm atmosphere and soften the skin perfectly.

13. Scrub or peeling for the legs will help to make a quality massage and eliminate dead cells.

14. Nail polish remover, cotton buds and discs are needed to remove nail polish.

15. Varnish, base, fixing agent will be required to create a nail design.

16. Moisturizer or foot oil.

17. Foot powder has a deodorizing effect and eliminates excessive sweating.

Pedicure Tool Care Tips

Choosing accessories for home pedicure, experts recommend not to save. It should also be noted that the service life of tools depends not only on their quality, but also on proper handling.

• Lubricate the friction surfaces of scissors, nippers and tweezers with special oil at least once a month. This will improve the smoothness of the accessory.

• Grind tool cutting elements in time.

• Disinfect items before each use.

Pedicure at home: sequence of actions

Next, consider how to do a pedicure step by step.

1. Before the pedicure, you should thoroughly wash your legs and remove the old varnish from the nails. Disinfect tools.

2. We make a bath. Pour hot water into a regular basin or bath. Add baking soda, a few drops of lemon juice, iodine and sea salt to it. Any relaxing essential oils are also recommended. Dip the feet in water to steam them properly. This will take at least 15 minutes. As the bath cools, add hot water.

You can add shower gel or liquid soap to the bath. This will even better soften the keratinized layer of cells. At the end of a pleasant procedure, we wipe our feet with a towel.

3. Shorten the nails and give them a shape. Take nail clippers or nail scissors and cut in a straight line that part of the nail that protrudes. Experts advise to square the nails. This avoids such a nuisance as growing a nail into the skin. Trim the cut with a file, moving from the edges to the center. Using a spatula, move the cuticle and apply emollient to it. Remove the cuticle and use a pusher to clean the nail plates. A double-sided pedicure file allows you to polish the nail plates so that they look shiny and smooth. We remove the burrs with scissors.

4. Now we take a pumice stone and get rid of the coarse skin of the feet and heels. Use gentle circular movements with light pressure to dispose of dead skin, dry corns and corns. If the skin is too rough and pumice can not cope with it, then use a pedicure machine. To fix the result, special peels and scrubs for the legs will help.

5. Pedicure at home provides nutrition and hydration of the skin. Take a cream or oil and lubricate the legs with light massage movements. Also now you can make a mask for the skin of the feet. We put on socks for pedicure on our feet (regular food bags are also suitable) and socks. After 15-20 minutes, you will find how soft and velvety your skin has become.

6. You can start applying the varnish. Treat the nail plate with a special nail polish remover to degrease it and ensure that the decorative coating is evenly applied. First, apply the foundation. After it dries - varnish. It is applied in two layers. This allows you to achieve uniform saturated color. Special dividers (spacers) will make the application of the product very comfortable, will not allow it to be lubricated. We cover the nails with a fixer.

Many women have a logical question: how often should a pedicure be done? According to experts, the skin on the feet will always be well-groomed if the pedicure procedure is done once every 7-10 days.

Home Pedicure Design Options

Many women want their legs to look not only well-groomed, but also chic. This helps a beautiful juicy pedicure. Consider the most popular and effective nail design options that will allow you to look stunning in any situation.

Solid pedicure

Solid classic pedicure looks simple and incredibly elegant. Due to his restraint and conciseness, he is always appropriate. Vibrant neon shades help to diversify this type of design. Unexpected colors emphasize the beauty of your feet. Also, the highlight of any image will give the so-called "rainbow". Pedicure will not be boring if each finger is painted in different colors.

French pedicure

Stylish universal jacket never loses its relevance. It is suitable for creating both a casual and evening look. A French pedicure with the right “smile line” looks perfect. For a change, you can make it some unexpected shade. Also this type of design allows the use of lace, patterns and patterns. Modern French is distinguished by a variety of designs, but it always looks feminine and harmonious.

White french

Color french

French with ornament

Rhinestones in pedicure

The shining decorative pebble in nails is an excellent way to demonstrate your refined taste and personality. In this design, it is important not to overdo it and keep the pedicure light and not overloaded.



Pedicure with drawings

The drawings on the nails do not cease to be fashionable. Here, every lady can give free rein to fantasy. The most popular are floral and abstract designs. This pedicure liberates, gives femininity and relaxedness.


Home Pedicure: Professional Tips

Your legs will always look perfect if you follow the advice of professionals:

• Olive oil will help maintain the effect of the pedicure you just made. It should be applied to the feet at night. It’s best to wear cotton socks on top. This simple procedure will return your heels to softness and flawless smoothness.

• Not only a special store peeling can save you from yellow nails. To clean the plate from stains and return to a healthy color helps scrubbing coffee grounds.

• You can smooth out the uneven surface of nails covered with grooves using a grinding file and a base varnish.

• A bath of sage or bay leaves will reduce sweating in the legs.

• Do not forget to massage your feet during a pedicure. After all, exactly there are many acupuncture points that are responsible for the health of the whole organism. Massage improves blood circulation, relaxes and improves mood.

As you can see, every lady can master a pedicure at home. Do not neglect this useful and necessary procedure. Now you do not need to constantly spend money on visiting salons. Caring for the feet on your own with the necessary tools is quite simple and pleasant. Fresh pedicure looks beautiful and gives confidence to any woman.
