A set of effective exercises with a gymnastic ball. How easy is it to tighten your body while doing exercises with a gymnastic ball?


We present to you the best set of exercises using a gymnastic ball, and in parallel we will also talk about the benefits of training with fitball.

Check out the helpful tips for choosing the right gymnastics ball for your workout!

The history of fitness: why a gym ball is considered the best simulator for the whole body

Fitball - the so-called athletes and lovers of a healthy lifestyle gymnastic ball. This famous exercise machine was rightfully recognized as the best invention of fitness. Using physiotherapy since the 1950s in the fight against paralysis, he gained immense popularity among both professionals and ordinary people.

Why does the gym ball attract such attention? How did he win such a place of honor? The distance is more detailed.

1. Efficiency. Just one single exercise with a gymnastic ball gives a large load to absolutely all the muscles of the body. Imagine then doing a whole range of exercises with a gymnastic ball with our body! Due to such muscle tension, not only the body is brought into tone in the shortest possible time, but also the whole health of the body as a whole.

2. Development. A set of exercises with a gym ball helps to develop body flexibility. The most inflexible people after its execution in the shortest possible time could boast of their acquired grace. Also, exercises with a gymnastic ball perfectly develop coordination.

3. Posture. Just a few workouts based on exercises with a gymnastic ball allow you to create a perfectly even royal posture. And all thanks to the quality load, which allows you to enter into the tone weak spinal muscles. Well-designed, they elastically straighten the spine, correcting posture.

4. Relaxation. Exercises with a gymnastic ball, in addition to their direct function, also play the role of a relaxant. Strengthening the whole body as a whole, they improve mood. This happens due to the stimulation of blood circulation and the production of the hormone of happiness. Thus, blood circulating well throughout the body improves the general condition of the body.

To exercise with a gym ball should be approached with great responsibility. That is why you need to stretch yourself first.

The best exercises for warming up are as follows:

• Squats;

• Jumping rope;

• Riding an exercise bike.

Squats This exercise must be done in two approaches. The number of times for each approach is 25-30. It is important not to tear the heels off the floor when performing.

Jumping rope. This warm-up exercise needs to be performed 50 times. The number of approaches is two.

Riding an exercise bike. If the simulator is not available, then its beautiful will replace a regular bike. You just need to ride it for about 10-15 minutes.

Exercises with a gymnastic ball: the best effective complex

A set of exercises with a gymnastic ball involves performing the usual strength exercises:

• Push ups;

• Rack;

• raising legs;

• Raising the hips;

• Raising hands and so on.

In execution, all these exercises are very similar to the usual ones and it is not difficult to understand them. Their distance is more detailed.

Exercise one - lifting the hips.

Sitting on your back, throw both legs on the gym ball. Hands are supported on the floor, palms down. Lift your hips. You need to do this intensively, but slowly, well working out all the muscles. When properly performed, the tension of the whole body is felt. The exercise is done in two sets of 30 times.

Exercise two - tilting the legs with the gymnastic ball to the sides.

Lying on your back, hold the gym ball with your feet, or rather, place it between them. Raise your legs with the fitball. Straight arms rest with palms on the floor. Perform leg tilts with the ball held to the right and left. The legs should be straight, they should not be bent at the knees. As a result, you need to perform 15 legs tilted to each side.

Exercise Three - lifting the hips and legs with a gymnastic ball.

Sit on the floor. Lying on your back, hold the gymnastic ball with both legs under the knees. The picture clearly shows this initial position. Lift your legs and hips with your pelvis up. The higher the pelvis is, the more effective the exercise will be. It is performed 15 times.

Exercise Four - push-ups on the gymnastic ball.

Settling down with your abdomen resting on your arms, as with normal push-ups, throw both legs on the ball. Close them together and do push-ups. With the correct push-ups, the body should form a straight line. The lower you push up, the greater the load. Ten deep push-ups will be enough.

Fifth exercise - back push-ups on the gym ball.

Turn your back to the ball and rest your hands on it. The picture clearly shows how to do this. Perform back push-ups, bending and unbending your arms at the elbows. Exercise needs to be done 15 deep times. Make sure that your hands do not slip off the gym ball.

Exercise Six - lifting legs with support on a gymnastic ball.

Take the starting position the same as with push-ups - legs on the ball, hands resting on the floor. Raise your legs alternately. Stretch your foot as high as possible. The number of times for each leg is 15.

Exercise seven - raising the torso on a fitball.

Lie on a gym ball with your feet resting on the floor. Get your hands behind your head. Perform torso lifts. When picked up correctly, the ball will automatically roll. The number of times is 15.

Exercise Eight - lifting the body with a turn on the fitball.

It is necessary to settle down on the gymnastic ball, as in the previous exercise, on the back. Hands behind your head. Perform body rises with a turn to the right and left alternately 15 times.

Exercise 9 - squeezing the ball with your feet.

Sit on a chair and grip the ball with your knees, between your legs. Hands - support, straight back. Squeeze the ball with your knees as much as possible and hold for 30 seconds in this position. Relax. Repeat the exercise in three sets.

Note! During the implementation of the above set of exercises using a gymnastic ball, the muscles of the whole body are in a heavy load. To prevent pain, you need to finish the training with initial warm-up exercises.

The right gymnastic ball: what should be the simulator

If you intend to purchase a gym ball, be sure to use the tips below. Recommendations will help you choose the right fitball. So, before you buy a gym ball, pay attention to the following parameters:

1. Abbreviation abs. If it is decrypted and translated from English, it means "anti-explosion system." The presence of such an abbreviation indicates the quality of the ball. If you perform a puncture during one of the exercises, he will slowly let the air through the hole. A cheap low-quality ball will just explode beneath you. It may cause injury.

2. Gym ball size. Fitball can be of different diameters - 45, 55, 65, 75, 85, 95. How to decide on the right choice of a ball? Subtract the number "100" from your height and get an approximate diameter. For example, if your height is 1.63, then the correct ball diameter is 65 centimeters (163-100 = 63, closest to this number is diameter 65).

3. Ball surface. It can be of three types: smooth, with horns, studded. It is best to choose a studded surface. In addition to preventing slipping, the spikes will massage you during your workout. The ball with horns is intended for children. They will only interfere with adults. A smooth surface is very slippery.

Thus, following the recommendations listed above, you will not just be able to choose the right gymnastic ball. You will provide safe and quality training.
