The kitten is constantly sleeping: why, what to do, whether to wake him up, whether to lead to the veterinarian. Drowsiness in kittens: norm or violation?


Concern for the well-being of a small pet makes people wonder why the kitten is constantly sleeping. Poorly representing the characteristics of the animal’s body, it’s worthwhile to understand the question of what to do if the kitten is constantly sleeping, and how to help in this strange situation.

Features of long sleep in kittens

Many pet owners know that cats are real sleepyheads and spend most of their time falling asleep in a secluded place. This is a characteristic habit of animals accustomed to hunting at night. Domesticated cats do not need constant vigilance of their wild relatives, so they can spend up to 18 hours in a dream daily. This behavior allows them to fully digest the eaten protein food, and also supports health and saves energy for an active period of wakefulness.

If the little kitten is constantly sleeping, the reasons may be different. For healthy newborn kittens and cubs under the age of two months, it is normal to be in a dream almost constantly. At the earliest stages of growing up during sleep, accelerated growth of the animal’s body, strengthening of the nervous and immune systems are observed.

Already at the age of four months, some kittens reach the size of adult animals. Such enhanced development requires a lot of strength and energy, so the kitten can constantly experience drowsiness and should be at rest. In any case, you should not interfere with a small pet to get enough sleep, wake it up and slow it down, because this can provoke the occurrence of diseases and even the death of the cub.

If the animal does not show any signs of malaise, do not interfere with the natural development process. Within a few weeks, the kitten will feel stronger and more confident for a more active pastime.

Causes of drowsiness in kittens

Other factors, in addition to the natural cycles of the body, often become external causes that affect both small kittens and adult animals:

1) weather conditions;

2) the level of calm in the environment;

3) lack of irritants and dangers.

Drowsiness in kittens is affected by feelings of satiety and fatigue from a lot of activity. In addition, in the summer heat or before the rain, if the kitten is constantly sleeping, the cause may be reduced atmospheric pressure. Hormonal level also affects drowsiness, because, as a rule, males are more active than females, so lingering sleep is not uncommon in girls kittens.

Falling asleep in cats occurs gradually, and drowsiness is replaced by deep sleep. According to scientists, cats can dream, and often they make meowing sounds, squeak, fingering, which is a feature of their expression of emotions and should not become a cause for excitement.

These reasons should not cause panic in the owners of animals, since they are caused by the natural features of the life of their pets.

Signs of Disease Disease

An unhealthy appearance of the pet should become a cause for concern during prolonged sleep in kittens. It is especially worth paying attention to the following indicators important for determining health status:

1) dry rough nose;

2) general lethargy;

3) weakness in the limbs;

4) increased body temperature;

5) refusal of food and water;

6) dull and brittle coat;

7) underweight.

Together with these signs, a kitten's drowsiness will cause concern. During sleep, a small cat tries to cope with its ailments, but often the intervention of a veterinarian is required to solve the problem. If the owners are concerned about the animal’s health when the kitten is constantly sleeping, what to do first is not a matter of urgency - you need to urgently contact a specialist who can identify the true cause of prolonged drowsiness.

Delay in such matters can worsen the condition of the animal, because constant drowsiness can have many reasons that threaten the health of the pet.

Possible diseases with symptoms of drowsiness

Only an examination by a qualified veterinarian can tell the true cause of persistent drowsiness in kittens. However, there are a number of diseases for which prolonged sleep, apathy, lethargy are considered characteristic signs:

1) the presence of parasites - fleas, ticks, helmittes;

2) food poisoning;

3) intestinal obstruction;

4) bruises and dislocations;

5) urolithiasis.

These are the most common diseases that affect small kittens. These are quite painful ailments that cause weakness, loss of strength and, as a result, drowsiness. But despite the difficulties of treatment, it is possible to cope with these ailments, which will help restore the vitality and health of the small pet.

More dangerous diseases for the animal, due to which he has to sleep constantly, may be the following ailments:

1) anemia;

2) gastritis;

3) leukemia;

4) inflammation of the kidneys;

5) retroviruses.

You can confirm the presence of diseases and prescribe the correct treatment only with the help of a veterinarian who will indicate the necessary list of drugs and procedures for treating a kitten.

What to do with drowsiness in kittens

So that a small kitten can fully develop and get a good healthy sleep, you should carefully take care of the pet's health. What to do if the kitten is constantly sleeping? First of all, you need to make sure that he receives a suitable diet, in which there are no prohibited foods that can cause allergies and stomach problems. The kitten should be protected from external noise, to ensure calm in the house and a comfortable place where he can sleep. Over time, the kitten will be able to restore strength for more energetic actions.

If drowsiness becomes unhealthy, then postpone the visit to a specialist is not worth it. Timely observation and intervention can save the life of the pet, allowing you to live many more joyful years with your master.


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