Cystitis in children: treat at home or be sure to in the hospital. What should be the treatment of cystitis in children at home


Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder that occurs due to the activation of bacteria. The disease is accompanied by terrible pain in the lower abdomen, which is sometimes impossible to endure. The bacteria that provoke the disease are very actively multiplying, so it is important to begin treatment of cystitis in children at home as soon as possible.

Causes of Cystitis

Most often, cystitis is diagnosed in schoolchildren and in the female half. This is explained by the anatomical features that are characteristic of the structure of the female reproductive system. In girls, the urinary canal is much shorter and at the same time it is much closer to the anus. It only says that the pathogenic flora can easily enter the bladder. The main reasons for the progression of pathology in children are:

1. Lack of proper personal hygiene. This reason for the progression of the disease is extremely relevant for girls, as it can lead to a number of ailments. Infection very quickly penetrates into the bladder. It is very important to monitor the intimate hygiene of your baby. Parents need to constantly wash their child and accustom in the future to do it yourself.

2. Thrush. This disease is very common in children and there is no need to be surprised. As soon as the symptoms of thrush are noticed, it is necessary to take the child to the doctor as soon as possible. This cause of cystitis is very common.

3. Kidney disease. If the baby has a history of any kidney disease, especially infectious, then the likelihood of progression of cystitis increases significantly. In this case, chronic cystitis hazardous to health may develop. In this case, the advice of a qualified professional is important.

4. Hypothermia of the limbs and the body as a whole. The immunity of babies is very fragile and any negative effect on the body can cause a number of diseases. In winter, you need to dress the child as warmer as possible.

5. Surgical intervention. If the child has undergone genital surgery, then the likelihood of progression of the disease in acute form increases.

6. Impaired urination. There are many factors that lead to impaired natural urination.

7. The presence of parasites. The disease can begin to progress due to the presence of dangerous parasites in the children's body. Parasites very easily enter the urethra, and sometimes the bladder. In case of a disease, it is necessary to pass fecal tests.

8. Medications. A certain group of drugs can cause acute cystitis.

9. Weak immunity. Children who have weak immunity and often get sick are more likely to have cystitis than others.

10. The presence in the body of a source of chronic infection. Often diseases such as tonsillitis, adenoids, or tonsillitis cause the disease. There is no point in treating cystitis until the infection process is eliminated.

Before starting treatment for cystitis in children at home, it is necessary to find out the cause of the disease.

How is cystitis in a child treated?

It is necessary to treat the disease under the supervision of the attending physician. The correct cure of the disease depends on the parents of the baby. There are some rules for treating a disease:

1. Compliance with the treatment course. Parents must provide their children with the right regimen. In the hospital, only newborn babies are treated. In other cases, the treatment of cystitis in children at home is relevant.

2. During the period of therapy, it is important for the child to adhere to a strict bed rest.

3. Personal hygiene. The main condition for a quick recovery is personal hygiene. You should swim at least once a day, and change clothes after each trip to the toilet.

4. Drinking. It is necessary to control the drinking regime of the child. For a day, the baby should drink at least 1.5-2 liters of fluid. It is best to give ordinary distilled water. The child should drink in small portions, but often. In this case, all prepared drinks will be drunk with pleasure. Heavy drinking leads to frequent urination and, consequently, to leaching of the infection. But at the same time, you can not overdo it, since the child does not need additional stress on the kidneys.

5. Nutrition. You need to provide the right diet. There are a number of products that are forbidden to eat when the disease.

When cystitis is prohibited:

• fatty, smoked and salty;

• dyes and preservatives;

• carbonated drinks.

But with the disease you can use:

• poultry meat;

• low-fat fish;

• non-acidic fruits.

If you follow all the recommendations, then you can cure the disease quickly.

Treatment of cystitis with folk remedies

Treatment of cystitis in children at home with folk remedies is the key to success. It is necessary to actively use herbs and decoctions. The most effective recipes are:

1. Bearberry. It is characterized by a diuretic effect. To obtain a healing broth, it is necessary to pour 10 g of leaves with a glass of boiling water and place for 5 minutes on a small fire. Cool, strain and consume half a cup 3-5 times a day. The procedure is carried out half an hour after eating.

2. Steaming feet. This procedure should be carried out first. But to make a bath not in water with herbs, but in milk.

3. Rosehip. This fetus has a diuretic effect and helps to strengthen the whole body. 4 tablespoons of dried fruit must be filled with 0.5 liters of boiling water and placed on a small fire for 15 minutes. After the tool cool and filter. Drink half a glass 4 times a day.

4. Poplar buds. Kidneys need to be very finely chopped. 2 tablespoons of raw materials pour two cups of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour. Use half a cup 3-4 times a day for half an hour before eating.

5. Cranberry. You can make jam out of it and consume a couple of spoons daily.

6. Sage. 10 g of dry leaves pour a cup of boiling water and place on a small fire for half an hour. Cool the broth and filter. Consume 50 ml 3 times a day 20 minutes before eating.

7. St. John's wort 1 tablespoon of the dried plant pour a glass of boiling water and boil for a quarter of an hour. Cool and drink a quarter cup three times a day.

8. Lingonberry leaves. 2 teaspoons of ground leaves pour a cup of boiling water and put on low heat for a quarter of an hour. Before each meal, eat half a glass.

9. Baths with infusion of sage or chamomile. Herbs have anti-inflammatory effects.

These unique recipes will help you cope with an unpleasant problem painlessly.

Drinking with cystitis

It is very difficult for children to make them drink too much fluid. Therefore, you can resort to delicious healing drinks that will help get rid of the disease. How to make a tasty and healthy drink? There are several recipes:

1. Tea with lemon. It is important to brew natural green tea. This drink does not exert such a heavy load on the kidneys and urine of the baby. Stir the resulting tea with milk in a ratio of 1 to 1. Add a little sugar to the resulting drug to taste. But you can not overdo it, since an excess of white sand with cystitis is undesirable. Squeeze a lemon into the finished tea.

2. Cranberry and lingonberry decoction. Such a drug is prepared very simply and quickly. For cooking, not only fresh, but also frozen can be used. For a drink, you need to rinse 250 g of berries and transfer to a saucepan. Pour 2 liters of liquid and put on fire. Add half a glass of sugar to the pan and make the fire smaller. The drink should be brewed for at least half an hour. After the broth, cool and filter. You can use gauze for this.

Such drinks will bring incredible benefits to the body and help to cope with the disease. Before using any prescription, it is important to consult a doctor.


Watch the video: Urinary Tract Infections, Animation. (June 2024).