What is the dream of painting lips with lipstick of different colors? The main interpretations of different dream books - why dream about painting lips


In your dreams you can visit different countries, participate in events, meet various people. You can also look after yourself in a dream, or see how others do it. Why dream of painting lips? It’s worth sorting out.

Why dream of painting lips - the main interpretation

If a woman has a dream in which she paints her lips - in reality she does not have enough attention and affection. She needs to think about the fact that, in fact, she needs care and love. She needs to try her best to love herself if she paints her lips with colorless lipstick. Such a dream means that she has long lost her desire for healthy relationships and real feelings.

The dream book advises not to rush with the interpretation of the dream until you understand all its details:

· Do you paint your lips;

· What color is the lipstick on which the lips are painted;

Is lipstick washed off the lips;

· Who else is involved in your dream;

· What do you feel about it.

The dream in which you paint your lips with dark matte lipstick indicates that you are exaggerating over some event in your life. The dream interpretation does not advise you to delve into negative thoughts. Try to find something positive even in such a confusing situation.

If in a dream you paint your lips with lipstick and you obviously don’t like its color, try to think about what really really annoys you so much in life, it’s probably someone’s behavior, someone’s actions. Or do you not evaluate yourself fully enough? In any case, there is a deliberate complication of the situation, which could have been avoided.

Why dream of painting lips before an important event? Such a dream means that in reality you will make some very important decision that will allow you to feel more confident in the professional and financial fields. Try to trust your inner voice more and more. He will quickly lead you to the desired result. If you still doubt what to do in this situation, and what to refuse, trust the will of the case and expect a positive result.

To paint lips with black lipstick - to exaggerate over an event that is not worth your attention. It may be about a person, or a group of people who have become actively involved in your life. Do not go deep into negative thoughts. This will not lead you to the cherished goal, but only alienate it from it. Try to survive the negative period of life with dignity and not to shift your problems onto the shoulders of others. Solve them yourself, easily and simply. This will provide you with a good mood in the future and self-confidence.

If in a dream you paint your lips with gloss - you want a bright and carefree life. You may well get it if you follow the command of the heart. It remains a little - to force yourself to believe in the reality of everything that surrounds you, to find positive in all this and not deny yourself the pleasures of life that are already available to you.

Why dream of painting lips with mud? Such a dream can be had when a girl is not confident in herself and in her environment. She may have repeatedly come across their slander and reproaches. It is very difficult for her to deal with this; she lacks opportunities and motivation. She herself begins to blacken everyone around in order to free herself from the negative of others. She takes over the habit of attacking first those who are not guilty of anything.

If a girl in a dream paints soot with lips to her lover, problems cannot be avoided. Conflicts in the pair will be permanent, it will not be possible to get rid of it in any way. Because the girl herself sows a grain of doubt and fear in her partner. If you dream that you are painting your lips, but the lipstick suddenly disappears from them - you will find yourself in a very difficult situation. You will be promised a lot. In return, they will ask you to do something pleasant for the person. You will try and fulfill your obligations, but no one will be in a hurry to fulfill your obligations to you.

You will not see a real result from your work, you will only get disappointment. Perhaps such situations in your life were often repeated, then you should think about whether there were such things in your life that you suddenly fell into the environment of liars and traitors. If this has already happened, it means that you often attracted people of this kind of character and mind into your life.

The dream in which you paint your lips with lipstick in the store, but you can’t choose the right color in any way, means that you will need to decide on your life, decide on what you really want. If you are thinking about changing your job, it's time to change it. But which one? Which option to choose? You should opt for the option that will bring you maximum moral pleasure.

If you dream that you paint your lips with blue lipstick - you will find quite an active rest. You will be glad to those people who will share it with you. Try to spend your time as actively as possible and not lose the opportunity to expand your circle of acquaintances. If in a dream you paint your lips with green lipstick - you will be successful in the financial field. If you were planning to go about your business, or increase your income - now is just the right moment for this.

Why dream of painting lips according to Freud's dream book

In Freud’s dream book it is said that to paint lips in a dream means the need to emphasize one’s sexuality and personality. You may want something new in your personal life, something extraordinary, when in a dream you paint your lips with red lipstick.

Such a dream indicates an increased sexual attraction to the opposite sex and your need to be realized in relationships with men. The dream in which you paint your lips with flesh-colored lipstick indicates that you want an even and calm relationship that will not differ from a quiet family life. You do not strive for adventure and conquest, you will have enough home comfort and care.

If in a dream you paint your lips with lipstick with large sparkles - in reality you will want new emotions in your personal life. Try to reconsider your attitude to the soulmate. If you do not see prospects in it - do not try to revive the relationship. But, if you see prospects in a relationship, try to focus on all the positive qualities of your partner’s character.

The dream in which a pregnant woman paints her lips indicates that she lacks positive changes in life. She wants to surprise and delight others. He wants to attract attention. And it will be difficult for her to ban.

Why dream about painting lips according to the Esoteric dream book

If in a dream you do not paint your lips to yourself, but to another woman, such a dream means that you will directly depend on the actions and decisions of other people. This addiction will characterize your whole life.

If in a dream you paint your lips with bright lipstick - you can expect positive changes in life. If the lipstick has a dark shade - one should expect negative changes that will lead to disastrous consequences. The dream in which you paint your lips and then kiss the mirror indicates your desire to chat with a loved one.

You really want to discuss with him everything sore. Tell him how your day went, how you spent time with him and without him, any little thing in communication will be important. But you can’t find a method to convey information to him. To convey his emotions to him.

Why dream of painting lips on other dream books

In the dream book, Grishina says that if a woman paints her lips with bright defiant lipstick in a dream, she lacks the waking realization. She really wants to solve something in her life and can not understand in any way what problem, what act to start with.

If in a dream a woman paints her lips with lipstick of an exotic color - she is ready for experiments and adventures. But do not forget about common sense and that any actions can have negative consequences. Try to find a lot of options for relaxation and entertainment, if the day before you had a dream in which you paint your lips with black lipstick.

In the dream book of Aesop it is said that such a dream can portend to you the terrible consequences of your thoughtless and other people's actions. You should prepare for stressful situations and frequent mood swings if you paint with lipstick not only lips but also your face. The Dream Interpretation advises to take a break from the routine and do your pleasant household chores for a long time. Now is the time to take care of yourself.


Watch the video: Dreamipedia: Clothing and Colors FULL EPISODE (June 2024).