Cake "Frezier" - a divine dessert! Recipes for the amazing Frezier cake with strawberries, kiwi, cottage cheese, mascarpone, chocolate


Frezier cake is an unusually tender and tasty treat that needs to be cooked at least once. Despite the apparent complexity and a large number of ingredients, everything is done very simply. In addition, there are many different options, you can always choose the content to your taste.

Cake "Frezier" - general principles of preparation

At the heart of the cake are two thin cakes and an impressive layer of cream. Cakes are usually used biscuit, they are cooked on eggs. You can bake one and cut lengthwise into two plates. Or bake two very thin cake layers, smearing the dough on parchment in a circle of the desired diameter. Before assembling the cake, the biscuit is cooled, you can make it in advance. There are recipes with purchased cakes, lazy options, below you can find one of them.

Cream for "Frezier" is prepared with gelatin, thanks to this ingredient the mass freezes, retains its shape, an impressive layer of filling is obtained. Collect the cake in detachable form. With other utensils, making a flat cake is difficult.

What cream is made of:

· Milk;

· butter;



· Starch or flour;



The exact composition will depend on the recipe. The filling is in the classic version of strawberries, but you can also make a "Frezier" cake with kiwi, bananas, any other berries and fruits. Do not forget that filling with gelatin, therefore, the cake needs time to solidify. Then it is taken out of the mold and decorated.

Freesier Cake with Strawberries

One of the classic options for the cake "Frezier". It is with strawberries that it is cooked most often, and it turns out just a magical dessert. The berries are certainly fresh, because after freezing they give a lot of juice, the appearance and taste deteriorate. Cake sponge cake is the easiest on eggs.


· Six eggs;

0.2 kg of white sugar;

· 0.15 kg of cane sugar;

· 0.5 liters of milk;

· 600 grams of strawberries;

0.2 kg of oil;

50 grams of flour;

· 10 tablespoons of starch (corn);

50 grams of honey;

· 5 grams of cultivator;

50 grams of chocolate

35 grams of condensed milk;

· 25 grams of water;

· 10 grams of gelatin;

1 sachet of vanilla.

Cooking method

1. Separate 3 protein and beat in a steaming foam with 50 grams of cane sugar. Separately, beat three yolks and 50 grams of cane sugar. We mix flour with three tablespoons of starch and a cultivator, sift into the yolk mass, stir, introduce proteins.

2. Put two circles of dough on parchment, with a diameter slightly larger than the split mold, in which we will collect the cake. Thickness is about half a centimeter. Bake at 200 degrees until golden brown. Since the thickness is small, a biscuit is prepared for 7-8 minutes. We cool and cut out two even circles with a shape, remove the parchment.

3. We begin to prepare the cream. To do this, beat eggs and 100 grams of sugar, introduce starch, mix thoroughly.

4. Combine milk and 100 g of white sugar, boil and, stirring constantly, add egg mass. Make a regular custard, season with vanilla. Cook over low heat until it thickens. Remove from heat, add half the recipe oil, stir until dissolved. Cool the cream, beat and add the remaining oil.

5. Dissolve the gelatin in water, allow it to swell, melt in a water bath and introduce into the cream, beat again.

6. At the bottom of the mold, put one cropped biscuit. Cut along the strawberries, lay out in a circle of shape, "gluing" slices to the sides. Fill the central part with cream, should leave 2/3 of the total. Put the remaining berries in the filling.

7. Cover with the remaining cake, apply the remaining cream, put the cake in the mold in the refrigerator for 8 hours. It is advisable to cover with cling film or just a bag.

8. Mix honey with condensed milk, cane sugar, put in a water bath, melt the icing, add chocolate, mix until dissolved.

9. Remove the cake from the refrigerator, cover with icing, leave for 25 minutes. After solidification, remove the form, decorate the dessert with fresh berries and mint leaves.

Cake "Frezier" with kiwi

This dessert is perfect for the winter season, when there is a shortage of fresh strawberries, and berries sold in the store are too expensive. Moreover, they are not so tasty. Kiwi is needed for the cake. You need to choose ripe but not soft fruits. They should keep their shape perfectly when slicing, not acidify.


· 5 eggs;

100 g of sugar;

150 grams of flour.

For cream:

· 0.6 l of milk;

5 yolks

300 g of sugar;

300 g of oil;

· 20 g of gelatin;

90 grams of starch;

· 45 grams of water.

For filling, you will also need 700 g of kiwi, for glaze 70 g of chocolate and 30 g of butter.

Cooking method

1. For a biscuit, beat the whites with 120 grams of sugar in a foam. Beat the rest of the sand with the yolks until completely dissolved, to them we drive the flour, and then the protein mass. If suddenly the eggs do not beat well, then add a bag of ripper. Pour the dough into the mold, bake the cake at 180 degrees to a dry stick, send to cool, then cut into two equal plates.

2. Mix gelatin with water, leave to swell and immediately proceed to prepare the cream. With a whisk, beat the yolks and sugar with starch, add milk, put on fire and brew, vanilla if desired. Stir the cream, remove from heat and inject 80 grams of oil. Cool the cream, add the remaining oil and melted gelatin.

3. Kiwi cut into circles, pre-clean the skin. The thickness of the slices is arbitrary.

4. Put one cake in the mold, arrange kiwi slices at the edges, fill in the cream, but not all, leave a little. The remaining kiwi is laid in the middle, covered with a second biscuit.

5. Pour the remaining cream onto the top cake. We remove the cake for five hours to harden.

6. Melt chocolate and butter, coat the cream layer on top with icing. Leave the cake for another half hour, so that the top freezes, then it can be removed from the mold.

Lazy cake "Frezier" with cottage cheese and ready-made cakes

We buy biscuit in the store. Usually in a pack of 3 cakes, we need two. Cottage cheese is used for the cream, that is, you do not need to cook anything at all.


2 cakes;

· 700 g of cottage cheese;

150 g of sugar;

30 g of gelatin;

A bag of vanilla;

70 ml of milk;

300 g of sour cream;

· 600 g of strawberries.

Cooking method

1. Mix gelatin with milk, leave to swell. Then melt in the bath.

2. Beat cottage cheese and sour cream with sugar, it is better to use a blender. Into the resulting mass we introduce vanillin, and then gelatin, mix thoroughly.

3. Cut the strawberries. Put the cake in the form, surround it with berries, pour the curd cream into the center, a little more than half, add strawberries.

4. Finish with a new cake and cream. On the top cream we lay out the pieces of berries, which will be the decor. We remove for seven hours to cool.

Frezier cake with mascarpone

Another mousse version of the cake. We will not stop at the biscuit. We prepare cakes according to any recipe or purchase in a store.


4 yolks

380 g mascarpone;

· 600 g of strawberries;

400 ml cream;

15 g of gelatin;

120 g of sugar;

35 g of water.

Cooking method

1. Combine gelatin with water, leave to swell.

2. Mix the yolks with sugar, put in a water bath and warm, without ceasing to beat. Combine with mascarpone, add melted gelatin to them, vanillin to taste.

3. Beat cream into foam, combine both masses.

4. Cut the strawberries into beautiful pieces.

5. Put the biscuit in a mold, spread the berries, pour cream into the center. Add the remaining berries, cover with a biscuit.

6. Top with a layer of cream or melted chocolate, garnish with whipped cream. Remove for five hours to solidify.

Chocolate cake "Frezier"

Chocolate biscuit recipe. You can cook such a cake not only with strawberries, but also with cherries. Add it to the central part of the cake, that is, do not use for sides.


· 3 eggs;

60 g of flour;

· 5 g of ripper;

· 20 grams of cocoa;

120 g of sugar.

For cream:

100 g of chocolate

250 g of oil;

500 ml of milk;

· 1 tbsp. Sahara;

· 20 g of gelatin;

· 3 tablespoons of starch;

· 3 yolks;

500 g of strawberries;

· 2 tablespoons of cocoa.

Cooking method

1. Beat the eggs in a biscuit with sugar until a good froth, add flour with cocoa and a cultivator, stir, bake the cake, cool and cut lengthwise into two parts.

2. Set aside 20 g of butter and 50 g of chocolate for glaze. Combine gelatin with 50 ml of water, let it brew.

3. Mix the yolks with cocoa, sugar, starch and introduce milk, put the cream on the stove, cook until thickened. Remove from heat, add the remaining chocolate, allow to dissolve, cool slightly and add oil, then melted gelatin. Whisk.

4. Put the biscuit in the form, spread the berries, pour the cream, leave a little, cover with a second chocolate biscuit and cover with the cream again. Cool for 4 hours.

5. Melt chocolate and butter, decorate the cake.

Frezier Cake with Bananas and Custard

Another simplified recipe for Freesier cake is from a small amount of ingredients. Take the biscuit ready or make according to any of the recipes above.


600 g of milk;

200 g of oil;

· 3 yolks;

200 g of sugar;

· 2 tablespoons of starch;

25 g of gelatin;

600 g bananas

· 2 biscuits;

50 ml of water.

Cooking method

1. Pour gelatin with water, leave to swell.

2. Mix sugar, starch, yolks and milk, prepare custard, cool. Enter softened butter, beat, add melted gelatin.

3. Peel and cut the bananas, collect the cake, as in the recipes above, send to harden. Garnish with banana slices or glaze.

Cake "Frezier" - useful tips and tricks

· Sponge cakes will be tastier if soaked. You can use compote, juice, any syrup or just sweet tea, coffee.

· If the cream is not enough, then you can add and “drown” more fruits in the central part. It is not necessary to use strawberries if they are not. Bananas go well with all fruits and berries, you can cut and add 1-2 pieces.


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