12 little things you need to do today to improve your life. Give it a try.


If you wake up in the morning and immediately wrinkle your nose in anticipation of a difficult day and routinely bored with your routine, interspersed with regularly occurring problems and difficulties, then perhaps you should change something to set yourself up in a positive way and add to your own life some bright colors and emotions. Try to perform these 12 actions today, and you will certainly feel the beneficial effect on yourself.

#1. So, right in the morning, give yourself the option to send only positive vibrations to this world. Not because you need to cheer yourself up before a busy day. But because you yourself deserve all the best and positive.

#2. Give your appearance a little more time. Make a beautiful hairstyle and pull bright lipstick from the far corner of the makeup bag. And put on those clothes in which you feel especially irresistible.

#3. First of all, do what you don’t want to do the most: for example, a work task that you carry over from day to day for a whole week later, or a solution to some urgent problem that torments you. Whatever it is, end the unpleasant question in order to finally and irrevocably get rid of the feeling of heaviness. You will not believe how you will immediately breathe easily.

#4. Be sure to do something for yourself. Buy delicious coffee. Go for a walk at lunchtime. Read an interesting article or even write it yourself if you have wanted this for a long time, but put it off in a long box. Remember that you also have desires and needs.

#5. Promise yourself today not to complain or complain about anything, and you will see how such a worldview can shift all your attention only to the positive.

#6. Be sure to write down three things for which you are grateful for your life. It can even be the most commonplace little things: say, (1) the first sip of fragrant freshly brewed coffee in the morning, (2) the bright sun shining through the window, (3) a message from a friend wishing a good day.

#7. Be courageous and post your photo on social networks on which you do not particularly like yourself. What for? Because we are the most severe critics for ourselves. It's time to break this stereotype. Perhaps you want to be slimmer, have a different hair color or wear clothes of a different style. But this does not mean that you should not love and value yourself now, as you are.

#8. Put some “untouchable” money on your card (bank account) and promise to do so all the time. Make a decision to start small and, quite possibly, you will soon be able to collect a decent amount for something long desired by you.

#9. Listen today to your favorite song - one that lifts your mood, motivates you and gives decisiveness and confidence. You can even several times!

#10. Send someone a text message - a friend, relative, former colleague - and ask how he is doing. How often do we get in touch with loved ones and share news with them? Therefore, write, call and communicate. It is possible that for a certain person your message is exactly what he needs today.

#11. After returning from work tonight, turn off your phone for an hour. Believe me, in 60 minutes on Facebook and Instagram, nothing will change dramatically. And during this time you can safely cook dinner, listen to music and be present in your real life, and not in a virtual one.

#12. You must definitely persuade yourself to do something today that is outside your comfort zone. Maybe you go to the boss to discuss a pay raise. Perhaps you decide to send a resume to the company of your dreams. Or you will have the courage to meet a new and very attractive neighbor. Do something that usually causes you fear and discomfort, and see what results it will lead to.


Watch the video: 3 Habits That Will Change Your Life (June 2024).