How to care for lips after hyaluronic acid is increased?


Every girl dreams of the perfect shape of the lips, but not every she is given by nature. Fortunately, there is an excellent method for solving this problem - hyaluronic acid increase.

In order that after the procedure only positive impressions remain, it is important to take care of proper lip care. Improper care can give ugly and even dangerous complications that will spoil the appearance.

How does hyaluronic acid affect the lips?

Hyaluronic acid - It is an integral part of the human body. It is part of the epithelium, tissue, skin, etc. Every day we lose the third part hyaluronate and produce it again. With age, the body loses its ability to regenerate acid in the same amount. Therefore, the skin begins to age, dryness and wrinkles appear.

Beauticians have come up with a way to compensate for the lack of a substance, thereby suspending the aging process - to enter from the outside. Hyaluronic acid fills wrinkles and plays a role filler.

Due to the fact that this cosmetic product is safe for health, it is also used for lips. Injections increase and correct the shape, as well as fill in wrinkles and cracks in the aged skin.

To increase the lips, a gel is used, which is injected by the injection method. A microdose of acid is injected into a certain area, which is evenly distributed in a given area.

There are a number of hyaluronic acid lip augmentation procedures. advantages:

  • The injected acid is identical to that produced by the body. In the last century, hyaluronate was obtained from fish and rooster combs. Now, experts have found a simple way to produce a substance by artificial means, while not losing nutrients.
  • Hyaluronic acid attracts and retains moisture. It is believed that one molecule of matter is capable of accumulating up to a thousand water molecules. Therefore, it is one of the best way to moisturize the skin of the lips.
  • This substance has properties that accelerate the process of tissue regeneration. The positive effect is observed not only in the lip area, but also outside. The healing process of wounds, scars and acne marks is accelerated.

Despite the great benefits of treatments with hyaluronic acid, an undesirable reaction can occur.

Complications after hyaluronic acid injection are due to poor hygiene during the procedure, a misunderstanding between the master and the client, as well as improper care after the increase.

Therefore, it is necessary to find a good, experienced specialist, as well as to listen to his recommendations as much as possible.

What can be complications?

For beauty salons, lip augmentation with fillers is a standard harmless procedure. However, it is really harmless only with proper care. Careless treatment of the procedure can lead to a number of complications.

Possible complications after the procedure can be divided on three species:

  • Hematomas;
  • Edema;
  • Allergic reaction.

On average, the tissue healing process after the procedure takes place within a week.


Sometimes, when the drug is injected into the mucous membrane, there is a normal reaction to a foreign body in the body, which is accompanied by a small blood outpouring. The accumulation of blood is a temporary phenomenon when the lips are enlarged, so you should not worry.

You can get rid of bruises using simple procedures. This will help ice packs from medicinal plants. Cold is a great helper in the fight against hematomas and bruises. Applying ice constricts blood vessels and contributes to the outflow of blood at the injection site. It is necessary to freeze broths from a camomile, a lemon balm, a calendula, etc.

Also get rid of hemorrhages will help gels and ointments. It is recommended to use products that are made up of natural products. Do not use ointments that have a strong warming effect, as this can cause discomfort and irritation.

For the first 24 hours after the injection, it is better not to press or massage at the site of blood accumulation. But, light is recommended in the following days. acupressure hematoma, to speed up the metabolism and resorption process.


Edema - This is a local accumulation of fluid, which is accompanied by an increase in the volume of the skin cavity.

The appearance of small edemas and painful sensations is an integral part of the procedure, as this is the body's usual reaction to injections. If the edema is distributed evenly on your lips, then most likely its traces will disappear within a few days. However, if puffiness is accompanied by a number of factors, it is worth taking emergency measures. These factors are:

  • Strong pain;
  • Edema does not disappear more than 5 days;
  • Sharp redness or blanching of the skin;
  • The formation of foci of inflammation.

When these symptoms occur need to see a doctor and do not self-medicate, since only a specialist can give the correct answer to the cause of edema.

Often, puffiness appears on the background orz, stress or herpes, an allergic reaction or individual intolerance is not excluded. This reaction is not excluded when the body is depleted and vitamin deficiency, vitamin deficiency.

Also, this reaction is possible due to an error of the beautician when choosing the dosage, the drug, as well as during the procedure itself.

Allergic reaction

If swelling and pain do not subside, but such complications as “urticaria” or Quincke edema appear, this is a clear sign of an allergic reaction. In this case, the mouth is swollen outside the lip contour, the chin or lower part of the face may swell up.

If an allergic reaction occurs, you should consult a doctor and make a test to determine the allergen.

Sometimes dry lips after hyaluronic acid injection is confused with an allergic reaction. This is not true. Dryness in the lips arises due to the increased concentration of anesthetic in the solution. In this case, the active action of the main drug did not have time to occur, when the anesthetic with might and main acts. The dryness that occurs is easily eliminated with moisturizers.

Hyaluronic acid, by definition, can not cause dry lips, as it is a substance that actively causes a moisturizing effect.

Bans after injections

As after any cosmetic procedure, there are a number of recommendations that should be followed for the normal rehabilitation of the body. 10-14 days after hyaluronic acid injections are observed recommendations:

  • You can not hold mechanical peels on the skin of the lips. So you damage sensitive skin after an injection. Aggressive peeling can cause skin inflammation and irritation;
  • Prohibited strong thermal effects. It is necessary to refrain from visiting saunas, steam rooms. You can not stay in the sun for a long time without protection: a hat with wide brim and a moisturizer on the lips. It is forbidden to visit the solarium. Also, do not supercool the skin;
  • You can not take a hot bath;
  • It is better to refrain from salted, peppered, smoked food. During rehabilitation, it is better not to provoke an allergic reaction from food;
  • It is necessary to refrain from the use of alcohol, cigarettes or hookah;
  • During rehabilitation, especially in the first 4-5 days, you should not use lipstick. You can only use moisturizing lip balms;
  • 14 days should not engage in physical exertion, as this may provoke the appearance of bruises and hematomas.

If you follow the above recommendations for at least the first two weeks after the injection, you can greatly reduce the likelihood of complications such as edema or an allergic reaction.

Rules for lip care after the increase

After an increase, the lips need to provide the correct daily care. This will shorten the rehabilitation period and save you from undesirable consequences. For this it is important to perform the following procedures:

  • Moisturizing. This is the main aspect of lip care after augmentation. It is necessary to make nourishing masks, use lip balms or creams. Masks can be purchased or cooked at home. The main thing is that in the selected tool was the maximum amount of natural ingredients. It is recommended to add fresh chicken eggs, honey, juice or fruit pulp to the mask. When small hematomas appear, the use of special ointments is allowed, for example, Arnica, TraumelS, etc .;
  • Lip massage. The procedure can be carried out during brushing with a brush. The massage should be soft and gentle so as not to damage the sensitive skin of the lips;
  • After 10-14 days it is recommended to perform more comprehensive care, which includes three stages: cleansing, moisturizing, protection.

If you follow the listed skin care tips during and after rehabilitation, you will end up with beautiful, sensual lips that every girl dreams of.

Also, at first it is worth eating a maximum of vegetables and fruits, which will ensure the intake of the necessary vitamins and trace elements.

Popular Questions

Many girls are afraid to resort to contour plastic, asking questions and getting lost in doubts. Some questions remain open even to those who have already resorted to hyaluronic acid injections. The following are answers to frequently asked questions.

How much do the lips heal after augmentation?

On average, the rehabilitation period is 7-10 days. But the body’s response is individual, so it may take more or less time for some people to fully heal.

In the first days after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid, it is worth refraining from passionate kisses, there is a big risk to deform the filler.

What to smear lips after increasing hyaluronic acid?

This question is often asked by girls, fearing to provide the wrong skin care during rehabilitation. Lips need to smear means in two cases:

  • To ensure hydration and nutrition for 10-15 days after lip augmentation;
  • To eliminate side effects and speed up the rehabilitation process.

In the first case, you can use any moisturizer for lips, especially if on the first day you feel dry mucous. It is recommended to use products based on glycerin with plant extracts, for example, chamomile.

In the second case, when hematomas or small edemas have appeared after the procedure, it is necessary to use special means. They can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription. It is necessary to give preference to well-known companies that have established themselves in the market. For example,Troxevasin and Lioton promote resorption of edema.

Before using any healing agent, some features:

  • It is possible to use strong anti-edema drugs only if there are no open wounds on the skin surface;
  • Do not use Lioton in the first 24 hours after the procedure. If necessary, you can use Traumeel ointment or Dolobene.

The tool should be applied to the desired area 2 times a day with massaging movements.

When can I paint my lips after increasing hyaluronic acid?

It is forbidden to smear lips with any decorative means during the first 3-4 days. This results from the fact that lipsticks, gloss, etc. consist of a complex of chemical and artificial substances which can become the reason of an inflammation or irritation of skin.

During the entire rehabilitation should not use heavily pigmented, waterproof lipstick or tint. They can block the access of air, as well as slow down the process of tissue regeneration and prevent the removal of lymphatic fluid.

How to sleep?

In order for the injected filler not to move during sleep, it is important to think about the correct body position.

The first 10-14 days is prohibited to sleep on his stomach, face down. This triggers the migration of hyaluronic acid to the side. As a result, in the morning you can see asymmetrical lips in the reflection of the mirror.

In order not to deform the shape of the lips after enlarging and to ensure the correct process of tissue formation, it is recommended sleep on your side or back.

Can I go to the dentist?

In the first two weeks after lip augmentation is worth to abstain from visiting the dentist.

This is due to the fact that dental procedures can cause damage to the filler. Also, during a visit to the doctor, cracks in the skin of the lips can sneak germs that will cause inflammation.

Can I go to the solarium?

During the recovery costs as much as possible to shield yourself from visiting the solarium or the beach. The fact is that high temperatures absorb hyaluronic acid. If in the first 14 days to visit the solarium, sunbathe in the sun, take hot baths, etc., then the effect of the lip augmentation procedure may fade away.

If sunbathing is abused, the initial swelling may decrease with every long tanning period.


Lip contouring with hyaluronic acid is one of the most harmless remedies in the arsenal of a master cosmetologist. However, the procedure has a number of contraindicationsthat need to be kept in mind:

  • It is forbidden to carry out the procedure of lip augmentation for pregnant women and women during lactation;
  • The presence of inflammation, herpes, ulcers and crusts on the lips;
  • You can not increase the lips of people with poor blood clotting, diabetes, viral diseases in the acute stage;
  • Hypersensitivity or individual intolerance to the drug;
  • Fear of needles;

Also, it is not necessary to carry out the procedure of increase during the menstrual cycle. If you follow all the recommendations, you will get beautiful, and most importantly healthy lips without complications.


Watch the video: Treating lip lines, and downturned lips with a hyaluronic acid filler (July 2024).