Doctors: 50% of women do not know where their vagina is located


During the Month of Cancer Prevention of the Female Reproductive System, experts verified how familiar women are with their own anatomy. 1000 young women aged 26-35 were interviewed. More than half of them have not been able to show on the diagram of the female reproductive system, where the vagina is located.

But the respondents included in the age group of 66-75 years, correctly named the location of the main genital organs. However, the most alarming situation is observed in 16-25-year-old girls who do not have even minimal information about female gynecological diseases and female cancer. Every fifth has not been able to name at least one symptom of any of the five types of tumors affecting the ovaries, uterus, cervix and vulva.

It turned out that one third of women aged 16–25 because of shame ignore visiting a gynecologist, and 10% of respondents are generally embarrassed to discuss gynecological issues with their therapists. All this partly explains the annual appearance of more than 20,000 new cancers of the female reproductive system. Actually, what can we talk about when, for more than 50% of women, pronouncing the words "vulva" and "vagina" evokes a feeling of awkwardness and shame?

Despite all this, doctors strongly recommend to undergo regular preventive gynecological examination, during which you can not only learn the truth about the state of your own reproductive system, but also in time to "catch" a possible disease.


Val 26.12.2016
This is all because there is a lack of religious education. Girls, I advise the site

MAF 01/03/2016
50% of doctors are men.
50% of doctors - they can not figure out where their vagina is ...
the remaining 50% of doctors forgot where their vagina is ...
People, do not trust doctors and school teachers ...


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