Pain in the lower back in women - what does this mean? Find out why women have low back pain and what to do.


Most ladies are used to enduring lower back pain, trying not to pay attention to it while sitting, walking. But if you don’t find out in time the cause of the back pain in women and do not try to eliminate it, delay can lead to aggravation of dystrophic changes, chronic inflammatory processes, etc. As a result, the pain can intensify so much that the girl can hardly get out of bed.

Pain in the lower back in women: causes

To begin with, our spine is a moving organ. Today, many women are sedentary. In this case, their spine practically does not move during the day. In addition, many of the ladies are also sitting wrong. As a result of a long pastime in a sitting position and there are pains in the lower back in women.

Studies by scientists have shown that about 80 percent of all back pain occurs due to muscle tension. It is caused by an incorrect position of the spine during long sitting in a car, at a computer table or on a sofa at home, in the workplace. Girls who have learned that improper sitting can cause lower back pain in women try to keep their back perfectly aligned during work. But they do not need to be constantly on their toes.

To reduce the likelihood of low back pain, you need to master the correct postures that you need to take at the table. The first thing to do is to adjust the height of the chair and table. As for the adoption of a pose, you need to sit on a chair so that the hips are parallel to the floor. And the upper part should be exclusively in the upright position. The spine feels best when the angle between it and the hips is 90 ° or more. Indeed, in this position there is a minimum load on the spinal column. If the ladies sit in this position during the day, then in the evening these women will not have lower back pain.

Important: you can not, sitting at the table, bend over it. In this position, the lumbar muscles are too tense.

The back will be well supported if it is convenient to lean on the back of the chair. The chair you need to choose the right one. Best of all, if it will have an anatomical back. The height of the table should be such that the hands placed on it also bend at a right or obtuse angle.

To further relax your back muscles, you need to periodically get up from the table. You can do such a small exercise for the lazy and lovers to pave their ass on the table.

Mini Exercise: Sit on the edge of the table, stretching one leg forward. Transfer your weight to this leg, while bend the second and try to relax. Such a position will additionally relax the muscles, and back pain in women, appearing due to a strong load on the spine due to a seated lifestyle, is guaranteed not to occur.

To reduce the likelihood of terrible lower back pain in women working in the office, they should be trained in simple physical exercises. Such exercises should be performed immediately, coming home and changing clothes to a more comfortable one. We proceed to the stretching of the muscles of the spine.

Exercises: Put a gymnastic mat on the wooden floor. Kneeling, rest on the floor with your palms in front of you. That is, roughly speaking, you should get on all fours. The first thing you have to bend your back well. You need to try to show a rearing cat. Now put your hands slightly forward and bend the body in two places: in the pelvic region and in the thoracic spine. During the performance of such simple exercises, our spine bends both outward and inward. Such training of the spine helps to relieve muscle spasms.

Attention: to perform these exercises should be without interruption for 15 minutes.

Now, let's familiarize ourselves with the following exercise, which can remove back pain in women. For him, you also need a rug. You need to lie belly on the mat, arms crossed in front of you. First you need to practically lie the chest on the crossed arms. The head will have to keep raised. Now start to pull your shoulders up, pushing your hands off the floor. Pull your head up even more, as if you are trying to look at the sun above you. After that, get back on your hands and relax. After a few seconds, go up again. Performing the described exercise, you will not only loosen your back muscles, but also will be able to reduce the pressure that occurs between the vertebrae.

After completing the stretching of muscles, you need to roll over onto your back. Arms along the torso. Slowly lift your upper torso about the same way you do it, swinging the press. But you do not need to bend so that a right angle forms between the hips and the spine, because it should be obtuse (about 120 ° degrees). Do not expect that, having risen, you can immediately go to bed, because in this position you will have to freeze for four to six seconds. This exercise strains the muscles, training them. As a result, it becomes easy for them to create a protective corset, not allowing the vertebrae to sink.

Taking the correct posture while sitting, doing relaxation exercises, strengthening the muscles of the back, you will surely forget about back pain that pesters people who are used to leading a sedentary lifestyle.

Acute back pain in women can also occur because of a herniated disc, which often appears due to a spinal overload. If you need to alleviate the condition a bit, to be able to get to the doctor, who will help deal with the terrible back pain, then lie down a little on your stomach. It is necessary to substitute a pillow under it. The body should rest on the elbows.

You should be aware that carrying bags on one shoulder leads to damage to the lumbar. Therefore, in order to avoid negative consequences, you need to carry the handbag on both shoulders alternately, changing the biomechanics of the spine. You can also walk with this accessory over the opposite shoulder.

Note that women often have muscle spasms. The spine is covered with deep and superficial back muscles that can spasm, which leads to irritation of the nerve endings and back pain. To remove the spasm, stretch out on the bed, put your hands behind your head and alternately pull your legs bent at the knees. But remember that, pulling up the right leg, you need to rest on her knee with your left hand and begin to push the lower limb through resistance. Push your left leg with your right hand. Keep each limb in tension should be about five seconds. Repeat the exercise for each leg 10 times, and you will see that the muscle spasm will pass.

Abdominal and lower back pain in women

So, the appearance of pain in the abdomen and lower back of a woman, most likely, indicates the development of lumbar osteochondrosis. This disease does not only cause lower back pain in women - it is characterized by disorders of the urinary and digestive systems. With this osteochondrosis, one should eat right, be more in a natural position for the spine, stop pain with homeopathic preparations with the help of pharmacopuncture. It is necessary to correct the spine using methods of manual therapy.

Be sure to try to relieve muscle tension and worry about improving blood circulation in the intervertebral discs, all the spine. To achieve this, the patient is prescribed a course of massage, for example, canned, physiotherapy, physical therapy, which is aimed at strengthening the muscle frame.

Also, abdominal pain and lower back in women may not speak about the development of any pathological degenerative changes in the spine like osteochondrosis. Sometimes pain in the lower back and lower abdomen indicates the imminent release of the egg. That is, uncomfortable sensations in these areas indicate the beginning of ovulation. To confirm that a woman’s abdominal and lower back pain appears due to the maturation of the egg and its exit, it is necessary to examine the pelvic organs during a paroxysmal painful condition.

Sometimes women, having felt pain in the lower back and abdomen, do not go to the doctor, considering such conditions a sign of ovulation. But it is better to play it safe, because the lower back and stomach can hurt for various reasons. And if the back is often disturbed due to overwork, then abdominal pain can provoke: endometritis, myocardial infarction, thromboembolism, diabetes, sciatica, anemia. Also, pain in the abdomen and lower back in women can occur during the bearing of a child, during childbirth, after them.

Left and right lower back pain in women

The same osteochondrosis is capable of causing lower back pain on the right and left in women. If this disease is not treated on time, then it is unlikely that everything will end with minor degenerative changes in the disk. The patient may develop: disc protrusion, hernia, osteophytes.

With osteochondrosis, it is usually aching pain in the lower back on the right, on the left. The reasons for the development of this disease are many. These include: injuries, hereditary abnormalities, poor posture, infections, etc. So, if there are chained, bursting and aching lower back pains that feel good in the lower border of the costal arches on the left and right, a woman needs to go to the clinic to confirm osteochondrosis and its treatment. Without appropriate treatment, it will not only be difficult for the patient to walk, sit, lie down, but it will also become difficult to cope with natural needs.

Drawing lower back pain in women

With inflammation of the facet (intervertebral) joints, a drawing of a woman’s lower back can occur. Such ladies often feel the stiffness of the spine. The pain occurs in the lower back, is often given to the gluteal muscles and can even be felt in the back of the thighs and below the knees. Pain of a similar plan usually occurs in older people, it is associated with degenerative changes. But acute inflammation of the facet joints often occurs in young women.

Facet joints are located between the transverse processes and the superior articular processes of the lower vertebra. There are quite a few such joints. After all, they are located in each vertebra from two sides. It is in them that the pain is concentrated, which gives back to the lower back, buttocks, etc.

This pain can be easily removed with the help of radio frequencies in a good clinic. But if you can’t temporarily go to a medical institution, you can do some exercises that will temporarily improve your condition. Let's see what these magical exercises are.

First you need to lie on the back, laying a rug or blanket under it. The legs should be bent at the knees, and then pull them toward you. Now you can start moving your knees from side to side. The spine should begin to rotate. Thus, we create movement in the facet joints in the lumbar region.

Now take the starting position, but do not pull the legs towards you. It is enough just to bend them in the knees. Try to tear your ass off the mat. Need to try to get on the bridge. For a long time, do not hang out with a raised bottom. It should then raise, then lower the pelvis.

It is enough to lie on your back - we begin to roll over on the stomach. Rolling over, place your hands shoulder-width apart with your palms down. Start to rise in your arms, sagging in the lower back. Crouching, fix in this position for some time. Do not lower your head, keep your arms straight. Such exercises can be done without even getting out of bed, however, if it is stiff.

In order to quickly relieve back pain in women caused by inflammation of the facet joints, a cocktail of hydrocortisone and local anesthetic can be introduced into them. The latter will relieve pain, and steroid anesthetic - inflammation.

Aching chronic lower back pain in women often occurs due to a decrease in vertebral density. Most often, this process provokes excess weight. In a flattened disk, blood circulation is disturbed, compression of the radicular nerves occurs. Improper posture also causes aching back pain. To stimulate blood flow in the lumbar region, be sure to follow the exercises recommended by experts. For example, while lying on your back, alternately with both hands pull your legs bent at your knees.

Dear girls, take care of your back in youth!


Watch the video: What causes back pain? And what treatments can help? - George Pan, MD. UCLA Pain Center (June 2024).