Pregnancy after 30: turn the wish into reality. How will age be reflected, whether pregnancy after 30 years will be successful


Over the past decade, the number of primiparous women over the age of 30 has doubled.

Unlike a couple of decades ago, women over 40 with their first pregnancy are now considered the norm. What caused such a shift in age is no wonder to understand. Medicine has stepped far forward, now a woman who was previously considered infertile may have even more than one child.

Doctors save the fetus, which until recently had no chance of breathing. Not a hindrance and many chronic diseases of the expectant mother, which are characteristic of a woman who decides to become pregnant after 30.

On the one hand, this gives an advantage to women who decide to conceive a second child at a later age and again to experience the joy of motherhood.

On the other hand, many young families postpone the creation of offspring “for later”, preferring to gain stability, status in society and improve well-being. Some are simply afraid not to cope with parental responsibilities. As a result, the first pregnancy is obtained after 30 years, when chronic diseases have already been acquired, and the egg is produced half as often. What needs to be prepared "not quite young" mom, how to assess the degree of risk and minimize it - about everything in order.

Is age important

Doctors agree: a couple who want to have children should start an examination in a specialized clinic as early as possible. If necessary, you can manage to treat diseases that prevent fertilization and gestation, because the older people become, the lower the chance of conception of a healthy child. After all, the onset of pregnancy is a multi-stage, rather complicated process.

To successfully start a woman’s pregnancy several factors must match:

• ovulation;

• fully functioning fallopian tubes;

• optimal endometrial structure for embryo implantation.

In addition, in the semen of a man there must be motile sperm of the correct structure, in sufficient quantity.

The lack of at least one of these factors makes pregnancy after 30 impossible. The task of doctors is to identify the missing stage and have time to carry out its adjustment-treatment.

Pregnancy after 30: why it is difficult to get pregnant

Many studies have confirmed the fact that, from the age of 30, the reproductive functions of the female body are inhibited. This is due to a number of factors.

Not enough eggs

At birth, each girl is endowed with a limited number of eggs. Every year, up to 23 years, only 200 of one million eggs remain. And, with an ideal cycle and ovulation, an average of one or two eggs leaves the follicle on average. Everything would be fine, but except for ovulation, the eggs are lost as a result of illnesses, and after years they “age”, their quality decreases. Such eggs can no longer be fertilized.

Loss of uterine fertility

With age, the woman’s ability to conceive decreases due to chronic gynecological diseases (endometriosis, myoma, inflammatory processes), a decrease in blood flow to the genital organs, and uterine immunity to hormones. As a result, difficulties with embryo implantation and miscarriage.

Functional infertility

Pregnancy is not possible for 30% of women after 35 years. The cause of infertility is commonplace - natural aging of tissues, age-related extinction of the functions of the uterus and ovaries, starting from 28-30 years. It occurs due to insufficiency of the circulatory system, and is reflected in the organs - first, small arteries in the fallopian tubes change, adhesions and scars form. Inflammatory diseases of the uterus and ovaries often lead to this. Such infertility can be cured only with the use of microsurgery.

What is the danger of pregnancy after 30 years

First of all, the doctor must find out the cause of late pregnancy. If the couple tried to conceive, but the pregnancy did not occur, then there is a possibility of a lack of hormones in a woman. If timely treatment is not done, a miscarriage may occur. Progesterone deficiency can be made up for with artificial drugs that are taken before the 16th week of pregnancy. This is the smallest problem of those that can wait for the future "mother aged".

Pregnant Diabetes

The probability of its occurrence by the age of 35 doubles. As a result of diabetes, the risk of premature birth, preeclampsia, diabetic fetopathy, placental complications and stillbirths is greatly increased. In addition to general medical therapy, a strict diet is required, as well as insulin injections.


Pregnancy after 30 years is associated with an increased likelihood of miscarriage up to 17 percent. This happens not only with the inevitable age-related changes in the body as a whole - miscarriage is also due to aging of the eggs, which lead to genetic disorders that are incompatible with the growth of the fetus.

Cesarean section

In a woman who decides to become pregnant after 30 years, the probability of natural delivery is reduced by 26%. By the age of 35-40, up to 40% of pregnant women are forced to undergo a caesarean section.

Delivery complications

A significant decrease in tissue elasticity, which leads to a risk of ruptures in the birth canal and bleeding, is characteristic. Placental problems, a much weaker patrimonial activity - all this in most cases is inherent in the "age".

Pathology of the placenta

Problems with presentation, chronic placental insufficiency and premature detachment - this is what an older woman should prepare for. Pathological conditions of the placenta often lead to the birth of a child with a low weight, intrauterine hypoxia, as well as to complicated and premature births.

Multiple pregnancy

Full readiness for twins, triplets. Researchers have proven that a woman's age from 35 to 39 years greatly increases the likelihood of twin births.

Exacerbation of chronic diseases

Each chronic disease acquired during a life will remind of itself during pregnancy. A particular danger is the pathology of the kidneys and the cardiovascular system. Pregnancy in many cases causes arterial hypertension, and if a woman already suffered from her symptoms, then the condition can go to preeclampsia or severe manifestations of gestosis.


With age, the likelihood of a woman getting an STD becomes much higher. Chlamydia, cytomegalovirus, genital herpes or genital warts, and the like. Many STDs are asymptomatic up to a certain time; they can only be detected through medical research. During pregnancy, due to the suppression of immunity, these diseases can manifest in full force, causing harm not only to a pregnant woman, but also to the fetus. An exacerbation of such diseases often leads to the need for caesarean section.

How to prepare for pregnancy after 30 years

Bearing a child, a woman exposes her body to extreme long-term stress both physically and psychologically. When planning a pregnancy after 30, you need physically preparegiving the body more time. Very beneficial in terms of relaxation and psychological support for yoga or swimming, meditation.

The key to success of "age" pregnant women is an advance visit to the gynecologist and a full medical examination. As the risk of pathology increases over the years, parents are offered to undergo various studies to avoid the birth of a child with a dangerous genetic pathology. Do not be afraid of tests, but listen to the opinion of doctors.

Pregnancy and childbirth will force the body to mobilize, use all reserves and strength to the last. Therefore, in order to facilitate his task and protect the child, one must not be lazy and not save, but go through full examination to rule out:

• exacerbation of chronic diseases before pregnancy;

• dental diseases;

• sexually transmitted infections;

• diseases of the genital organs and inflammatory processes in them.

Based on the results of the studies, the doctor prescribes the necessary treatment and vitamin complex. The organs of the unborn baby are formed in the first trimester of pregnancy, this is the most dangerous period for the fetus. If at the time of conception a woman’s body will be in good condition, she will give up bad habits and continue moderate physical activity, then the chance to easily bear the bearing and give birth to a full-fledged child in a natural way is very high.

During pregnancy, pregnant women after 30 years of age must be given several diagnostics of congenital malformations and prevent fetal malformations. Blood from a vein for the determination of genetic pathologies is taken from 16 to 20 weeks. If the result does not give an exact answer, then additional tests are prescribed. Women over 40 spend all available genetic testssince the probability of deviations is increased.

An invasive additional diagnosis includes a biopsy of chorin (the tissue from which the placenta is formed) in the first trimester, and chordocentesis (through the vessels of the umbilical cord, blood is taken from the fetus) in the second trimester of pregnancy.

The professional approach of doctors and the awareness of the expectant mother together will lead to a healthy pregnancy and reduce the risk of complications.

What to do if I get pregnant after 30

We conducted all the tests, prepared to the maximum, recovered from everything that was and was not, and the pregnancy does not come. Many couples give up. But today, doctors can seemingly “impossible” with the help of artificial insemination. The diagnosis of infertility now does not sound as hopeless as before.

But IVF is not only miraculous healing from infertility - the procedure has a lot of "But." In vitro fertilization is a complex process, the preparation for which takes a lot of time for treatment, and the maximum chance of a successful pregnancy is 30%. The onset of pregnancy at the first IVF is rather a rarity. Couples try five or more times, spending power and finances.

With IVF, pregnancy is often accompanied by complications - this is the introduction of the embryo, and ectopic pregnancy, and premature termination, and many others. Usually, pathologies are caused by the condition of the patient, when the functions of the organs lose with age. If the state of health of the pregnant woman is satisfactory, then with IVF, pregnancy and after 30 will come quickly.

But the long-awaited two strips reduce the experienced problems to nothing.

Parents who decide on in vitro fertilization need to be prepared for a multiple pregnancy. This is a very common “side effect”.

A positive aspect of IVF is the fact that the unborn child is surely insured against genetic abnormalities.

Give birth yourself?

Delivery in pregnant women after 30 is often complicated by ruptures, weak labor and bleeding. To avoid these symptoms, you need to perform special gymnastics for the muscles of the perineum, as well as maintain the general tone of the body.

The issue of childbirth is very important for pregnant women after 30, will it be possible to give birth itself, or is it necessary to have a cesarean? To remove possible complications during childbirth and to protect mother and baby, doctors recommend that all pregnant women after 40 years have a cesarean section. But no one will force a pregnant woman to lie down under the knife, so it’s up to her to decide. If the physical condition of the woman in labor is normal, there are no heart problems, myopia, the pressure is normal, and the pelvic size is optimal, doctors can easily agree to a natural birth. Otherwise, it is better to operate. The negative aspect of pregnancy after 30 is that a woman recovers from childbirth much longer than young women.

At 38 weeks, the expectant mother "aged" put in a hospital and choose the date and method of delivery. The hospital will offer to use programmed childbirth with the help of injections of hormones that provoke labor.

Most women planning a late pregnancy give birth to completely healthy babies.

Therefore, a woman can safely decide on the first or next pregnancy, because she already has life experience, well-being, she has something to share with her little "miracle" - it's time to experience the joy of motherhood!


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