Thyme - description, properties, use in cooking. Thyme recipes.


Thyme - description

The ancient Egyptians did not have such a highly developed chemical industry, and therefore used natural products. As perfumes, they used fragrant herbs. One of them is thyme (thyme, Bogorodskaya herb), a spicy aromatic plant and wonderful culinary seasoning. In the description of the word "thyme" you can find such meanings - "strong", "courageous". It is no coincidence that Roman soldiers took baths with thyme in order to recharge their batteries, to feel strength and courage.

And always this wonderful plant was used as a spice. The Benedictine monks spread it throughout Europe. Today, thyme is cultivated in America, Moldova, North Africa, southern Russia, in the Crimean mountains, it grows in the wild. Greens are used for food, starting from the second year. In June-July, the tops bloom, they are torn off and dried, and flowering shoots are used to prepare medicines.

Thyme - properties

Thyme grass contains essential oil, which contains a large amount of thymol (20-40%), and other components, thanks to which the herb has excellent bactericidal properties. As a food supplement, grass helps digest fatty foods. Thyme broth - a medicine that at home can gargle, used for whooping cough and bronchitis, bronchial asthma. The famous medicinal tea with thyme soothes nerves and gives strength.

Thyme - cooking use

The grass has a strong smell, a sharp and spicy concentrated taste, so you need to add it very little. Bright aroma and bitterness are used in baking, in the preparation of vegetable dishes (potatoes, cabbage, stew). Thanks to thyme, fatty and fried foods are digested much better, so seasoning is added to fried lard, fatty pork, lamb, meat pastes and poultry, game, and offal.

Smoked products are considered the heaviest food for the body, which is why when smoking thyme products - the most popular seasoning. Dried or fresh grass is put in marinades for pickling cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini. Fresh leaves are put in fish dishes, soups, borsch and chicken broths. Another interesting property of potent herb is that it can repel moths in cupboards. Just shift things in the closet with twigs, and the moth will not even come close to them.

Examples of recipes with thyme

Recipe 1: Lamb Glazed with Thyme and Avocado

Lamb has a specific taste. If you just boil it or even fry it, it will not have many lovers. But our recipe is for real gourmets. A set of spices, garlic, avocado and honey will make lamb truly a great dish. The main thing is to properly marinate the meat, and it cooks on fire for only 8-9 minutes. Juicy and aromatic, it smells of thyme and pepper, and honey gives only a little sweetness.

Ingredients: lamb (1 kg), lemon (2 pcs), avocado, blue onion, garlic, chili pepper, smoked peppers, honey (1 tablespoon), olive oil.

Cooking method

Soak the peppers in hot water for about half an hour. We make the marinade: lemon juice (2/3 pcs), olive oil - 1 tablespoon, white pepper and finely chopped thyme. We mix everything, put the meat in the marinade and leave for an hour and a half. Glaze for meat: pour lemons over boiling water and grate zest with 1.5 lemons on a fine grater. Stir the zest with 2 tablespoons of honey and grind the soaked bitter peppers with a mortar. Mix the mixture with honey and lemon, salt. The solid mixture is diluted with a spoon of water from soaking peppers.

In the prepared barbecue we put the grate and wipe it with the onion, spread the meat and fry the lamb in high heat. It’s good to put a few sprigs of thyme on the coals for a smell. Reduce the heat and withstand a little more. Then grease the meat with lemon-honey glaze and close the lid of the barbecue (only 30 seconds so as not to burn). Done! Serve with avocado salad - chop finely, add half the chopped blue onion, chili and 2 cloves of garlic, tomato, a bunch of cilantro. Season with lemon juice.

Recipe 2: Pasta with Thyme and Italian Herbs

Ingredients: pasta (150 gr.), cherry tomatoes (12 pcs), garlic (2 cloves), dry oregano (2 tablespoons), thyme (2 tablespoons), olive oil, salt.

Cooking method

Boil pasta in salted water as described in the instructions. We drain the water, but leave it for subsequent operations. We cut the cherry kids in half, peel and knead the garlic, heat it in olive oil in a pan. Add thyme, oregano tomatoes. We spread the pasta to the contents and pour a little water. Add some more spices and dried herbs, mix - and serve!

Recipe 3: Fruit with Mascarpone Cheese and Thyme

Gourmet tangerine and strawberry cream dessert. Fried tangerines are very unusual for us, especially if they are used in combination with cheese. Try it, it is very tasty.

Ingredients: tangerines (2 kg), butter (200 grams), cheese (500 grams), icing sugar (200 grams), cream (33% - 1 liter), fresh strawberries (200 grams), vanillin, nuts.

Cooking method

We sort the tangerines into slices, fry in butter. We put it in glasses and cups in portions. Grate "Mascarpone", mix with cream and vanilla or vanilla sugar and spread the sauce on top of tangerines. Garnish with thyme leaves, chopped walnuts and strawberries. Sprinkle with icing sugar.

Thyme - tips from experienced chefs

- Pork chops are a very tasty dish in itself, but when they meet with thyme, garlic and lemon peel marinade, they become simply divine.

- The most famous dish with thyme is, of course, tea. Tart bitter tea can be drunk endlessly. Try brewing tea with thyme and green apple. First we brew black tea and put in it 6 branches of fresh thyme (1, 2 liters of water and 1 teaspoon of tea leaves). Take the transparent glasses for mulled wine and cut the sour apple into pieces. We put them in glasses, add a spoonful of sugar, a pinch of cinnamon and pour in brewed tea. Beautiful, tasty and healthy! - Description, properties, use in cooking.


Watch the video: Health benefits of thyme (June 2024).