How to understand and outwit a mistress


A white dress, veil, guests, rings, champagne, the first wedding night is the most important holiday that every girl dreams of, because it is with him that a whole new life begins and a new family is formed. On this day you are happier than ever.

Then the problems begin - a car, an apartment, and not whether to buy a country house and much, much more. Then one more happiness, and maybe not one, of course, kids, is the main proof of your love. Again, happiness and joy shine in your eyes.

But time passes, a year, two ... And you begin to see your beloved husband at home less and less ... he has regular evening meetings, business trips, dinner with business partners. And if he is at home, then he may just be in a bad mood, or he is very tired, his head is very sore. And you notice that recently you only have to wash and iron your shirts, cook dinner, and to maintain comfort in the house. And then one day the bell rings ...

And some woman on the other end of the line claims to be your husband’s lover. Your mental state is simply beyond words - at least a shock. And she still speaks so calmly, stretches out her words, as if from pleasure, a sensation such that she is mocking you quietly, as if she is taking revenge. But you don’t pay much attention to this. You are occupied with other thoughts: to get drunk, to call mom, girlfriend, to collect your things or better than him, he will not receive children.

At this moment you are not at all thinking about why this woman called you at all. But she calls, with the aim of not just destroying your family, but precisely to make you hurt, to avenge that he met you before and it was with you that you created a family, children and much, much more, and with her only occasionally, as far as possible, came - slept - left. He cannot even share the night with her, because he has a family. And it is precisely from this that she becomes insulted, that is precisely what she accuses you of, and precisely for that she takes revenge on you.

After all, she also wants to be proud of her husband, she wants a cozy house with kids, and not a relationship that is hidden from prying eyes. With her call, she expects to remove you from the road so that he leaves you and leaves her. But if he has not abandoned you and the children so far, then she is as deceived a woman as you are.

She is the one who visits on holidays so as not to feel so alone, while her lover is spending time calmly with her family. So, in principle, she is as unhappy as her deceived wife. And you need to think first of all not about what some other woman is, but what kind of person lived with you for so many years, deceiving you, and not only you.

But now what about you - the legal spouse of this infamous type? Naturally, each case is individual, but in order not to do anything stupid, learn a few rules:

First, be above all this, smarter. Mistress, of course, does everything possible so that you break up with your husband. That is why she called to catch you by surprise, so that you scandalously set off and left, giving way to her. But you are a smart woman, do not give her such pleasure.

Secondly, you should not meet with her, arranging a showdown and putting the crap in place, otherwise it is her husband who will run to regret. You yourself know perfectly well the female trick, how you can easily turn the facts upside down and make your wife guilty of everything, saying, "I, my lover, sat quietly at home, drank tea, and my wife burst into me and started yelling and beating with fists and everything that came to hand. "

Thirdly, do not follow her on the heels, tracking her address, place of work, etc. You will only amuse her with this, and she will experience undisguised joy from the significance of her person.

And do not blackmail your husband with children and jointly acquired property, because if he wanted to leave and give up everything, he would have done it long ago. You need to understand for yourself that, in principle, you and your lover are on the same side of the barricade, both are unhappy and deceived by an insidious man, so is it worth it, when you hear “Hello, I’m your husband’s lover” in the receiver, meet her for a cup of tea and discuss a revenge plan to your husband.

Who is better than women can understand a woman. It will not be difficult for you to explain to her what kind of husband you are, and what it will be like in the future as a wife, because he can deceive her as well as you. Well, if you consider yourself too humiliated and offended not only by your husband, but also by your mistress, burn with the desire to "strangle this mop with your bare hands", then as a friend and accomplice in revenge on your husband and defending your honor, it will be much closer to you than if you just “sent her” at the first call.

And most importantly, remember that in the world there are still real monogamous men who need only a wife who will always be the one and only. And you will certainly meet this.


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