Rabbit in a slow cooker - the best recipes. How to cook a rabbit in a multicooker correctly and tasty.


Rabbit in a slow cooker - general principles and methods of preparation

Without household appliances, today it is impossible to imagine the kitchen of a modern hostess. Mixers, coffee makers, microwave ovens, hot grills and, of course, slow cookers significantly save the time and energy of all women, whether they are housewives or business women. They do not need to stand at the stove among the numerous pots and pans and make sure that something does not burn or boil. To prepare a tasty and healthy meal, you just need to lay down the products, set a program and the miracle crock-pot cooks one or two dishes at a time. For example, a rabbit. After all, it is so useful. You can boil it, and stew it and make the roast, and cook the soup.

Rabbit in a slow cooker - preparation of products

When cooking a rabbit in a slow cooker, two modes are usually set. At the beginning - “Baking” (“Soup”, “Steamed”, “Express”), when meat and vegetables (onions, carrots) are fried in a minimum amount of fat. Such "interesting" names of the modes for roasting are selected in those units where there is no separate function "Frying". After the crust has formed on the slices, turn on the "Extinguishing" mode, add a little liquid, put spices and bring the rabbit meat to final readiness.

Rabbit in a slow cooker - best recipes

Recipe 1: Rabbit with Prunes in a Multicooker

A stunning taste is given to this dish by a thick, aromatic gravy, with light mustard and garlic notes, which harmoniously combines with the taste of tender meat and sweet and sour prunes.

Ingredients: rabbit fillet (carcass) - 2 kg, 2 medium carrots and onions, 200 g seedless prunes, 3 tablespoons each. lies. delicious ketchup and sour cream (or mayonnaise), vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons, 3 cloves of garlic, 1.5 teaspoon. lies. ready mustard, spices and spices.

Cooking method

Soak prunes for half an hour, if it is too dry, then for an hour and a half.

Chop the carcass into portions (cut the fillet with medium cubes). In the “Baking” mode, fry the meat for thirty minutes. While roasting, cut the carrots into strips, and onions in half rings. Add vegetables to the bowl with meat and continue frying for another ten minutes (total - 40 minutes).

Pour the rabbit with water by two-thirds, add ketchup, sour cream (mayonnaise), mustard, spices - salt and pepper, favorite spices and herbs (optional). Mix the mass so that the ingredients are evenly distributed. Set the quenching mode for an hour and a half. Half an hour before the expiration of this period, add soaked prunes to the bowl. Be sure to taste it so that salt, spices and pepper are in sufficient quantities and continue to quench. Ten minutes before turning off, add chopped garlic.

Put the finished rabbit on a large dish, sprinkle with herbs, lay a side dish (mashed potatoes, stewed or boiled vegetables, rice) and serve.

Recipe 2: Rabbit with Sour Cream in a Multi Cooker

Cooking does not take you much time to cook a delicious, delicious meat with vegetables for dinner or lunch. Garnish at your choice - rice, potatoes, homemade noodles.

Ingredients: rabbit carcass - 2 kg, 3 carrots, 2 large onions, 250 ml sour cream, 3 cloves of garlic, black pepper, vegetable oil, salt, any greens.

Cooking method

Divide the prepared carcass into portions. Peel the vegetables, chop the onion finely, grate the carrots.

Grease the bowl with butter, put pieces of meat in it, turn on the “Baking” mode for forty minutes. During this time, they must be turned several times so that the rabbit is well-fried. While he is preparing, prepare the vegetables - fry them in oil (in a skillet on the stove). First, onions until golden, then carrots.

Lay a layer of vegetables in pieces of the fried rabbit, add spices, herbs, optionally, salt, pepper. Dilute sour cream with a small volume of water and pour the meat with the resulting sauce.

Set the "extinguishing" mode for one and a half hours, then for another forty minutes - "Baking". Five to ten minutes before turning off, add chopped garlic. Serve the rabbit better with finely chopped herbs.

Recipe 3: Boiled rabbit with vegetables in a slow cooker

This wonderful technique allows you to cook several dishes at once. Why not take this opportunity and prepare a dietary, simple, but very tasty dish. Frozen vegetables can be used.

Ingredients: 800 g fillet of a young rabbit, 2 stalks of leek, 300 g of cauliflower, Brussels and green beans, salt, spices. To decorate 4 cherry tomatoes.

Cooking method

At the leek, cut off the white part and finely chop it - first cut in half, then cut each half into small half rings.

Put onion and fillet slices in a bowl. If a whole rabbit will be used, chop it into medium pieces. Pour in water so that it completely covers the pieces of meat. Season with salt and pepper.

On top of the bowl, install the steam cooker and put the vegetables in it. Also salt and sprinkle with pepper. Close the lid. Turn on the "Multi-cook" mode, select the type of product (meat) and set the time - twenty five minutes.

Put vegetables, meat on a dish, decorate with halves of cherry tomatoes. Optionally, boiled vegetables can be sprinkled with lemon juice.

Recipe 4: Roast Rabbit in a Multicooker

Loose potatoes, soft juicy meat, slightly sour tomatoes - very tasty and very home-like. It turns out no worse than classic pot roast.

Ingredients: rabbit - 1.5 kg, 1 kg of potato, 2 onions, 3 tomatoes, a glass of water, herbs, spices and seasonings: salt, marjoram, black pepper.

Cooking method

Divide the crawls into pieces, finely chop the onion. Turn on the “Baking” mode for thirty-five minutes and fry the meat and onions. In order for the rabbit to fry evenly, turn the pieces several times over this period of time.

Add a little water to the bowl and turn on the "Extinguishing" mode for one hour. During this time, prepare the next batch of ingredients. Cut the tomatoes into slices, peeled potatoes in medium cubes.

Open the lid, add chopped potatoes and tomatoes, salt, marjoram, pepper to the meat. Add the remaining water and turn on the "Extinguishing" mode for another hour. After turning off the multicooker, sprinkle the roast with greens.

Rabbit in a slow cooker - useful tips from experienced chefs

- The most valuable parts of the rabbit are the legs and the back.

- When choosing a carcass, you need to know that the most delicious and delicate meat of light pink color will have a well-fed rabbit. It is suitable for frying, stewing, cooking. The skinny rabbit meat is harsh, bluish-red. It is best used for chopped products - cutlets, meatballs, meatballs.


Lily 11/17/2016
About the roast - the recipe does not justify itself, I do not advise anyone! Clearly mistaken with the functions of the multicooker and time.


Watch the video: GE 3 Crock Slow Cooker Buffet Review (June 2024).