Lemon - what kind of fruit, is it good or harmful for adults and children? Calorie lemon, its composition, scientific facts about the benefits and harms


Lemon is a sunny yellow fruit of the same name evergreen tree from the genus of citrus.

Tuberous fruits of an oval shape have a light yellow shade, reach a length of 10 cm or more.

Massively cultivated in many countries where the subtropical climate prevails.

The composition and calorie content of lemon

The energy value of the edible part of the lemon fruit is 29 kcal per 100 grams of pulp.

Lemon is very useful and rich in its chemical composition, which includes:

• Trace elements and macronutrients (potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sulfur, sodium, fluorine, copper, boron, manganese, molybdenum, etc.);

• Vitamins (vitamin C, pyridoxine, riboflavin, beta-carotene, thiamine, vitamin PP, vitamin E);

• Organic acids;

• Water;

• proteins;

• Carbohydrates;

• Fat;

• Alimentary fiber;

• Monosaccharides, disaccharides.

The lemon contains cellulose and pectin substances that are necessary for the body in case of intestinal disturbances and for the prevention of such failures. The high content of vitamins makes this fruit indispensable during periods of epidemics of seasonal acute respiratory viral infections.

Citric acid helps to cleanse the body of toxins, improves the immune system and the body's resistance to diseases, has a positive effect on the organs of vision, upper respiratory tract, improves blood circulation.

It is known that these fruits and juice are strongly recommended to be used in food when various types of cysts, tumors, including malignant ones.

What is surprising, due to the unique composition of cancer cells, lemon can have a devastating impact, while not destroying healthy ones.

In lemon, both pulp, and lemon juice, and zest are useful and edible.

The benefits of lemon and peel for the health of the body

A wide range of useful properties of this fruit helps with many diseases and ailments, which you definitely need to know and remember:

• The peel contains essential oils that serve as first aid for sore throat (sore throat), for inflammatory processes in the oral cavity and gum diseases;

• Helps with cardiovascular diseases to normalize the condition;

• The peel has found wide application in cosmetology; it is an excellent skin whitening agent for pigmentation, a natural antiseptic and an antioxidant;

• In osteoporosis and polyarthritis, lemon peel helps to alleviate the symptoms of diseases, reduces inflammation; it is used for anemia and a tendency to thrombosis;

• In folk medicine is a component of antifungal and anthelmintic drugs;

• Lemon juice prevents the formation of stones in the gallbladder and kidneys;

• Due to the presence of essential oils, the fruit has found application in aromatherapy. The oil can be used in an aroma lamp, dotted onto the skin or dripped into the water while taking a bath;

• It is a source of vitamin C, helps with migraine and neuralgia, improves brain function, increases the efficiency and tone of the body as a whole.

Watch out, lemons! Possible harm of lemon

In addition to a variety of beneficial properties, zest and lemon juice can harm with diseases of the stomach - gastroenteritis, gastritis, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer due to the content of mucosal irritant - citric acid.

With acidity of gastric juice should either completely abandon the use of these products in food, or reduce them to a minimum.

Additionally, it should be noted that this citrus can cause allergic reaction.

Contraindication is individual intolerance.

The benefits and harm of lemon for pregnant and lactating women

It is during the period of pregnancy and feeding the baby that many women with particular trepidation relate to their own health and the health of the child. It becomes a reasonable question - what can be eaten and what fruits to abstain from.

• Lemon - a storehouse of vitamins, this is especially important for immunity strengthening and the prevention of colds. Tea with lemon and honey perfectly removes the first symptoms of seasonal colds. But lemon, especially when combined with honey or nuts, can lead to an allergic reaction.

Toxicosis - A very unpleasant child's companion. Relieve nausea attacks will help slice the fruit that you want to hold in your mouth. But after that, be sure to rinse the mouth or brush your teeth - lemon juice is aggressive in relation to tooth enamel.

• With low or normal acidity, lemon is necessary and will bring health benefits if the acidity is high - heartburn may developthat is not good for pregnant.

• Excessive consumption of citrus fruits, including lemons, can lead to an excess of vitamin C. As everywhere and in everything, the excess is as unsafe as the lack. At the first symptoms hypervitaminosis or if you suspect it, you should definitely inform the doctor who is leading the pregnancy.

Lemon for children - harm or benefit?

The development of the child and his growth are proceeding in stages, and any complementary foods should be introduced gradually and deliberately.

Each new product can begin to enter into the diet of the child, based on the data that they will bring at this age - harm or benefit.

Despite the beneficial properties, citrus fruits are contraindicated in babies.

Pediatricians almost unanimously advise the first acquaintance with the taste of lemon to begin not earlier than three years old the following reasons:

- lemon juice can cause an allergic reaction - itching, skin rashes, redness;

- The acid contained in lemons can harm the mucous membrane of the child’s stomach and cause irritation;

- children alone can not brush their teeth until a certain age, so parents should be reminded that after consuming a lemon, you must rinse your mouth from leftover lemon juice. Acid, which is part of it, has a negative effect on tooth enamel.

The positive impact on the body of this citrus far exceeds all the disadvantages. If the child has stepped over the turn of the three-year period, you can gradually begin to enrich the diet with fruits. Vitamin D content affects bone growth and serves to prevent rickets.

In the autumn-winter period, this citrus fruit, due to its rich composition, can be a good barrier against the ingestion of seasonal viruses. You can use a variety of antiviral prescriptions, which include lemon, but when combined with, say, honey - make sure that there is no allergic reaction to the components.

Lemon juice can be useful for children with anemia and poor appetite, with suspected presence of worms, and also serves as a remedy for constipation due to its constituent fiber.

Harm or benefit? Lemon for losing weight

Slim figure without extra pounds - dream most of the world's population. By nature, this generosity goes to the units, while the rest are faced with a choice - to overgrow with extra centimeters of fat, or to choose for themselves the best weight loss recipe.

The best results, as a rule, for those who have found for themselves the cherished prescription in combination with physical exercise and a general attitude towards a healthy lifestyle.

The composition of many diets include the mandatory use of fruits rich in fiber and a complex of vitamins - for example, lemons. It is worthwhile to dwell upon the question of the benefits and harm of lemons for dieters.

It is known that you can lose a few kg by drinking a glass of hot water with lemon before eating. This drink due to the high temperature will increase the heat transfer of the body, that is, part of the calories will evaporate in the process of sweating. Lemon water is also a remedy for constipation and a light diuretic, these beneficial properties help in losing weight. But still you should not give up and from ordinary water during the day, so as not to bring the body to dehydration.

Lemon water can be prepared according to one of the following recipes:

1. Add fresh juice of half the fruit to a glass of hot water, drink before meals;

2. In lemon water, warm, you can add 1 tsp. honey and drink on an empty stomach. In the absence of food in the stomach that needs to be digested, the enzymes produced during such a “start” will begin to remove accumulated toxins, the metabolism will accelerate;

3. Milled ginger root may be part of the lemon water - this mixture will benefit the body;

4. To a glass of warm water - chop and add ½ of the average lemon and the same amount of grated cucumber pulp.

Drinks, which include lemon, charges the body with energy and vigor, which will become an indispensable stimulus for the start of sports or exercise.

In addition to drinks, yellow citrus fruits can be consumed in its natural form, in half, before going to bed. But in this case it is necessary to remember about the obligatory rinsing of the oral cavity, in order to clean the enamel-destroying acid. Do not forget about the high acidity, which lemon intake may aggravate.

How to keep useful properties in lemon

The optimal storage temperature is between 6 and 8 degrees. In such conditions, the fruit will remain fresh for several months.

If necessary, you can pour slices into slices of sugar, put in a jar and put in a fridge or a cool dark place. Consume as needed.

Cut the lemon can be placed cut on a plate with salt or sugar, stored in the refrigerator.

If you save a large amount of fruit is required - you can wrap each fruit with paper and put it in a cool, dark and well-ventilated room or place it in sand or sawdust.


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