Holy Angels: daily prayers to the Archangels


According to the teachings of the Christian church, each person has his own Guardian Angel. This bright essence every day saves its wearer from minor troubles, and in some situations even saves from death. However, there are more powerful forces directed by the Lord God to help humanity. In particular, such forces include the Supreme Angels of the Heavenly Host - the Archangels. As well as to the Holy Apostles and the Lord Himself, prayers can be offered to the Archangels. Light forces will never refuse to those who suffer, if their intentions are pure.

But which Archangels need to pray every day? How are such prayers read correctly? What can you ask the Light Forces, and what should not even think? Which particular Supreme Angel should be addressed, depending on the particular day of the week?
The answers to each of the above questions are in this article.

How to pray the archangels?

According to Orthodox dogma, the Archangels in the Divine Army are an unprecedented multitude, but 7 of them stand out in particular:

  • Michael - The Archangel, set over the chaos and people of Israel, dominates the human virtues;
  • Gabriel - The leader of the cherubs, dominates over the snakes, the keeper of Paradise;
  • Raphael - patron of human souls;
  • Uriel - Angel of the Elements;
  • Yehudiil - patron of works, brutally eradicating laziness;
  • Sarakael (Selafiil)—the overseer of the souls of people who allow themselves to transgress God's and human laws;
  • Barahiel - supervisor of those who rise from the dead, guide on the True Path.

Listed Guardians of the Lord can pray, depending on the day of the week.

The prayers to the Archangels for each day of the week are listed below:

  • Monday - Prayer to Michael for the aversion of evil spirits;
  • Tuesday - an appeal to Gabriel for diseases and diseases;
  • Wednesday - prayers to Raphael from the weight in the body and soul;
  • Thursday - prayers to Uriel from natural disasters and God's disfavor;
  • Friday - appeal to Selafiil with a request for success in undertakings;
  • Saturday - prayers to Yehudíil, allowing to fight with natural laziness;
  • Sunday - On this day, it is imperative to attend the morning service, having previously prayed to Archangel Varahiel. This Heavenly Guardian will help not to turn off the right path.

Important! Only a person baptized in the Orthodox Christian faith can offer prayers to the Archangels of the Lord.

How to prepare for the prayer to the Archangels?

The preparation for the primary reading of the prayers to the Archangels of the Lord includes the following stages:

  • Fast. Fasting before a prayer to any of the Supreme Angels takes at least a week. It is advisable that the fast food diet does not include animal products;
  • Acceptance of repentance in the church, followed by absolution. This procedure is not obligatory, but extremely desirable, since the energy of a pure soul reaches the Higher Spheres faster than the prayer of a person stained with sin;
  • Frequent church attendance. It is also recommended to put candles for the health of relatives, close ones and even the worst enemies every day;
  • Purification of your own home from negative energy. Before the first reading of the prayers, the Archangels are recommended to consecrate every corner of an apartment or house, sprinkling it with holy water (if necessary, you can call a priest). Also general cleaning is carried out, old things are thrown away, broken dishes and other objects with a recognized negative impact on the person's aura;
  • Set on grace. Addressing the Higher Forces, the worshiper should be in a cheerful mood, supported by unquestionable faith;
  • Removal from the negative. It is recommended that during the week before the first reading of the prayer to the Archangel, to abandon the perverse worldly pleasures and bad habits;
  • Immediately before the prayer itself - wash yourself with holy water and cross three times.

Preparatory procedures before a prayer appeal to one of the Lord's Archangels are optional. However, after cleansing the soul and body of worldly vanities, a person will be able to pray harder, and his prayers will be heard faster.

How to read prayers to angels?

A person who wants to master the prayers to the Archangels for every day, it is important to get acquainted with the basic rules of prayer reading:

  • Sincerity. Not a single prayer service will be heard if your thoughts directly contradict what you say in your address to the Archangel. While reading the text about Love to the Most High, you must sincerely, with all your heart, love God and his Angels;
  • Detachment from all evil and negativity. In the process of prayer, one should not experience anger or anger. One cannot desire death, illness, or unhappiness even to his own worst enemy. Before you begin to pray to the Archangels, find the strength to forgive your foes and wish them goodness and well-being;
  • The steadfastness of faith. Most likely, an agnostic or atheist who decides to pray to the Archangels will only be strengthened in his unbelief. The reason for this will be blocking the energy flow directed to the praying Supreme Forces. Therefore, in order for prayer to be heard, first of all, you need to believe in God;
  • Reading traditional text. The traditional texts of prayers to the Archangels by the day of the week were created by the wisest theologians of ancient times. Therefore, it is in these texts that the wisdom and power of the appeal to the Servants of God is hidden. After reading the original prayer, you can turn to the Archangel on a particular day of the week with a personal prayer;
  • The use of religious symbols. Christian symbols in prayer to Orthodox saints and archangels give extra energy to the spoken words and thoughts of the prayer. Therefore, in the process of prayer, the Archangels are recommended to surround themselves with church utensils — candles, holy water, Holy Scripture, incense, etc. It is also recommended to pray before the iconographic depiction of the Archangel, acquired in the closest church to the dwelling;
  • Place for prayer. It is possible to pray to the Supreme Angels on any day of the week, both in the church and in your own home (provided that the dwelling has been pre-arranged).

Important! In the process of prayer reading, you should show respect for the Archangels of the Lord. Higher Powers can not be commanded. They can only beg for help. Archangels need to read prayers in an intelligible, but quiet voice, offering praise to them and the Lord. All prayers to the Archangels are raised in the morning hours, preferably at dawn.

Monday prayer

The text of the prayer appeal to the Supreme Angel Michael for protection from the evil one on Monday is presented below:

»Holy Archangel Michael to God, wring out from me with your lightning sword your spirit of evil, tempting me. O great Archangelty of God Michael victor of demons! Defeat and crush all my enemies, visible and invisible, and beseech the Lord Almighty, may the Lord save and save me from sorrow and from all kinds of diseases, from deadly ulcers and death in vain, now and ever and forever. Amen."

On Tuesday

Text of prayer appeal to the Supreme Angel Gabriel for health:

»Holy Archangel Gabriel, the joy unspeakable from Heaven to the Most Pure Virgin brought, fill with joy and gladness my heart, my pride exaggerated. Oh, great Archangel of God, Gabriel, you have preached to the Blessed Virgin Mary the conception of the Son of God. I will also build a sinful day for me, the terrible death of the Lord God for my sinful soul, may God forgive my sins; and the demons will not keep me in the sufferings for my sins. O great Archangel Gabriel! Keep me from all troubles and from a serious illness, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen."

For medium

The text of the appeal to the Supreme Angel Archangel Raphael from the weights in the body and soul:

“Oh, the great Archangel of God, Rafaila, receiving a gift from God, heal the ills, heal the incurable ulcers of my heart and many diseases of my body. O great archangel Rafaila of God, you are a guide, a doctor and a healer, guide me to salvation and heal all my mental and physical illnesses, and take me to the throne of God, and plead with His grace for my sinful soul, may God forgive me and save me from of all my enemies and from evil men, from now and to the ages. Amen."

Prayer on thursday

Prayer to the Supreme Angel Uriel from natural disasters:

“The Holy Archangel of God, Uriel, illumined with the light of the Divine and filled with abundant fire of ardent love, throw a spark of this fire into my heart cold, and your dark soul will illumine. O great Archangel of God, Uriel, thou art the radiance of the Divine fire and the enlightener of those darkened by sins: enlighten my mind, my heart, my will by the power of the Holy Spirit, and guide me on the path of repentance, and implore the Lord God, may God deliver me from the infernal hell and from all enemies visible and invisible, now and forever and ever and ever. Amen."

On Friday

Appeal to the High Angel Selaphiel for helping him achieve his goals and attract success:

“Holy Archangel of God Selaphile, give prayer to the prayer, teach me to pray the prayer humble, contrite, focused and affectionate. O great Archangel of God, Selaphilea, you pray God for the people of believers, plead with His grace for me, a sinner, may the Lord deliver me from all misfortunes and sorrows and diseases, and from vain death, and from eternal pain, and the Lord of Heaven will confer me with all the Saints forever. Amen."

For saturday

Prayer to the High Angel Yehudiil for a successful struggle with laziness:

“The Holy Archangel of God, Yehudiila, who is close to the success of all those who work in the path of Christ, arouse me from grave laziness and a good deed strengthen me. O great Archangel of God, Yehudiila, you are a zealous defender of God's glory: you excite to glorify the Holy Trinity, awaken me, lazy, to praise the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and pray to God Almighty and build in me a pure heart and right spirit in my womb, and by the Spirit of the Lord Dominichny will affirm me and the truth to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen."

Sunday prayer

A proclamation to the Supreme Angel Varahiel for the direction of the true path:

“Holy Archangel of God Varahile, a blessing from the Lord to us who brings, bless me to initiate a good, correction of my careless life, may I please in all my Lord Savior for all eternity. Amen."

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the selection with the prayers for each day of the week to the Supreme Angels of God:


Watch the video: Powerful Protection Prayer Angels (June 2024).