Child 9 years old


A nine-year-old child is already a fully grown man who can conduct smart conversations with you, express his thoughts reasonably, listen carefully, memorize and process information. But at the same time, this is still a child with a psyche that has not been fully formed, and for him, as they say, an eye and an eye are needed. Children quickly grow physically and mentally, stretch up, grow up. At the age of nine, school becomes very important for the child, he really wants to be in time in all subjects, worried about how he looks among classmates.

The requirements have increased, the load has changed, and despite the fact that he spends most of the day at school, and in his free time he plays on the street for hours, rollerblading or watching television with enthusiasm - it’s very important for him to talk openly about all his problems, joys and sorrows.

It’s great if such a place is your home. At this age, the main direction of development is the development of skills to conduct a conversation - to calmly and reasonably conduct a conversation, to properly build a dialogue, maintain a common conversation - in general, to develop communication skills. These skills need to be laid in primary school age. With younger schoolchildren, it is necessary to talk about the surrounding reality, to expand its ideas. A nine-year-old child should be able to express his opinion about the film, the book he has read, and the actions of people. Any meeting should be in the form of a discussion of any experience.

Child development at 9 years old (what should be able to)

At this time, a leader is formed in each group, outsiders may arise, children who are the instigators of leprosy and pranks can stand out. But still, the most important thing is the formation of communication skills, the process of expressing thoughts and establishing contact. Children do everything fast - move, eat, read, speak. They like it when they pay attention. They argue on the themes of friendship, empathy, condemnation.

Before entering the prepubertal period, the child already knows how to:
- perfectly navigate in time;
- tell funny stories, show a sense of humor;
- show a heightened sense of justice;
- apply proven self-care skills;
- with pleasure to read books and discuss what they read;
- comply with the rules - written and unwritten, treat them positively;
- monitors the order on his desk, in the briefcase;
- communicates in a team and in a group of peers;
- take care of pets and younger brothers or sisters;
- helps around the house in small matters.

They are interested in literally everything - why the light is on, how the engine works, how the computer and TV are arranged. Pochemuchki ask a lot of questions, and do not calm down until they receive comprehensive answers. Most often, friends are selected by age and gender. The child depends on the opinions of others, the influence of the family is gradually reduced. Communication with mother and father is almost the same, but approaching 10 years, mood swings, isolation may appear. Soon he will become a teenager - and these are completely different problems.

Baby food at 9 years old

A 9-year-old child rarely complains of a lack of appetite; rather, he can eat for two. This is not surprising - they need a large amount of energy for body growth, tissue formation. Two or three times a day, you need full boiled food, and the rest can be left for snacks with healthy products containing complex carbohydrates - fruits, vegetables, confectionery. It is especially important that the menu includes enough food to eat without overeating.

The level of physical activity should be such that the food is processed completely, without causing excess weight. Complexes arising at this age can remain for life, even if a person growing up permanently gets rid of excess weight. It is very good when family dinners are traditionally held in the family - in a pleasant environment with a friendly conversation, the child will learn table etiquette.

It is desirable that the food consist of natural products, without preservatives, sweeteners or thickeners.
Fast food, Coca-Cola and chips should get to the child only in order to taste their taste, but in no way be permanent products. Fruit drink and compote will quench thirst much better and give more nutrients than in-store bottled drinks. Instill in your child a culture of good nutrition - let him choose foods without preservatives and trans fats.

The regimen of the day of a child at 9 years

The regime of a nine-year-old child is more subject to school activities. In order to arrive at school on time, it is better to follow constant rules - go to bed at the same time, get up on an alarm clock, get ready for school without haste, have breakfast, and after school, spend several hours relaxing in the fresh air, outdoor games. Then do the homework. Before going to bed, rest again, take a bath or shower.
Make sure that your child does not ignore brushing your teeth, take him to preventive examinations every six months.

It is necessary not only to explain the importance of brushing your teeth, but also to talk about the dangers of tobacco on teeth and gums. It is best if the children are given a personal example and the words of their parents do not diverge from the deed. Eating habits are formed only in the family. The child will eat homemade breakfast with pleasure if you give it with you. There are almost no problems with sleep - a growing body requires a good rest. You can’t be allowed to watch horror movies at night, sit at the computer and do homework - for some time before going to bed, it’s better to stay in a calm and quiet environment, and it’s best to leave unfulfilled lessons in the early morning.

Lessons with a child at 9 years old

Children of this age are at risk for getting into dangerous situations. It can be road accidents and other injuries, fraud by fraudsters. The school carries out a lot of preventive work in this direction, but only the family can consolidate this knowledge. Watch movies together, discuss situations, focus on important issues. The opinion of the company is often important for a younger student - despite the beliefs of parents and teachers, he can succumb to the influence of friends and commit an unseemly act. The main incentive for this is the desire to prove their "coolness", adulthood, independence. Look closely at the company in which your child communicates, try to tactfully protect him from adverse influences. Talk, take an interest in his affairs, discuss possible behaviors. Make sure that he is not in smoking rooms and is not exposed to secondhand smoke.

Games and toys for children at 9 years old

The most suitable games for this age are selected in accordance with the main development goals. Children develop the ability to think critically, learn to defend their point of view with the help of weighty arguments. It is best to buy them games for the development of mental activity, memory, analytical abilities, intelligence. Interesting tasks fulfilling the ability to solve problems in several actions. In addition, you should not disregard outdoor outdoor games - football for boys, dancing or gymnastics, and so on. It’s best to put your child in a section or circle.

Raising a child at 9 years old

Normally, nine-year-old children are very sociable and do not cause much trouble to their parents.
Although the authority of the family has been squeezed by friends and classmates, parents can remain very close, and this helps to maintain adequate self-esteem and self-confidence. The support in the person of parents and members of seven is very important, precisely in order to cope with the challenges that are complex for their age, which arise daily.

This is the negative impact of older or stronger children, relationships in the classroom. Devote enough time to the child so that he does not develop a complex of abandonment, praise for success, and put failures on the shelves and help the child learn a lesson. Failures can be noticed as rarely as possible and not focus on them. Each person has his own strengths and weaknesses, and you know your children better than anyone. Mark your strengths and always be prepared to interact.


The desire to be independent and independent is so strong that the child can be stubborn in achieving his goal, even at the cost of conflict. Quarrels with parents arise when adults do not want to admit that the child has already grown up and can make some decisions on their own. The emerging responsibility can be used by assigning duties to a full member of the soybean family - for example, cleaning a room, bed. A necessary condition - the child must decide when to implement them - so he will be responsible for his actions. It helps to feel in demand, useful and very positive. A sense of independence will only grow.

Useful Tips for Parents

Petty pranks

It is necessary to condemn a child for petty pranks as rarely as possible, and even more so you should never do this with strangers' children or strangers. Through the period of children's pranks all children go, do not focus on this. It’s best to turn your attention to something more useful and important. Let the child believe that his pranks are an uninteresting event that is not worth talking about, then there will be no motive for their implementation. Children play naughty when they are bored - organize them outdoor games, for example, with a treasure hunt in the park or a real checkers tournament with medals and prizes. If you will be “on the board” for your child, you will always be aware of what is happening to him.

Classroom relationship

If the class creates an uncomfortable situation, it is better to talk about it with the class teacher. Sometimes children who do not know how to make friends with anyone at school, when transferred to a new place, become the soul of a new company. It's all about values ​​and hobbies - perhaps in the previous place his talents simply could not be appreciated. Sometimes children are much better at transferring to a new school, feeling more support and approval. No matter what happens, parents should always be aware of academic performance, classroom relationships, and the objective abilities of their child.


Watch the video: 9-year-old autistic child is art, maths wizard but struggled for admission in school (July 2024).