How much can you lose weight on water while observing the water regime? How to drink water and how much you can lose weight on water?


The popularity of diets using water is understandable.

The human body gratefully accepts the increased use of moisture, especially against the background of constant stresses and limitations.

How much you can lose weight on water depends not so much on the water itself as on the state of the body and the chosen scheme.

How much can you lose weight on water on a water diet

A diet for the lazy or a water diet is a special water intake regimen for weight loss. They are different from each other. So, lazy diet scheme - just drink two glasses of water 15 minutes before any daily meal. And it should be just water, without gas, additives, mineralization.

Another scheme: before breakfast, drink a glass of warm water, before dinner, two, and before dinner, all three glasses. The calculation is that a stomach filled with water is not an example of a large amount of food. Reducing the amount of food consumed will certainly affect the reduction in calories.

With a water diet, you can drink water regardless of food intake, most importantly - in sufficient volume. To calculate the rate of water per day, you need to multiply the actual weight by 40. For example, if the initial weight is 78 kg, then you will have to drink 3 liters of water and another 120 ml. Tea, coffee, soups and other liquids drunk during the day are not taken into account: you need to drink pure water.

The bottom line is to improve metabolic processes, remove toxins, remove puffiness. Every morning you should start with two or three glasses of water drunk on an empty stomach. Water will immediately enter the pancreas, cleanse the digestive tract, stimulate its normal functioning, and improve digestion. To lose weight on water, you need to drink it in small sips for better absorption. The temperature should be normal, neither cold nor hot.

It is additionally recommended to provide a low-calorie diet, exclude everything fatty, salty, pickled, and limit flour. The abundance of fluid is contraindicated for people with kidney stones (the danger is that the disease may not be diagnosed and it will already be detected during the diet) and high blood pressure.

How much you can lose weight on water, if you drink it according to one of the above schemes, depends on the initial weight, the amount of slag and even the season. Both the water diet and the diet for the lazy will allow you to get rid of three or four kilograms of excess weight in a week (and this, unfortunately, will not be fat at all), and in three weeks - from seven to ten kilograms.

It is important to know some rules for water intake during the day:

• if you are hungry, drink water, but only at room temperature. Cold water stimulates appetite;

• coffee lovers should learn the rule: for each cup of coffee you need to drink a glass of water outside the main volume. Coffee dehydrates the body;

• long work in front of the computer also dehydrates, so every fifteen minutes you need to drink some amount of life-giving moisture;

• Do not drink food. If the meal was carbohydrate, you can drink in half an hour, if protein - in two. Water dilutes the normal concentration of acids and alkalis, which break down food before it enters the intestines; beneficial substances are not absorbed.

Water diet will help not so much to lose weight as to normalize weight, return it to normal levels. Therefore, if you just need to get into old jeans, slightly remove the tummy, then this option is ideal.

How much can you lose weight on water with seven-day wet fasting

Wet starvation is a refusal of food and intake of sufficient water for seven days. This option of losing weight on water is suitable only for completely healthy people, and then only after consulting a doctor. Weight loss is guaranteed, but how much you can lose weight on water depends on the same individual characteristics of the body: weight, level of physical activity, season, a sufficient amount of fluid you drink.

Weight loss on average over a seven-day hunger strike will be approximately six kilos. The first 3.5 kilograms will go away in the first day: it will be a pound of glycogen three liters of water. Only after the body spends all glycogen does the breakdown of fat depots and a certain amount of muscle fibers begin. That is why it is necessary to maintain muscle activity and take a vitamin complex to replenish the substances needed by the body. In just a week, you can get rid of 2.5 kilograms of fat itself. In addition, the body will lose up to 25 g of muscle daily.

What will be the diet during these seven days? Water, herbal teas (sage, chamomile, hibiscus, mint, lemon balm, thyme), green tea. The amount of water per day is at least one and a half liters, up to 2.5 - 3 liters.

How much can you lose weight on water without harm to health

Seven days - this is how much you can spend on wet fasting without significant harm to health. Especially stubborn girls spend more time in this mode, but it is very dangerous. How much can you lose weight on water in two weeks? For 10-17 kilograms. But this is a very dangerous occupation, and it is important to comply with the rules of entry into hunger and exit from it.

Before a water hunger strike for three to four days, you need to remove meat and fish products, fatty and salty, from the diet. You need to move more and drink more water - up to two liters. Reduce diet, switch to vegetable dishes, introduce fruit and vegetable juices.

Starvation is accompanied by acidification of the body (acidosis). The process is accompanied by headache, weakness, the appearance of an unpleasant odor, nausea. This usually occurs on the third day. The body can be helped by an enema, shower, walks in the fresh air. How much you can lose weight on water, largely depends on the state of health and the degree of slagging of the body. If the symptoms do not go away, insomnia, arrhythmias are connected, headaches increase, wet fasting should be stopped immediately.

The way out of fasting with water is juice therapy. For breakfast, lunch and dinner, instead of the usual portion of food, drink a glass of fresh juice, optionally diluting it with water. Juices from the bags will not work: they contain too much sugar and preservatives. In addition, you should continue to drink clean, non-carbonated and unsweetened water.

During the first day you need to introduce small amounts of fruits, natural juices (apple, grapes, pears, etc.) into the diet. On the second day, add vegetable soup, on the third - chicken stock. Over the next week, you can gradually introduce larger quantities of vegetables, preferably boiled, steam, in the extreme case, grill.

In the following days, you should adhere to a healthy diet with a focus on dairy products, vegetables, fruits, fish, eggs, greens.


Watch the video: What Losing Weight Does To Your Body And Brain. The Human Body (June 2024).