Can lactating mothers have cookies? Expert opinion: can eating cookies affect the nursing mother and baby


Young mothers who breastfeed the baby at the same time are faced with a huge number of restrictions, including those that were not even experienced during pregnancy.

Most of the usual food after the birth of a child is banned for a woman, because of the risk of harming the baby’s digestive tract or causing allergies.

And most often the question arises: what kind of cookies can nursing mothers: oatmeal, shortbread, with fillings, coated with glaze, and is it possible at all?

Can lactating mothers have cookies? Pros and cons

To avoid possible problems, the expectant mother, even at the stage of pregnancy, should figure out what can be eaten after childbirth and what cannot.

Cookies, at first glance, are an innocuous sweetness, but how many pluses we can find, so many minuses of this product.

• Cookies - a quick snack available at any time of the day.

Infants spend a lot of time on their hands, often wake up at night, breastfeeding takes hours. Sometimes a woman may not even find time to eat normally during the day. In this case, the cookie becomes an excellent snack. This is convenient, but it also turns out to be a minus - uncontrolled eating of cookies can lead to digestion, a slowdown in metabolism. Cookies are still not able to replace good nutrition, you need to remember this and try to use it only as a one-time snack.

• Cookies are an affordable source of carbohydrates, and carbohydrates provide energy to the body to support life.

If you look, it turns out that cookies contain fast carbohydrates, which cannot saturate the body sufficiently, but lead to weight gain.

• Sweet cookies promote the production of mood-boosting hormones.

This is important in conditions of stress, lack of sleep and general weakness after childbirth. But here you need to know the measure, because sweets can easily cause allergies in the newborn.

Knowing all the pros and cons of cookies, a nursing mother can try to introduce it into the diet, but you need to do this carefully and carefully monitor the baby's behavior in order to notice in time if there is a bloating or an allergic reaction.

What kind of cookies and how much can nursing mothers eat?

When choosing cookies, you first need to pay attention to the composition of the product. So, you should leave the purchase on a store shelf, if it contains:

• dyes;

• margarine;

• chocolate;

• jam;

• any additives E.

All of these components can lead to allergies in infants. If you use cookies during breastfeeding, you need to try to get the maximum benefit for the body from it, or at least not harm it. The safest types of cookies that nursing mothers can have are:

• biscuit;

• Maria cookies;

• oatmeal;

• drying and felting;

• crackers.

In addition to an allergic reaction, a large amount of even not sweet baked goods in the mother’s diet can cause the baby’s stomach problems and lead to irregular stools. A serving of cookies depends on the individual reaction of the baby and his age:

• immediately after delivery even unsweetened varieties should be excluded;

• by the end of the second week, if the baby does not bother anything, you can try 1-2 pieces of dry or oatmeal cookies;

• by 1-1.5 months of the child, the mother can eat 5-6 pieces of unsweetened cookies;

• from 3 months you can try sweet varieties, but limit consumption to the same 5-6 pieces. Cookies with icing and artificial nutritional supplements should be excluded for the entire period of breastfeeding.

How can I replace cookies with a nursing mother?

Breastfeeding lasts at least a year. For such a long time it is difficult to limit yourself, especially if the nursing mother was a sweet tooth before childbirth. For this period, you can replace cookies with no less tasty and much more healthy products.

Cheesecakes in the oven. For their preparation, butter is not at all necessary, cheesecakes consist of cottage cheese, flour and eggs. In fact, this is a protein, not a carbohydrate treat. To diversify their appearance and add taste and benefits, some mothers have adapted to add vegetables, fruits or juice to them. Carrot cheesecakes have a sweetish taste and a beautiful crust, with beetroot juice rich in iodine and iron, stuffed with dried fruits tastes better than any cookies.

Homemade Oatmeal Cookies. Nursing mothers can use their favorite homemade cookie recipe, which will only have fresh, proven foods and oatmeal instead of wheat flour. Such cookies replace several spoons of porridge, and is not an empty and useless product. Due to the fact that cookies consist of ground oatmeal, it is rich in healthy fiber, removes toxins from the body and does not harm the child at all.

Oatmeal Pancakes. Another variety of oatmeal and healthy breakfast treats. One big pancake is equal to a portion of porridge and has all its useful properties.

Cornflakes. If you really want to quickly gnaw something, then you can not come up with anything better than corn flakes. They contain only cornmeal, salt and water. Despite the considerable caloric content, such “right” flakes are a source of complex carbohydrates, which means that they will benefit mom and will not affect the quality of milk.

Homemade sweets. Moms whose babies are a little older can afford homemade dried fruit sweets for tea. They consist of twisted raisins, dried apricots and nuts, the resulting mass is divided into balls and dipped in cocoa. If none of these components individually provoked an allergy in the child, then the mother can eat such sweets without fear for the health of the baby. Again, you should remember about the measure, not more than 4-5 small balls per day.

How to choose a store oatmeal cookie that you can nursing mothers?

Oatmeal cookies are perhaps the only ones that actually benefit health.

The composition of oatmeal cookies according to GOST approved is very strict:

• premium wheat flour;

• oat flour;

• butter;

• vanillin;

• cinnamon;

• malt.

Such cookies help cleanse the intestines and improve the digestion of women, removes cholesterol, improving the quality of blood vessels and facilitating the work of the heart, does not contain sugar and does not cause an allergic reaction in babies.

In addition, such cookies contain less so-called "empty" calories and give the mother's body good energy, including for the production of milk.

From all this we conclude that it is oatmeal cookies that can be eaten by nursing mothers from the first weeks of the baby's life. You only need to choose the composition that is baked according to the standard.


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