Stomach ache, what to do at home - is it possible to get rid of stomach pain with folk remedies?


We constantly ruin our stomach, firstly by eating sweet and fatty foods, eating irregularly, and secondly, we experience many negative emotions and have bad habits.

It is not at all surprising that many complain of severe pain in the stomach.

But how to help yourself?

Stomach ache, what to do at home: reasons

Almost every person has experienced such unpleasant sensations as stomach pain. However, not all symptoms of pain indicate overeating: in most cases, they speak of the development of a disease. That is why if the pain is chronic, you need to contact a medical institution and identify the cause.

The main cause of stomach pain is gastritis.

If a person feels severe pain in the stomach, then many reasons for its development can be identified. The most common disease is gastritis. There are several types of it:

1. Bacterial - indicates the multiplication of microorganisms in the stomach, they cause various disorders and pain.

2. Stress gastritis - occurs as a result of severe overwork or frequent stress.

3. Erosion - is the result of eating too salty and spicy foods, drugs.

4. Viral - adversely affects the immune system.

5. Eosinophilic - occurs as a result of an allergy in the body.

6. Atrophic - with the development of such gastritis, the mucous membrane of the stomach becomes thinner and atrophies.

Thus, we can conclude that if your stomach hurts, one of the forms of gastritis can become the cause.

Other causes of stomach pain

Of course, gastritis is not the final diagnosis for pain in the stomach, because pain can indicate the presence of completely different problems:

• viral infections;

• stomach cancer;

• polyps are in the stomach;

• the abdominal cavity was injured;

• a bacterial infection is observed in the stomach;

• appendicitis;

• stomach ulcer.

Be sure to consider the time when the stomach hurts, for example, if the pain occurs immediately after eating, then we can talk about overeating. Such an ailment does not need medical intervention, since it passes on its own after a while.

It is important to note that sometimes the stomach can hurt due to strong muscle tension, which occurs if a person performs unusual physical activities.

It is safe to say that in 90% of cases, stomach pain is associated with any disease. So, for example, an ulcer is characterized by acute pain with some features - if you press on the stomach, it will subside, and when released, on the contrary, it will intensify. In this case, the patient feels the release of cold sweat, his skin turns pale.

Stomach ache, what to do at home: treatment

Unfortunately, it is impossible to choose the right treatment option without establishing an accurate diagnosis. To do this, you will have to consult a gastroenterologist and undergo a series of examinations. The history of the disease, the alleged causes of its occurrence, and a visual examination of the patient are of great importance.

In most cases, there is a relationship between pain in the stomach and the time elapsed since the last meal. So, for example, for gastritis, pain occurs during meals or immediately after a meal. With duodenal ulcer, a sensation of pain occurs after 2-3 hours.

Many patients note that after severe stress or physical exertion, the pain intensifies. In addition, often patients confuse muscle and physiological pain.

That is why it is necessary to eliminate all aggressive foods from your diet, to reduce physical activity. Unloading nutrition must be adhered to for several days, this will help relieve irritation from the mucous membrane.

Exclude the following:

• any carbonated drinks;

• eggs;

• sweet;

• fresh bakery products;

• fruits and berries, but only if they are sour.

Perhaps, after taking such measures, the state of the body will return to normal. It is possible that contrary to the patient's expectations of relief, his condition will only worsen, vomiting, heartburn will occur. In this case, one can judge the presence of serious diseases in the stomach.

Infectious diseases cannot be ruled out. In this case, it is necessary to take antibacterial and antiparasitic drugs.

With the development of gastritis or ulcers, the following drugs are prescribed to patients:

1. Enzymatic, for example, Mezim. Under its influence, the digestion of food will improve, nausea, pain, a feeling of heaviness will disappear.

2. Antacids - maalox, almagel. Each of the drugs has an enveloping effect. Under their influence, the mucous membrane is restored, hydrochloric acid is neutralized.

3. Omez - an anesthetic, relieves nausea, restores the mucous membrane.

4. Antispasmodics - No-shpa, Papaverin. The medicine serves as an ambulance for severe pain.

It is not recommended to take medications on your own, it is first necessary to consult a doctor. But, unfortunately, not always and not everyone has this opportunity, so you can take painkillers to relieve pain.

Stomach ache, what to do at home: folk remedies

Unfortunately, many do not know when the stomach hurts what to do at home and how to relieve pain. In addition to medicines, you can use traditional medicine.

Of course, before starting treatment, you need to know what it will be directed to. However, there are cases when pain in the stomach does not occur often and it is advisable to get rid of it by some gentle methods. There are several effective folk remedies.

Tea with mint

Folk remedy is the most affordable and effective for pain in the stomach. Under the influence of mint tea, unpleasant sensations are removed, the nervous system calms down. If, as a result of pain, a person cannot fall asleep, then mint tea will help calm down and relieve insomnia.

Dandelion Syrup

The drug has been used since ancient times, and it really helps many. You can make syrup according to the following recipe: collect a small amount of dandelions and pass them through a meat grinder, pour the mass that you can, pour sugar. Dilute one spoonful of syrup in 100 ml of water every day and take it, preferably on an empty stomach.

Chamomile tea

Instead of regular tea, chamomile tea is recommended several times a week. Buy a camomile in a pharmacy, take one spoon and fill it with a glass of boiling water, put it on for 10-20 minutes. Drink a small amount of tea prepared three times a day.


You can steam one plant, but it is considered more useful to add a little honey to it. Pass the plantain through a meat grinder, squeeze the juice with gauze. Add to it half a kilogram of honey and put on fire. Stir constantly, cook for about 20 minutes. The resulting product should be taken three times a day for 1-2 tablespoons.

Stomach ache, what to do at home: prevention

In order to pre-prevent the development of diseases, it is necessary to follow a number of simple rules that are more aimed at eating the right food:

1. It is not recommended to eat foods that spoil easily.

2. Carefully read the instructions for medicines, avoid those that adversely affect the stomach.

3. Do not abuse alcohol, it is not forbidden to drink it completely, but you should do it in moderation.

4. Try to drink only warm drinks, whether it is water or something else.

5. Discard too sharp.

Prevention is an important component in treatment. That is why it is so important for the patient to eat right. And it is better to do this often, but in small portions, it is believed that in this way the food is well absorbed.

The treatment of diseases of the stomach is always a particular risk, since against the background of one disease, another may develop. You need to start taking care of your body in advance, and not wait until the situation becomes critical. Thanks to timely treatment, many manage to avoid serious diseases.


Watch the video: Natural Home Remedies For Upset Stomach, Ache And Diarrhea (June 2024).