How much to download a press? How long do you need to pump the press to get the result: how much you can pump the press


A beautiful press in the style of six cubes is the absolute standard of a beautiful body. No matter what anyone says, everyone dreams of him, both men and girls.

The happy owners of such a press always become the center of attention on the beach. Most people look at them with envy and even resentment.

But none of them even guesses what people had to go through to get such a figure.

In this article, we’ll just talk about what you will have to go through if you want to see the desired cubes on your stomach.

What needs to be done for the press to appear

It should immediately be said here that there is no and cannot be any secret method in this matter. To get something, you need to try hard - everything is the same here, with the only difference being that for the press you will have to try harder.

The key to success is to adhere to several basic rules. I think most of you already understand what rules will be discussed, but it is worth highlighting them with the main thesis of this article:

1. Proper diet - no matter how strong your press may be, if it is hiding under the impenetrable strata of fat, it brings absolutely no esthetic value. That is why the first thing to do is to make sure that the press is visible when it appears. A properly composed diet is absolutely necessary if you want to get rid of excess fat.

2. Aerobic exercise - This rule can be correlated with the first. You must change not only the diet, but also your lifestyle. As a rule, full people are lazy people who prefer a sedentary lifestyle and a minimum of activity. For the best fat burning you should follow a proper diet along with regular physical activity. In this case, you can get rid of excess fat twice as fast.

3. Direct training - Of course, just so the press will not appear. Just like any other muscles, you need to work hard on it. But let’s tell you a secret, downloading the press is one of the most tedious activities. If the majority of people begin to love hard training with iron over time, then you will never find fans to shake the press. And therefore, we highlight the fourth rule.

4. Motivation - no matter how stupid it sounds, but you must be motivated to self-change. Do not immediately ask yourself how much to press, because you will immediately begin to think about acquiring the final result, which in many cases leads to abandonment of training. You must force yourself to love the process itself, without thinking about what will come of it.

How much to download a press?

There is no definite figure for how much you can pump up the press. Everything here depends on the physiology of a person, his initial state of the body, as well as on his compliance with the prescribed rules. To begin with, until you are absolutely satisfied with your body, you need to download the press regularly. Another thing is that it is possible, and it needs to be pumped throughout life, so that the muscles are constantly in good shape. But now we are talking specifically about getting the result, so we will not paint this topic.

The approximate time for a not-so-full person to be able to pump up the press is about 3-4 months. We do not take into account various additional techniques, such as massage, the use of special additives or other procedures. Only food, cardio and exercise. During this time, you can easily pump up a beautiful press, or bring your body shape to an acceptable level. It will be a little more difficult for fat people to cope with this, but they will also have a greater charge of motivation. Nothing can bring more pleasure than to see how efforts bear fruit. In addition, the greater the percentage of fat in the body initially, the faster it will go off after the start of training and proper nutrition. So do not despair if you have to spend an extra month or two. The main thing is the result.

How many times a week to download the press

Trainers have no clear answer to this question. On the one hand, the press is the same muscle as the biceps or triceps are. The difference is only in volumes. And therefore, if some people are inclined to believe that the press should be trained in the same way as small muscle groups - that is, 2-3 times a day, then others say that it is better to train it every day.

Our experience suggests that downloading the press per week is no more than 3 times. Why? As stated earlier, the press muscle needs to be given rest, otherwise you will not only not see progress, but, on the contrary, worsen the situation. In addition, this is due to another factor. As rule 4 says, you need to be motivated. That is why it is necessary at least sometimes to interrupt from classes in order to relax not only muscles, but also the nervous system.

If you are interested in how many times a day you need to download the press, then there is a definite answer - you should not do it more than 2 times a day. Some professional athletes perform abdominal exercises twice a day. What it looks like - one hard workout is split into two lighter ones. Thus, the total productivity remains at the same level, but giving such a break to your press, you can be sure that you will execute your program more efficiently. Of course, beginners should not engage in this method. We remind you that this approach is only a whim of some athletes, but not an iron dogma. This method is used by those who feel good about their body and know what exactly, and how to do it. For those who do not quite understand this, it is better to start with the first option - once a day.

Features of training for the press

Even in such a case as pumping up the press, there are subtleties. The point here is that the press can be different - girls basically want to get only a thin waist, with barely noticeable cubes. Guys, on the contrary, most often work precisely on volumetric cubes, the relief of which will be drawn even through clothes. And accordingly, training for these two goals will be different.

If your goal is a volume press, then you need to do a small number of approaches. It is advisable to use additional burdening, as well as to do repetitions slowly, measuredly, and under control. Here everything is the same as during bodybuilding - in order for the muscles to grow, they need to give a load with additional weight, performing repetitions slowly.

Work on a thin waist includes a large number of approaches, about 6-7. During their implementation, you need to try to work for wear, in each approach, performing the maximum number of repetitions. The speed should also be high - to such a level that a characteristic burning sensation appears in the abdominal area.

Abs training should include exercises that are different in principle. What does this mean - conditionally divide the press into three parts: upper, middle and lower. Different exercises have different effects on these areas, and having done a few exercises on the “upper” press, you may not work out other areas at all. In the end, you will notice that some sections of your press will become more traced, while others will not be visible at all.

How long should the training take

In this matter, you can also find a huge number of different opinions. Some say that you need to download it for at least half an hour, others suggest doing five minutes a day. It is optimal to engage in the press for about 15 minutes in one workout. We remind you - the press is a small muscle, and it does not need to give overload. Fifteen minutes in intensive mode can have a much greater effect than if you tried to do exercises for thirty minutes, while observing the technique every other time from fatigue.

The press has one unpleasant feature - it adapts very quickly to the load. Therefore, the emphasis should be placed not so much on increasing the number of repetitions as on the quality of repetitions. Try to perform strictly following the technique. Remember - pain in the area of ​​the press during execution is an undeniable sign that the press is receiving a good load, which will also serve as a wonderful stimulus for growth.

In conclusion, I want to say that, despite the severity of the pumping process, the result is worth the candle. Being the owner of a beautiful press, you will invariably attract the interested attention of the opposite sex, or the envious glances of “fellow soldiers”.


Watch the video: Salt-N-Pepa - Push It Official Video (July 2024).