What to do if jinxed, how to determine the evil eye? Such simple answers to the question of what to do if jinxed


Our ancestors of the evil eye were very afraid.

They considered it one of the most powerful negative effects on the human energy field.

It is from great-grandmothers to the present day unique recipes have come up that can help not only to remove the evil eye, but also protect oneself from it in the future.

Evil eye - the basic information. What to do if jinxed

The evil eye is one of the negative effects on the human body. It is worth noting that no one is safe from him. The worst thing is that they can jinx it and not intentionally. In order to influence a person in this way it is not necessary to perform rituals and cast spells, it is enough to have a heavy look or an "evil eye".

It is worth noting that in everyday life there are often cases when a person himself casts the evil eye. Very often you can hear the phrase "Do not look long in the mirror - you will jinx yourself." And it is true. The mirror surface has the property to reflect the energy of a person, and with close scrutiny, and especially with self-criticism, the evil eye is inevitable.

Most often, children suffer from the evil eye. Their energy field is so weak that it misses almost any effect. Therefore, parents often wonder what to do if they jinxed a child? It is worth noting that it is much easier to carry out preventive measures, and not to remove the evil eye.

How can you determine what the evil eye is on you? It is very simple - in the work, and in all matters, minor troubles begin, which gradually develop into major troubles. Everything is pouring out of my hands, I want to relax, constant anxiety and loved ones begin to turn away from you. There may be a lot of signs, but the main one is a sharp deterioration of affairs. If a child is jinxed, then after meeting with certain people, he begins to behave capriciously and restlessly.

It is worth noting that it is very difficult to defend oneself from domestic negativity. What is household negativity? These are the negative aspects of life that can really poison it. Someone has a lot of them, someone is inclined to negative thoughts and despondency - all this attracts the negative energy of others. As a result, the negative is actively accumulating and the evil eye is even easier to fall on the person, his effect is amplified.

What to do if jinxed? Method 1

If the evil eye is clearly perceptible, or it was possible to diagnose it, it is worth using the ancient method, which helps to answer the question of what to do if the evil eye is. It's about washing away the negative. This is a fairly universal tool that allows you to remove negative programs from the human energy field literally instantly.

The evil eye is not a hard to remove negative, the problem is different - it may not be a single exposure. If jinxed once, this does not mean that the evil eye will no longer lie on the person. Therefore, sometimes you have to repeat the procedure several times.

So - you need to fill the bathroom with warm water, add a few drops of lavender oil or your favorite oil to it, it is also recommended to add holy water, but you can do without it.

Before you plunge into the bathroom - it is worth reading, so that breathing touches the water:

"Water, voditsa, my sister - serve me, you help me

Rinse off the eyeball, sleeplessness, urostitsa, and other evil traces from me. Truly

Read nine times. After that, you need to immerse yourself in water and lie in it in a relaxed state. The most important thing is to prevent negative thoughts. Just relax. When comes complete relaxation - you need to say:

"I plunge into the water, degenerate, wash away all stranger, dashing - I open the roads! Truly"

It is worth diving three times, as well as reading the plot. This technique allows not only to wash away everything dashing, the evil eye, but also to restore the flow of energy inside the body. It is very important. This procedure can be performed not only when things have already begun to decline - it can be used for preventive purposes so that household negativity does not accumulate in the energy field.

It is worth noting that sometimes after a rite a person has a feeling of cleanliness, sleep improves, mood improves - this means that the evil eye has disappeared. And sometimes - a state of weakness, I want to cry, tormented by confusion and disappointment - this means that the impact is repeated and you need to repeat the procedure.

What to do if jinxed? Method 2

What to do if jinxed, but you need to urgently help yourself? You just need to retire to a calm and quiet place. It’s enough to have a small bottle of water with you, preferably clean, not carbonated. We must read Our Father 9 times on water, after that:

"Water created by God, charged with stars, warmed by the sun, dressed in foliage of trees

So you Water-Voditsa wash away the evil eye from me, a poison. Give me strength from dusk to dawn.

Let the dashing things with you flow away, Light Forces help me! Verily!"

You need to read the plot five times and each time you need to wash your face with water, moisten the crown of your head, and wash your hands off your elbow. It is very important that the procedure is successful, and no longer have to wonder what to do if they are jinxed?

What to do if a child is jinxed?

Most often, children fall under the influence of the evil eye. Unfortunately, parents do not immediately sound the alarm when the child begins to act up and cry for no reason, demand extra attention, ceases to obey, do homework. It becomes hard for him to concentrate. Parents attribute all these symptoms to laziness, but in reality - it may turn out to be an evil eye. So what to do if the child is jinxed?

It’s good for a child to make a charm against the evil eye and other negativity that he can carry with him, and he can also be put in a crib. It is great to use these methods when the evil eye has already been removed, but when there is still negative, you need to conduct an evening bathing ceremony. This technique can be used for both infants and older children. It is very important that the parents during the ritual feel calm and not think bad, since all thoughts with water will be transmitted to the child.

To conduct it, you can fill the baby bath with water, or wash the child without filling the bath, the main thing is to get a scoop from which the water will merge onto the top. When everything is ready - I place the child in the bath, wash him as usual before going to bed and after that read on the water that is poured onto the top of the child:

"I wash off, take off, and return back from my child my curses, nauzes and evil eye, not once, a hundred times!

In order not to touch evil more than a slave (Name), he did not swing in a stroller, he didn’t have enough for legs!

And who begins to harden - will come to naught! Truly

Read three, seven, nine times in a row.

The method is wonderful. Helps restore the child’s sleep, gives him peace. Even the parent himself will feel a surge of positive energy after the ritual. It is very important to carry out this ritual as needed. It’s not worth it every day. Older children can use the independent other methods, but this gives the parent the strength of the child.

Any, even the smallest negativity can prevent a person from moving through life, so it is important that there is none at all. Prevention is always better than cure. Internal cleanliness is also important in order to positively resolve all emerging problems and situations.


Watch the video: How to know that someone has done something on you. (June 2024).