Why does the blanket dream: take cover and lie under the blanket, cover the child with a blanket. Key Interpretations: Why Do We Dream of a Blanket


A person in reality seeks to live in coziness and comfort, therefore it is not surprising that in a dream he does his best to improve the quality of his life. Therefore, if in a dream you saw yourself covered with a blanket - nothing surprising. This dream has many interesting interpretations.

What does the blanket dream of - the main interpretation

Sleep is a must for any person. During sleep, the basic functions of the body are restored. But the quality of sleep plays a huge role. It is one thing to sleep on a soft bed, hiding in a warm blanket, it is another thing not to be able to relax fully.

In dreams, a huge role is played by symbols and signs that may seem like a trifle, but actually have a huge weight in a person’s life. In the classical interpretation of dreams, to see in a dream a huge warm blanket - to patronage. The patron will be a confident person, financially independent. Its patronage can promise quick enrichment and promotion.

If in a dream the blanket is crumpled, torn, with spots - in reality, huge losses and a series of disappointments are possible. It is also worth looking at other signs of the dream, as it may indicate a protracted disease. In this case, you do not have to rely on support, you should rely only on your own strengths.

Why dream of hiding with a blanket - the main interpretation

The classic dream book says why dream of taking cover with a blanket - to comprehensive success and recognition. Favorable moments will literally cover you with your head. If the blanket at the beginning of sleep was clean and ironed, and at the end it became dirty and torn, then you should wait for betrayal. It is inevitable.

If you dream of a dream of how you initially took refuge in a dirty and torn blanket, then you have long been unable to realize your plans. They constantly collapse and stop. This situation will continue. If before dreaming of hiding with a blanket you dream that you bought it - in reality you are too worried about empty business, you pay too much attention to empty conversations. Perhaps a sharp deterioration in the emotional and mental state of a person.

To cover a baby with a blanket - such a dream promises the birth of a new union, the birth of ideas in business. If you have covered yourself with a blanket and you are insanely stuffy and hot under it - someone is overly protective of you. If, on the contrary, you feel cool under the covers, then you really do not have enough self-confidence and protection.

Why dream of lying under a blanket hiding behind it? To success and fast profit. If you have long dreamed of a promotion at work, this will happen. If in a dream you are hiding with a baby blanket - it's time to take care of your offspring, give children due attention. For this, now is the right time. If you do not live with your children, such a dream indicates the great possibility of their coming soon. The meeting will be warm and joyful.

If you hide someone in a dream, you are characterized by wastefulness and in reality it will lead to sad consequences. It's not just about financial waste, but also moral. You spend too much energy on solving other people's issues.

Why do I have a blanket according to Miller’s dream book

In Miller’s dream book, rather concise interpretations of dreams about the blanket are given:

• Old, shabby, stained - to betrayal. Even close people can be traitors, so you should be smart and attentive;

• A blanket new - to success, victory, dispute resolution. Also for those who are sick - such a dream promises a speedy recovery;

• If the blanket is too heavy for you and presses hard on you - you are destined to get sick;

• A red blanket - to bloody events in life, to major quarrels;

• If in a dream you carry in your hands not only a blanket, but also a pillow - a serious illness is possible;

• Quilted blanket in a dream - possibly a quick marriage, a meeting with a narrowed one;

• If there are holes in the quilt - love will be one-sided;

• A blanket stained with mud - someone is trying to denigrate you;

• Hide in a blanket - it is bad to stand on your feet, to be afraid of everything and not to allow changes to come into life;

• A wet, or even a wet blanket promises a lack of mutual understanding and support;

• White blanket with lace - only positive changes will occur in life.

If in a dream you pull the blanket over yourself, it is logical to assume that such a dream speaks of your egoism and complex character, perhaps you should reconsider your attitude towards others, otherwise you will lose true friends.

Why dream about a blanket according to Freud’s dream book

If in a dream you pull the blanket over yourself, you will be involved in an autocratic relationship that will not bring you proper pleasure. It is better to immediately refuse to contact a partner who does not value you. Take cover in a dream - you need caress and care. If your partner is cold towards you, talk to him about it, maybe he will change his attitude.

Covering someone with a blanket - you give more in a relationship than you get. It is worth reviewing the roles in them. If you dream that you sleep under a baby blanket - it is worth taking care of future offspring - it's time for him.

If the blanket falls off all the time in a dream, you should be afraid of betrayal and separation. In order for them not to happen, you need to pay more attention to your loved one.

Why do I have a blanket for other dream books

The female dream book says that a dirty, worn blanket in a dream means betrayal and intrigue. A blanket that smells of freshness indicates that everything will work out for you. You will achieve the goal easily, but after that you should not relax - sudden changes in life are possible and you need to be prepared for them.

In the Veles dream book it is saidthat the blanket dreams of ailment, separation. In the esoteric dream book a similar interpretation of the dream is presented. This disease will cover a person with his head and will not give him the opportunity to live fully. You should be wary of influences from outside that will forever change your life.

The Ukrainian dream book says that the blanket dreams of separation. That is, to fall asleep under it - such a dream does not mean building relationships, but their soon completion, collapse. If you hide in a blanket of a stranger, a stranger partner will become your partner. This applies to both personal life and business. Covering the bed with a blanket is a new adventure in love. Such a dream promises a man a new income, a side job.

The moon dream says that it is dreaming that a person will finally decide to bring the old thing to the end. In the dream book of Medea it is said that the blanket dreams of the need to be protected. Why dream of lying under a blanket - to uncertainty, illness. Torn blanket - to poverty and grief. A beautiful or new blanket - things will go up, health will return.

In the dream book of Yu Longo it is said that the blanket in a dream portends:

• First meeting with family members;

• If in a dream you freeze and start to hide behind a blanket - you are too active in reacting to a certain person, and this disturbs him;

• Buying a blanket - to the desire to hide from problems and domestic turmoil. You do not want to face the truth and see all the nuances of your life.

The esoteric dream book says that a thick blanket in a duvet cover or a plain blanket is a dream for diseases with a high temperature. They will be caused more likely by external influence, which it will be difficult for you to avoid. If the blanket is colorful, then the disease will not bring you anything serious. Take cover with a blanket with your head - take cover with happiness and grace, which will be sent from above.

The spring dreambook states what to pull the blanket over yourself - to the soon division of property. It is good to weigh the pros and cons and only then make decisions. In the dream book of A. Meneghetti it is indicated that the blanket symbolizes tender love and emotional affection.

The Assyrian dream book says that a patchwork blanket means that a person’s life consists of trifles that are worth changing, they must be abandoned, otherwise there will be no success.

It is good if the dream that you had wore exceptionally joyful shades, if in a dream you performed only conscientious acts. Then in reality you will receive the maximum from life. But what if the dream was extremely negative? Do not get upset and immediately wait for trouble. Not always a negative experience in a dream is interpreted as something negative in life. Sleep must be interpreted in its entirety, taking into account all the objects and behavior of people in it. It is better to know in advance that something terrible can happen than to regret that you could not take the necessary measures.


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