Lose 5-7 kg fast? Get on a protein diet for 10 days! What do people want to build on a protein diet in 10 days


Protein diet for 10 days is designed for those who want to lose weight quickly. Obesity is not always associated with disease or heredity. Often this is simply a shift in the balance of proteins-fats-carbohydrates in favor of fats and carbohydrates. And most often - only carbohydrates.

Therefore, a protein diet helps restore this balance by temporarily "pumping" the body with a large amount of protein. Since protein is, first of all, the building material for our muscles, a protein diet for 10 days will help not only to get rid of fat, but also to tighten your body.

General principles of nutrition on a protein diet for 10 days

The main point of a protein diet is to temporarily increase your protein intake in your daily diet. This does not mean that you need to eat only meat and completely eliminate fats and carbohydrates, but you still have to temporarily abandon the usual amount of carbohydrates.

This is especially true for simple carbohydrates, which, quickly absorbed, enter the bloodstream. With little physical exertion, they easily turn into fat. Replacing confectionery and bakery products with protein foods, we get the opportunity to lose weight by 5-7 kg in a short time.

Proteins are mainly found in products of animal origin - meat, fish, eggs, dairy products. Of plant foods, nuts that contain the same amount of protein as cottage cheese can be recommended. In order for the protein diet for 10 days to really be the most effective in the fight against excess weight, you need to consume at least 0.8 pure protein per 1 kg of body weight per day.

We need protein as a source of amino acids that are involved in the growth and development of new cells. Without protein, we feel general weakness, increased fatigue and decreased tone. This means that a person whose protein enters the body is less than the norm does not have the strength to work, study, fight infections, and just live.

And also - this is a short way to obesity, as fat instantly accumulates if cakes, pancakes, mayonnaise, cakes and other high-carb foods predominate in the diet. The body can not only not spend all the energy that this food gives us, but also suffers from the fact that you have to constantly maintain blood sugar levels at a constant level.

Food with simple carbohydrates begins to act like a drug, without giving full strength in return. And constantly replenishing its "lack", the body only replenishes the stores of fat. A vicious circle forms. That is why the transition to diet is always stress for the body, which must be envisaged.

But, having overcome the first days, the body begins to gradually get used to life without flour and sweets. A huge plus of a protein diet is that it gives a lot of strength and energy, and does not take it, as in other cases. This allows you to play sports every day without harm to health.

This allows one more indispensable condition to be fulfilled for those who want to quickly lose a few kilograms in a short time: the balance of "assimilation-calorie consumption" should significantly move towards consumption. During the diet, you should move more than before - this is an indispensable condition for a protein diet.

Another condition for following such a diet is to limit the amount of calories consumed. A protein diet for 10 days requires a reduction in their number by about 500 units. Of course, with a decrease in the energy of dishes, the amount of protein in them should increase.

Recommended and Prohibited Products

The main course for ten days will be boiled meat or fish.

It can be lean (without fat) beef, veal, chicken, chicken breast, turkey fillet or breast. It is best to alternate different types of meat. Each species is useful in its own way. In chicken breast (as well as in fillet, which is removed from the breast on an industrial scale), there is a minimum of fat, it is low in calories and is easily digested.

Turkey meat It is considered the leader among different types of dietary meat: it contains one and a half iron, and 2 times more nicotinic acid than chicken meat. Fillet and breast meat are especially useful for a low-calorie protein diet for 10 days, since there are 1.5 times fewer calories than, for example, in legs.

Veal rich in both amino acids and trace elements. Zinc in it is 3 times more than in chicken. For a balanced diet, veal should be eaten boiled, alternating with other types of meat. With such, for example, as beef. It is she who, according to many, is the ideal dietary product. Protein per 100 g of beef - approximately 19 grams.

A fish almost any one will do. It is best steamed, not stewed. Fried foods during the diet should not be eaten. If you do not have enough taste, squeeze a little lemon juice on the fish. The meat can be sprinkled with any herbs: dill, parsley or basil. It has long been noticed that greens can “revive” any boring dish.

Another touch - boiled vegetables. They can be served with boiled meat as a side dish. A variety of different combinations of meat and vegetables will give the diet a festive character. Meat and fish are recommended for lunch and dinner. The food itself should be quite frequent: six times a day, with intervals of about 3 hours between meals. The last time you need to eat is about 19 hours, but no later than 4 hours before bedtime.

Of dairy products you need to give preference to cottage cheese. It has a lot of protein and little fat. Compared, for example, with cheese, in which there is more protein and calcium than in cottage cheese, but a lot (in solid - from 25%) of fat. Curd needs to be learned to eat unsweetened, since sugar interferes with the absorption of calcium. Refined sugar should generally be excluded from the diet. If the body is craving for sweets, then you can eat an apple or pear as a snack.

Eggs you need to eat boiled, you can only consume proteins. Nuts are best eaten in small quantities. The protein contained in them is absorbed by the human body, unlike an animal, much worse. But about 40-50 grams of nuts per day will saturate the body with the necessary trace elements: magnesium, potassium and others.

During protein diet need to drink a lot. You can not drink stewed fruit, jelly, especially purchased juices. It is undesirable to consume coffee and black tea. The exception is green tea, of course unsweetened. You can drink it with different herbs: lemon balm, mint. To diversify drinks, you can drink freshly squeezed grapefruit juice.

Categorically impossible: sweet, flour, pasta, all simple carbohydrates. Also prohibited foods include: sausages, fatty cheeses, mayonnaise, ketchup, butter and everything that contains these products. You need to limit the consumption of fats, vegetable oil for 10 days, you can eat 2-3 tablespoons (in salad or with boiled vegetables).

Approximate menu for a protein diet for 1 day

With a protein diet, you need to correctly emphasize. Complex carbohydrates are best served in the morning. It is recommended to consume them before 14.00. It can be a side dish to boiled meat or fish. These include:

• oatmeal on the water;

• rice, preferably brown;

• buckwheat, cooked until half cooked;

• legumes.

The latest: peas, lentils, beans, also contain vegetable protein. But to abuse them is still not worth it, as it is carbohydrate food.

First meal

200 grams of cottage cheese 9%;

1 boiled egg;

Freshly squeezed grapefruit juice - 0.5 cups.

Second meal

Green tea with mint;

1 egg

50 grams of hard low-fat cheese.

Third meal

Boiled chicken breast 200-300 grams;

boiled beet salad seasoned with vegetable oil;

0.5 servings of buckwheat.

Fourth meal

1 apple

kefir or ryazhenka - 1 cup.

Fifth meal

200 grams of steamed fish;

boiled cauliflower on a side dish.

Sixth meal

A glass of natural yogurt, kefir or fermented baked milk.

If after several days of such a diet you have problems with digestion, you need to eat 5-10 pieces of prunes before meals. Or more often include beets in the menu. Vegetables containing dietary fiber also play the role of a “panicle” in the intestines, helping food to be digested.

Important points

It’s very important to follow a diet meals should be at least 5. And better - 6-7, and, at first, you want to have a bite to eat at the wrong time. This can be done, but on condition that the products are allowed. At least 2 liters of water will need to be drunk per day. This dilutes the blood and helps to eliminate toxins through the kidneys, which is very important for increased protein intake.

Servings should not be small, we have no purpose to remain hungry. But they should not be larger than those that you usually eat, since stretching your stomach is definitely not part of our plans. The serving should be a little smaller than what you usually eat. And the process of losing weight will go by reducing the number of calories and sugar, as well as by increasing the proportion of animal protein.

Salt you can not limit it, its consumption will automatically decrease due to elimination of dishes with a lot of salt: smoked meats, sausages, pickles, etc. Some advise you to completely abandon salt, but this is hardly advisable, since it plays an important role in metabolic processes organism.

From fruit apples or citrus fruits are best, they contain a large amount of vitamins. Do not forget that diet is stress for the body, for the restructuring of its work will require additional strength. Therefore, it will be useful to take a vitamin-mineral complex, at least for the next 10 days.


Watch the video: 6 High Protein Recipes For Weight Loss (June 2024).