Good atmosphere in the house can cure brain abnormalities in children


Scientists have found that the brain of most premature babies reaches the development of their peers closer to adolescence. The main thing is that the brain of such a child in the first days of life should not receive any injuries. In this case, the child’s cognitive abilities will not be impaired. Experts say that an important factor in the development of the child is the situation in the house.

Thus, the developmental lag is not always explained by the fact of prematurity. The specialists examined the cognitive abilities of 145 children (both full-term and premature), whose age exceeded 12 years. Important factors to assess the results of the study were such as the state of the atmosphere in the house at the time of the birth of the child and at the time of his examination.

It turned out that children born on time had a better working memory, as well as higher general intellectual abilities. However, in unfavorable social conditions, the brain of such children suffered greatly. At the same time, premature babies, which for various reasons had weakened brain connections, were safely restored, thanks to a favorable family atmosphere.


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