Why does Jessica Parker eat ice


At the mention of the name "Carrie", supporters of thrillers tickling the nerves remember a girl who forces her thoughts to dance objects, including knives, with which she tormented the body of a sick mother.

And lovers of female films about girlfriends who are burning their lives (woman of fashion, wicked, modest, weird) and sex in big cities will surely think about Carrie Bradshaw. From 1998 to 2004, Bradshaw and her friends experienced a lot of emotions of a sexually romantic nature, the viewers got their share of feelings for the fate of experienced young ladies, and Sarah Jessica Parker (Carrie) was awarded six times with awards, four of which were Golden Globus and two - "Emmy".

Beauty or monster

Sarah Parker has become so beloved by some, as well as by others. Who admires her grace, naturalness, developed maternal feelings, and who can not look at the actress without a shudder, considering that the terrible witch. However, the latter are right in their own way. No, we do not want to say that Jessica is terrible, because all happy women are a priori beauties.

Just Parker is clearly a witch. But how else to explain the fact that the figure of a woman, mature by plastic surgeons, looks so perfect: the absence of cellulite, the breast that does not need support, the thin waist. She even had a woman in her family who took part in the trial of the Salem witches (and not at all in the role of prosecutor or executioner).

Continuing witch family

Sarah is often teased about her appearance, but despite the status of the “most non-sexual woman,” Parker managed to “charm” Robert Downey Jr., Nicolas Cage, Matthew Broderick, the latter of whom became the husband of the actress and the father of their three children. In a word - "witch". Jessica has learned not to be offended by narrow-minded people who pay attention only to the outer shell, and leads quite comfortable life of a woman who successfully combines career and family. The actress always shares these two important aspects. She is bright on the screen and modest in life. Her heroine cuts by expensive cars and seduces men, but in fact Parker loves to walk and is faithful to a single Broderick.

Why women are attracted to ice

As we can see, Jessica is quite an adequate personality. One cannot say that she is able to feed on almost one ice for the sake of keeping fit (in any case, it is written this way). We are not in a hurry to accuse Parker of insanity, because often individuals who quietly grumble icicles are people with iron deficiency. Jessica would eat more seaweed, fish, herbs, poultry. Parker does not refuse cold drinks, and this often gives out a person in whose body there is not enough manganese. Symptoms of its deficiency - early menopause, infertility, premature aging, etc. And what? Converge. After all, her daughters (Tabitha Houj and Marion Loretta Elvel) were bred by a surrogate mother.

With a lack of manganese, Sarah needs to eat nuts, which she does by choosing a diet whose main product is macadamia. This Australian nut contains not only manganese, but also iron. Parker except macadamia eats sea fish, vegetables, fruits, etc. But not because she has a deficiency of some trace elements, just Jessica loves wholesome food. To be honest, the actress is ready to devour a lot, including harmful dishes. "I eat everything that I like, but in moderation," says Parker, "I never spend time preparing food that I don’t want to eat." Parker appreciates not only delicious food, but also friendly meetings. She is even ready to sacrifice for this training. However, usually the actress can manage everything. There is enough time to eat, to chat, and to play sports.

Rules for taking frozen foods

So what's up with the ice? Jessica doesn't eat him anyway. Have you already enjoyed the size of your freezer? Well, do not be discouraged, you still need a freezer, because they say that when Parker wants to lose a few pounds, she begins to eat frozen food. There are no dumplings, which the actress turns out to be very fond of, but fruits and even vegetables. Observing such a diet, you need to adhere to the following rules:

1. Do not eat frozen foods more than 1 time / week.

2. Cool only vegetables, fruits.

3. Supplement the diet except cold "greens" only low-calorie dishes.

4. Pamper the body with useful "freezing" every 2 hours.

Interestingly, by absorbing cold food, we force the body to expend energy on warming it up, thus burning up additional calories.

Maternal feelings of the mysterious Parker

Probably, Jessica strongly believes in the magical power of the cold, because the actress not only loves to eat something chilled, but also considers it unreasonable to walk in sandals in winter. She brings up twins to suit herself: she feeds them with “fruit ice”, encourages girls to eat snow, does not dress them with tights at 4 ° C. The girls do not freeze and do not get sick. Looks like witch genes make themselves known.

Training and personal assistants

Despite the oddities, Sarah Jessica is a disciplined person. She is counting not only on cold and genes, but also attends the gym, where she exhausts herself with workouts. Well, as without them, if the actress does not deny myself fried, pasta, sauces, chocolate. With such nutrition, no genes will be able to make a guarantee of harmony. But that the actress does not like too much, in contrast to the varied, simple food, so it is to drink alcohol uncontrollably. Common sense and the soul of a ballerina do not allow her to get drunk "in the insole" than many celebrities sin.

Some believe that Jessica gives her body too much stress, which is why her figure only deteriorates, becoming less feminine, veins appear on her legs and arms.

But Parker claims that she is not a fanatic - she does as much as she can, eats what she wants as well and does not intend to revise the diet or the training program. "I always listen to the body," Jessica admits. "It itself tells me what and how much I need." Despite some shortcomings there, well-known brands and fashion houses, who admire the sincerity of the actress, are happy to work with Parker.

When Jessica is asked how she manages to be so delightful, she smiles, thanks and reminds that this is not only her merit, but also make-up artists and hairdressers. Parker herself is not strong at restoring beauty. But she has a sense of style, which does not cease to admire even the enemies of the actress, tact - not allowing to behave cryingly, and dignity - Jessica does not betray her own body for the sake of artificial beauty and does not tire of improving it naturally. Parker loves hiking and cycling, runs a lot, practices yoga.


Watch the video: Sarah Jessica Parker Shares Her Healthy Life Habits (June 2024).