Cake "Turtle" with sour cream - indescribable tenderness! "Turtle" cake recipes with sour cream and various additions


Cake tortoise - a delicious dessert that is simple and easy to prepare.

Even novice confectioners will cope with it, let alone experienced housewives.

Cream for turtles can be taken any: custard, condensed milk, butter, creamy, but sour cream is especially successful. It quickly infiltrates cakes, fills with taste, the cake turns out to be very tender and just melting in the mouth.

Cake tortoise with sour cream - general principles of preparation

Classic tortoise cake made from sponge cake. Small cakes are formed from it, which are baked in the oven. Since it takes time to place the donuts on a baking sheet, to secure in the dough ripper is added. You can take a special baking powder or just put out baking soda. You can cook lazy versions of the turtle from cookies or rolls. Recipes can be found below.

Cream made from sour cream. It is advisable to use a thick product with good fat content. But you can take less calorie sour cream and add a special thickener. It is sold in the baking department. Not very much sugar is added to the cream, usually not more than a third of the total mass. For the taste put various fillers.

What can you cook a turtle with:

• with vanilla;

• with cocoa or chocolate;

• fruits and berries;

• nuts.

But design takes a special place. The cake is laid out in the form of a turtle. You can make a head, legs, tail or just lay out only the shell. Top dessert is covered with cream, glaze, sprinkled with nuts, chips, decorated with fruits. It is very important to let the cake stand for at least a few hours. It is impregnated, it will be better to keep the shape when cut.

Recipe 1: Vanilla Turtle Cake with Sour Cream

The basic version of the tortoise cake with sour cream. The dessert is not sugary, the cream is sweet, but with a pleasant acidity. From this amount of ingredients, a fairly large turtle of 10-12 servings is obtained.


• 6 eggs;

• 600 grams of sour cream;

• 1 bag of vanillin;

• 270 grams of flour;

• 450 grams of sugar;

• some oil;

• 80 grams of chocolate;

• 1 sachet of baking powder.


1. Eggs need to be broken into a bowl, add 250 grams of sugar and beat in a lush foam. Weight will increase in size at least 2 times. Take a large cup immediately.

2. Sift the flour and combine with the baking powder. You can sow immediately together.

3. Combine the flour with the egg mixture, gently stir. It is better to do this with a spoon, and not with a mixer.

4. Put parchment on a baking sheet, grease or use silicone mats. Spread small cakes with a spoon. You can put the dough in a bag and squeeze out of it. Between the resulting "pancakes" there should be free space, as they will increase in size when baking.

5. We send the billets to the oven, bake for 5-7 minutes at 180 degrees. Cool down.

6. For cream, beat sour cream with vanilla and sugar.

7. Dip the blanks in a cream and lay on a flat dish in the form of a turtle, not forgetting to make legs, head, cut the tail.

8. Sprinkle the finished cake with grated chocolate, leave 2 small pieces for the eyes. But you can stick and raisins.

Recipe 2: Chocolate Cake Turtle with Sour Cream in Glaze

Both the cream and the cakes for the chocolate cake tortoise with sour cream are prepared on the basis of cocoa. The icing is made from chocolate. The recipe uses sugar-free cocoa powder.


• 6 eggs;

• 1 cup sugar;

• 1 tsp baking powder;

• 1.5 cups flour;

• 2 tablespoons of cocoa.

For cream:

• 700 grams of sour cream;

• 200 grams of sugar;

• 3 tablespoons of cocoa.

For glaze:

• 50 grams of oil;

• 100 grams of chocolate.


1. Combine sugar with eggs, beat. Add flour mixed with cocoa and a cultivator. Mix.

2. Put on the glazed baking sheet cakes and immediately bake until cooked.

3. Combine sour cream with sugar, add cocoa, mix and remove the cream in the refrigerator. Do not worry, if not all the sugar has been dissolved, it will melt in the cake.

4. Dip the cooled cake blanks into a chocolate cream, lay in the form of a tortoise shell. Do not forget to stick the legs and head under the first layer. We remove the assembled cake in the refrigerator for 2 hours, so that it cools well.

5. Cut chocolate into pieces, combine with a piece of butter, melt in a hot water bath.

6. Lubricate the turtle with chocolate and send it to the refrigerator for impregnation.

Recipe 3: Turtle Cake with Sour Cream and Kiwi

Another name for this stunningly beautiful cake is the Emerald Turtle. And all thanks to the bright design of the dessert with pieces of kiwi.


• 400 grams of condensed milk;

• 1 egg;

• 450 grams of flour;

• 1/3 tablespoon of soda.

For cream:

• 700 grams of sour cream;

• 1.5 cups of powder;

• vanilla.

To make an emerald turtle, you need 300 grams of kiwi.


1. Open a can of condensed milk and beat with an egg. Add the sifted flour and soda, which must be repaid with lemon juice or vinegar. Knead the dough. It will turn out cool, under the rolling.

2. We make sausage from the dough and divide into 8 parts. Each should be slightly smaller than the previous one. We roll cakes, also varying in diameter by 1-2 cm from the previous cake. Alternately bake in the oven until golden brown.

3. Cook the usual cream of sour cream and powder, add vanilla for the aroma. If there is a fruit flavor, then you can add it.

4. Lubricate the cakes with cream, forming a sloping hill.

5. We clean the kiwi, cut into circles. We leave one fruit for the head. From the second, cut the legs and tail.

6. Put the shell out of the kiwi circles, put the head and legs to it. We send the cake to soak for 8 hours in a cold place.

Recipe 4: Turtle Cake with Sour Cream and Bananas

Bananas are the best fruit to add to cakes. The pieces will not let the juice, and the tortoise cake with sour cream will not suffer.


• 5 eggs;

• 1 cup sugar;

• 1.3 cups flour;

• 0.5 tsp cultivator;

• 550 grams of sour cream;

• 1 glass of powder;

• 4 bananas.

For glaze:

• 6 tablespoons of milk;

• 70 grams of oil;

• 5 tablespoons of sugar;

• 5 tablespoons of cocoa.


1. Beat the eggs with sugar until lush foam, pour in the flour with the added cultivator.

2. Sediment cakes on a baking sheet from a pastry bag or just a spoon. Bake, cool.

3. While the biscuits are cooling, we make a cream of sour cream with powder, you can add a little vanilla or cinnamon.

4. Peel the bananas from the skins, cut into circles.

5. We collect the cake. To do this, spread the first layer of biscuit cakes, dipping each little thing into a cream. There are bananas on them. Again, tortillas, bananas and so on, do not forget to form a shell.

6. Grease the top of the cake with cream and remove the dessert in the cold so that it freezes a little.

7. Mix cocoa with sugar, add milk and put butter. We put the icing in a water bath and cook until sugar and butter dissolve. Then remove, cool to a slightly warm state and grease the tortoise shell.

Recipe 5: Cake Turtle with Sour Cream from Cookies

A quick recipe for a tortoise cake with sour cream, for which you do not even need to turn on the oven. You can use any cookies: shortbread, biscuit, white or chocolate. But it is better if it will be small in size.


• 500 grams of cookies;

• 700-800 grams of sour cream;

• 250 grams of powder;

• vanillin or cocoa.

For decoration, you can use fruits, chocolate icing, coconut.


1. Beat sour cream with powder and vanilla. If you prepare chocolate cream, then cocoa should be mixed with powdered sugar and then added to sour cream. So we will avoid the appearance of lumps.

2. Take a bowl, preferably a round shape and cover the bottom with cling film.

3. Dip cookies in cream and put in a bowl. We make layers of all cookies and cream.

4. Cover the bowl with another piece of film and remove the cake in the cold, let it soak for 3-4 hours. Better hold it all night.

5. Remove the top film, cover the bowl with a plate and turn the cake over. We remove the film and arrange the dessert to your taste.

Recipe 6: Cake tortoise with sour cream roll

In addition to cookies, cake can be collected from ready-made rolls of small diameter. Since they are already saturated with cream, sour cream will leave quite a bit. If the rolls are cloying, then you can put even less powdered sugar.


• 1 kg of rolls;

• 300 grams of sour cream;

• 120 grams of powder.


1. Cut the rolls into 1 cm pieces.

2. Beat sour cream with powder, add vanilla or any other flavoring.

3. Putting the cake together. Put slices of roll on the bottom of the plate. Lubricate the cooked cream, fill the voids.

4. We put the second layer of rolls, we also coat and collect the entire tortoise shell.

5. Cut the head out of a piece, make the legs, smear with cream. Eyes are made from dried fruits or chocolate. We make the shell to your taste.

Recipe 7: Tortoise Cake with Sour Cream, Nuts and Prunes

Cake with a divine taste and indescribable tenderness. It is prepared on the basis of biscuit cakes.


• 5 eggs;

• 180 grams of sugar;

• 180 grams of flour;

• 1 tsp soda.

In cream:

• 800 grams of sour cream;

• brandy spoon;

• 200 grams of powder.

You will also need 150 grams of nuts and as much prunes.


1. Beat eggs with sugar in the foam, add flour and slaked soda. Knead the dough and put on a baking sheet small crumpets, about 5 cm in diameter. We bake it.

2. Mix with sour cream powder, add cognac and remove the cream in the refrigerator.

3. Soak the prunes with warm water for 15 minutes. Then squeeze and cut into strips.

4. Cut the nuts into pieces, fry in a pan. Divide into 2 parts, leave half to sprinkle the finished cake.

5. We collect the cake according to the classical pattern. That is, dip the cakes in sour cream and put on a dish. Sprinkle each layer with nuts and prune straws.

6. Well grease the tortoise shell on all sides and sprinkle with fried nuts. You can lay out patterns from cut prunes.

Cake tortoise with sour cream - useful tips and tricks

• Sponge cake dough for tortoise cake is not stored. It must be molded immediately after cooking. Otherwise, the cakes will be dense, stiff, with low porosity. If suddenly there is dough left or there is no time to bake the crumpets, just pour into the mold and bake one cake of biscuit. And even easier - use a slow cooker and pace about your business.

• Do you want the cake to play with fun colors? Cover the turtle shell with sugar mastic painted in different colors. And you can just add food coloring just to the cream, designed for the finish. Or draw shell veins with melted chocolate, lay out patterns of chopped fruits, nuts.

• In order for the icing to harden faster and not to melt the sour cream, the cake needs to be well cooled. Never cover a freshly made dessert. Glaze after melting can also be cooled, but not allowed to solidify. The mass must be fluid.


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