Moisturizing Hair Masks - How to Do Them Right


Hair is every woman’s calling card.

Unfortunately, nature did not reward everyone with shiny and thick hair. If you still want to have magnificent and beautiful hair, then you just need to use hair masks.

This is the easiest and most effective hair care product. Masks protect hair from negative influences, heal them and make them attractive.

Under the influence of various adverse factors, they dry out, lose moisture, therefore, they begin to break, split, and look lifeless. Such factors include exposure to sunlight, especially after relaxing on the beach, as well as the use of various styling products that destroy the protective layer and dry hair. Not the best way will affect the condition of the hair and improper nutrition, as well as a lack of vitamins.

Moisturizing and nourishing masks need to be done for all types of hair. Lightened hair is especially dried out and needs to be moisturized at least 1-2 times a week. Oily hair, especially long hair, can be oily only at the roots, and the ends are also dried out. In this case, it is necessary to apply adsorbing masks to the roots, for example, clay masks, and moisturize and nourish the tips. Split ends need masks based on vegetable oil, with the addition of essential oil.

Moisturizing hair masks: professional care or folk recipes?

To answer this question unequivocally is a thankless task. Everything is so individual, it depends on the availability of free time, financial means, the degree of hair damage, general health. Each species has its own advantages. Professional moisturizing hair masks save your time on the preparation of the composition, and home recipes include only natural ingredients. Home moisturizing hair masks are not designed for long-term storage, so you need to prepare a one-time serving before each use. The exception is alcoholic infusions, but they also need to be stored in a cool place.

Different types of moisturizing hair masks - how to apply?

On dry, fat-free scalp, the hair becomes dry and brittle. Moisturizing hair masks with this type of skin usually contain oils, honey and egg yolk. Yolk can also be used to wash hair instead of shampoo. It is whipped into foam, the hair is well washed, and at the same time refreshed and strengthened. This product contains healthy fats and nutrients for the scalp. If the hair quickly becomes oily, then you should not solve this problem by frequent washing. Daily hair washing, on the contrary, stimulates the release of sebum.

The maximum effect of a moisturizing hair mask can be obtained with regular use, at least once every two weeks, and for intensive restoration they need to be done even more often. Wash your head after a mask. To restore hair, dry and brittle masks can be left overnight. It is important to use alternately different formulations, it is more useful and effective. Moisturizing hair masks include the most common products that can be easily obtained at any grocery store or pharmacy.

Moisturizing Hair Masks - Recipes

Gelatin Moisturizing Mask

It consists of a spoon (tablespoon) of gelatin, honey and chamomile flowers (for fair hair) or nettles (for dark). To prepare, you need to brew the grass with boiling water and dissolve the gelatin in this broth. Mix everything with honey. Apply the mask to wet washed hair, rub it into the roots, wrap it with a film, and then insulate. In order for the hair to fit well, you need to rinse off the mask without completely washing off the gelatin.

Such a mask perfectly moisturizes the hair and scalp. Gelatin nourishes the hair with vitality, and is also an effective natural styling product. After applying the mask, you can simulate any styling, it will retain its shape for a long time, and the hair will look more voluminous and thicker.

Moisturizing hair masks with yogurt

Dairy products are a simple and effective way to moisturize your hair. And the best of them is yogurt. It needs to be heated to 37 degrees and applied as much as possible to the hair. Then wrap your hair with a film or permanent paper, insulate. Keep the mask for at least half an hour, and the longer, the better the effect. After washing off, again apply the yogurt on the hair roots and massage them for about five minutes, then saturate.

Moisturizing Hair Masks with Oils

Option 1

Take one teaspoon of vinegar, glycerin and castor oil, as well as an egg. Mix everything thoroughly, distribute through the hair and rub it very well into the hair roots. Insulate and hold for about 40 minutes, then rinse with shampoo. This mask has very strong moisturizing properties.

Option 2

To prepare this moisturizing hair mask, you will need olive or other vegetable oil (2 tablespoons), ten capsules of vitamin A and two capsules of vitamin E. In addition to oils, you need to add three tablespoons of linden honey and yolk. The ingredients to speed up the process can be mixed using a mixer. This mask should be kept on your hair as long as possible, at least half an hour. Rinse it off with baby or other mild shampoo.

Option 3 - Honey Moisturizing Mask

You need to mix an equal amount of castor or other vegetable oil and honey, about three tablespoons. Add the yolk and some lemon juice there. Stir this mass thoroughly and apply liberally to all hair for at least half an hour. After that, rinse your hair well with shampoo.

Moisturizing Egg Mask

To prepare the mask, you need to separate the protein from the yolk and beat it with a mixer to a foamy state. Then add the yolk and mix gently. This mixture should be applied to the hair for about half an hour, then rinse with warm water without shampoo. In addition to moisturizing properties, the egg also has a good cleansing effect.

Moisturizing Hair Masks with Henna

Option 1 - mask with henna and honey

Mix a teaspoon of the following ingredients: colorless henna, brandy and honey, add the yolk and a tablespoon of oil. Apply the mixture to the hair, cover with polyethylene and insulate. Soak for about an hour and rinse with shampoo.

Option 2 - mask with henna and avocado

You need to dilute two tablespoons of henna powder with hot water. Leave the resulting thick mixture to cool. Then add the pulp of avocado, as well as a spoonful of castor oil. Soak on the hair for about an hour, while wrapping it in cellophane and insulating. Wash off with shampoo.


Iris ~ 05/31/2016
Moisturizing Hair Masks with Oils

Option 1

Take one teaspoon of vinegar, glycerin and castor oil, as well as an egg. Mix everything thoroughly, distribute through the hair and rub it very well into the hair roots. Insulate and hold for about 40 minutes, then rinse with shampoo. This mask has very strong moisturizing properties. Question ... what vinegar? how much %?


Watch the video: DIY Hair Strengthening and Moisturizing Mask ! (June 2024).